Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

39 voti
Hotline Miami 2: Title Screen Without Font- Music by Green Kingdom (1080p 60 FPS)
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Type: Video
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Game
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Category: Wallpaper
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681.093 MB
3 giu 2017, ore 23:54
1 nota di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Hotline Miami 2: Title Screen Without Font- Music by Green Kingdom (1080p 60 FPS)

One of the most haunting and mesmerizing menus ever. Used basic mods to take away font and reduce visual noise.

Song is untitled by green Kingdom
Video loop is 5:14 long.
4 commenti
Bondrewd  [autore] 4 mag 2020, ore 11:53 
@Agent G no problem :Owl: enjoy!
Agent G 4 mag 2020, ore 11:41 
@Sovereign of Dawn Okay,it's work now after change 30fps one.Thanks lot.
Bondrewd  [autore] 4 mag 2020, ore 10:51 
@Agent G Sorry for late reply. If this version isnt working I have a smaller file size on my workshop page. Here is the link https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1675252809
Agent G 2 mag 2020, ore 5:23 
The screen stuck when turn on it,what's wrong?