The Lost Mythologies

The Lost Mythologies

72 ratings
How to unlock the achivement!!! 100%
By Rey Ayanami
This guide started as a joke but after seeing how many people are struggling with the achivement and how many actually looked at my "guide" to see how they can get the achivement and after I figured out how to do it myself, I decided that maybe it`s time to actually write it as an actual guide.

Thanks for all your comments and I am really happy that I could helped over 2,600 people in getting this achivement alone!!!
I would have never imagined that this guide will blow up so fast since it`s creation!!!

Thanks again and if me or any other person still finds a way of getting the achivement, please let me know and I will update this guide.
Outdated, doesn't work anymore! Please, try other methods. (Method 1)
1. Open Console on Steam
Steps on how to do that are here:

2. Download the older version of the game
Click on Console and then just paste this:
download_depot 372540 372541 4673839935112621836
Wait for it to finish the download.

3. Download the game
While waiting for the older version to download, simply download the game.

4. Replace the files
After both the "depot" and game has downloaded, simply go to where is the depot (older version of game) localized in your Steam folder (it should be in the Steam folder -> steamapps -> content -> app_372540 -> depot_372541) and copy all those files into the folder where is the game located (Steam -> steamapps -> common -> The Lost Mythologies).

5. Getting the achivement
Just open the game and the achivement will pop-up.
Depot Downloader (Method 2)
The steps you have to do for this method are much better explained in this guide:

As of 14 February 2020, you can no longer download the old depot (version) of the game since through the Steam Console, the new Steam updates won`t allow it..

@pewP3WJK suggested to download the depot through the depot downloader (it's on GitHUB) and to create and run a batch file.

How to create batch file in Windows 10 (and any other Windows version):

Link to the Depot Downloader (link will open straight to the latest release):
Current release at this date (28 August 2023) is 2.5.0

.NET SDK download link:

Please do that as the previous depot that I downloaded is incomplete.

In the future, I may retry to download the depot and reupload it but that's no promise and it's not certain I will do that since it takes quite a while to do so.

@pewP3W's comment:

pewP3W | [JK] 7 apr. 2020 @ 18:42
"The manifest didn't get deleted the new client doesn't support it anymore you can download depotdownloader on github and edit the batch file too:

@echo off
set /p user="Steam username: "
set /p pass="Steam password: "
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 372540 -depot 372541 -manifest 4673839935112621836 -username "%user%" -password "%pass%"

be sure to download the dotnet SDK otherwise you'll get an error."
Launch the game directly (Method 3)
According to @Devkira, you can get the achievement by opening the game through the exe file of the game instead of launching the game through Steam.

To do that, right click on the name of the game in the left panel where the list of your games is located (Library), go to Properties - > Local Files - >
Browse Local Files -> launch the game by double clicking on the exe file.

Or you could click on "My Computer"/"My PC" icon and in the address bar just copy-paste this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common", double click on Lost Mythologies and then double click on the exe file.
Jester_agr 25 Dec, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
First option is working, but you don't need to copy any files.

After download old version of the game, just go to the new folder where is this version:
"Steam\steamapps\content\app_372540\depot_372541", double clic in the exe file, clic in the first option in the game and after some seconds the achievement appear.
Rey Ayanami  [author] 15 Aug, 2022 @ 9:04am 
@Brell Huewit

Happy to hear that, Brell.
Brell Huewit 14 Aug, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
Method 3 was the simplest and worked for me.
Rey Ayanami  [author] 9 Jun, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
"Work" what? It does or it doesn't work?
The Third Man 3 Jun, 2022 @ 10:43pm 
Rey Ayanami  [author] 24 Nov, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
No problem, you're welcome. ^_^
pitris391 22 Nov, 2021 @ 10:46pm 
Thx for the guide
Rey Ayanami  [author] 1 Aug, 2021 @ 3:05pm 
Yeah, right. You got your attention.
For whatever reason you can't get the freaking achievement, now please move on.
Let others comment as well.

This is your last warning.
If I will still find you commenting on my guide, I will block you and if that still won't stop you from commenting, I will close the comments here.

Learn when enough is enough.
❃ Galiäna Krüger ❃ 1 Aug, 2021 @ 9:24am 
yep you are just getting offensive and started insulting me and blame me on doing everything wrong when I follow each step on your guide and the guide you refer to lately.

Learn to control your temper.
Rey Ayanami  [author] 1 Aug, 2021 @ 6:31am 
Now, you can try again, trying to follow close up those instructions in the guide made by @Venez with the Depot Downloader and batch file OR you can move on.
You already wasted plenty of my time.