Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Break Dance (v0.1 Small Seats Prototype)
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Type: Blueprint
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517.122 KB
2017년 7월 8일 오전 7시 18분
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Break Dance (v0.1 Small Seats Prototype)

This is a work in progress but the primary systems are in place. Do not change the settings of the rotors as they may impair the way this thing works.

It's also my very first upload to the workshop so I have no idea if I set the rights correctly.

How to control remotely from a seat:
= Make sure you own the control seat in the control room
= Sit in any seat of the ride
= Take control of it remotely
= Set up the following buttons to control it:
=== Main Rotor: Decrease speed
=== Main Rotor: Increase speed
=== Rotor Arms (group): Decrease speed
=== Rotor Arms (group): Increase speed
=== Seat Rotors (group): Toggle on/off

For the best performance of the actual real life thing this was based on the Rotor Arms should go at least twice as fast as the Main Rotor (and possibly one extra tick on the rotor arms. -3 on Main = -6/-9 on Rotor Arms, -9 on Main = -18/-21 on Rotor Arms, etc.). Make sure to turn off the Seat Rotors to disengage the brakes on them. Also, in real life the main rotor turns counter-clockwise and the arms clockwise so to not trigger me decrease the speed to minus instead of in the positive :p

Enjoy and feedback is appreciated.