Stronghold 2

Stronghold 2

Map pack (58 maps) V3.4 (AccusedWeevil)
Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9 pozycji
Aktualizacja: 31 stycznia 2019 o godz. 23:25

Map pack update V3.4

- Added 3 more maps: Resident of passion, Rich forest, Rise to enemy.
- Big fixes for some maps.

Thank You for your good grades and support.

Aktualizacja: 2 stycznia 2019 o godz. 0:48

Map pack update V3.1

- Added 7 more maps: Bridges of mercy, Crab Paradise, Gezellig valley, United Broken Kindoms, Economy Hardcore, Last susurrus, Supplies from above.
- Big fixes for some maps (for 10 maps).
[P.S. if you want me to write on which maps and what I changed specifically, leave your feedback in the comments or suggestions]
- Map "7 vs1!!!"completely rethinking, removed all the buildings (except one player who fights against all), landscape changes, changes in the water, a small balance of resources, added another settlement, added a couple of hidden moves (more precisely, fixed)
- Some changes in discription.
Thank You for your good grades and support.

Aktualizacja: 6 grudnia 2018 o godz. 7:27

Map update V2.5
-Added 3 more maps (Black Lake (Hard), Island Rush, Mind control).
-Some Small fixes for other maps.
-Localization fix.

Thank You for your good grades and support. Happy Future New year :D

Aktualizacja: 8 listopada 2018 o godz. 5:41

Map update V2.2
-Added 3 more maps(Moses war 2.8, Bridges of illness, Fraternal struggle).
-Small fixes for other maps.
-Localization rest of the maps. I strongly recommend that you first remove all previous maps that were in this fashion, and re-download them.

There was a change of name "me", so now the signature on the maps is not realReportersCompany. Thank you for being with me!

Aktualizacja: 8 listopada 2018 o godz. 5:39

Aktualizacja: 8 listopada 2018 o godz. 5:24

Aktualizacja: 11 listopada 2017 o godz. 9:38

Map update

-Added 2 more maps(Island Isolation, LOST).
-Small fixes for other maps.
-Deleted Bug on Finland.

Aktualizacja: 18 października 2017 o godz. 1:11

Map update 2.0
-Added new map "Attack from the Gulf of Finland".
-Large changes in each modified map; removed posts that give honor (to be able to play with 150 gold).

Aktualizacja: 17 października 2017 o godz. 10:10

Map update
-30 more maps for multi- and singleplayer.