Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

124 ratings
Extended Edition Bonus Campaign Walkthrough
By bunny de fluff
This guide is mainly for the bonus campaign in the Extended Edition of the game. Hope this could become useful to new players.
Version History:
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2019 - minor update from player input (Wyvern)
20 Jul 2017-minor update from player input (iandelor)
02 Jul 2017 -minor update from player input (Zadok)
Rude Awakening
During the interview, choose your teammates that will accompany you later to the Combat Pang's.

When you are free to move, walk west and see two guys trying to break into a building. You could ignore them and keep moving, or talk to them to get a choice of [Strength 7] and [Etiquette: Gang] checks to intimidate them. Failing those you still could bribe them(not recommended) for some info or just walk away. There is no point in attacking them.

Go north to look at the bodies and prepare for a fight. Go west to fight some enemies. Kill them and pick up the [damaged police commlink] from one of the corpses. After the dialogues go west to the junction and go north to see some civilians get murdered. You could choose to do nothing, or attack the police to save the civilians to get [an achievement]. Go around the back of the building to avoid the police. There is a [flashbang grenade] in a dumpster.

When you get out of the alley and go north, you meet some residents. Talk to them for inconsequential dialogues(actually you will get to know their fate later). You then reach Combat Pang's.

When inside the shop, say you represent the Yellow Lotus to get his boss to talk to you. Ask him for the stone and get a choice of [Etiquette: Gang] and [Etiquette: Security] checks. Failing both of those I have to start shooting. Focus fire on Sunny to end the combat quicker. When he is down you get another [Etiquette: Shadowrunner] check. If you fail that the fight continues. After they are dead get the [Jade Cong]. This place is actually a nice bar. Get out the front door to continue. Welcome to the Bonus Campaign

(this campaign is full of grenades throwing enemies so you should really consider getting a Shiawase Magnet Arm cyberware. Another good cyberware for this campaign is the JoltAlert arm because there are a LOT of Shock Baton dude that do -4AP hits. Since grenades become less useful in this campaign, you should consider equipping Is0bel with the Steyr AUG-CSL or a unique rocket pistol we will loot in one of the mission. In this campaign Gobbet can equip all the magic spells you got from the main campaign such as Life Siphon 2 and Strip Armor 3, and can equip the Ares Laser rifle making her even more useful when her skills are in cooldown).
Ikon Tower
This should be the first mission you go to since it is one of the easier job. Before you accept the job from Jomo, explore his dialogue and buy the Ratparty.sim from him to save you some troubles later. After you done that get the mission from him abut rescuing a girl. One thing you should know about the missions in this bonus campaign is that, the enemies will almost always have the magnetic arm and throw back your grenades so the grenades are not very useful now.

Talk to Jomo and choose [Go to Ikon Tower]

Useful Party Memebers: Racter(there is a vent for drone), Is0bel(decking).

You reach the rooftop. Go to the east to walk into an optional drone fight. It is preferable that you run straight to the far east to use the elevator using maybe 2 turns top, but if you feel like fighting then just stay and wipe them out here(just a waste of your hitpoints imo).

When you are inside the building, go further into the corridor and see Lily Lai with a women freelancer Isane Konnair. If you tell her "we don't have to fight" you will get a choice of [Etiquette:Shadowrunner] and [Intelligence:7] checks. Failing those you will have to fight her right there. After she left or died, go take the credstick at the far east corner and then talk to Lily. There is a medkit in one of the room too. Go back to the elevator and find out that you can't go to the rooftop now. You need to use the front entrance at lobby to leave the building. Use the elevator and you get new objective.

Main Objective: [Descend to the Plaza level]
(The code for the locked room on the plaza floor of Ikon Tower is 9900. contributor:shattered fractal)

You come out of the elevator. If you have Gaichu with you, do not talk to the "Irate Resident" near the yellow-marked elevator because they will panic and start shooting. It is preferable that you do not go near the elevator at all. You can talk to the Fu-chi Executive though, and you get to ask him why he is carrying weapon. Turns out he is a shadowrunner looking for a person here. The two of you can work something out. If you have Racter, go further west from the elevator and inside nearest door to your right you can send your drone inside to cause a fire alarm. The fire will cause the guy with the shotgun to move away from the elevator so that you and the fake Fu-chi Executive can try something with the Irate Resident. If you want to persuade Isane Konnair to help you later(if you did not kill her) you should use the Freight elevator instead. If you do not have drone then there is a Matrix jackpoint nearby. There is a technician kind of guy call Francis Chow and if you try to get the door code to the Matrix you meet a choice of [Decking: 5] and [Charisma: 6] checks. Fail those and you get[Strength: 7] check. If you fail that too, the code is 40561, you can just type it in the keypad to get to the Matrix. Use the Matrix to override the Freight elevator to go down. Using the Freight elevator will land you behind the florist, so go east and go into the first door to your right and get the [Force 6 Nature Elemental Fetish]. A bit further down is the "break room" with a jackpoint. Go in to talk to an employee. Say you can fix the teakettle for her(even when you cannot pass the Intelligence check). When inside the Matrix, to the west is the Automated Data Delivery System(I think you can go out the front door with this without fighting, not sure), and to the north is Shadowrunner Dossiers(you can use this to convince Isane Konnair to stop working for Fu-chi later).

After you got out of the shop, there is a tea vendor and a florist you could talk to. But to save yourself the trouble just go use the terminal in the middle of the room and insert the Ratparty.sim(you get an achievement for this). After you went out the front entrance, save(very important).

Two groups of enemy will try to convince you to let them have Lily. Make your choice and have fun! This could be one of the hardest fight in the entire game depending on which side you chose to side with. If you chose to kill them both and succeed you get [an achievement].

Shiawase Research Laboratory
This mission gave me some troubles. Sorry for my broken English. Correct my grammar mistakes if you could be bothered.

Side Mission:Infiltrate the Shiawase Research Laboratory.

Useful Party Members:One Decker for Matrix. Duncan for throwing back grenades. Gobbet for haste and general support.

Talk to Jomo and choose [Go to the underwater research lab]

This mission is very buggy near the end beware. You started out near the sub. After you done talking with Jomo, head to the door and get in the yellow-marked elevator.After you reached a corridor with some sort of science labs at both side, your teammate will tell you there is an unavoidable fight ahead of you. Save and get ready for a fight. After the fight inspect the room to the north.

Using the Lab Computer will tell you about project Silver dream and that they were doing some Chip-based mind control testings on poor SINless people. Go to the southwest door where all the scientist ran to just now. Stepping into the room you see potential enemies ahead of you and there is a lab computer immediately to your character's right side. Use it to get [Medical Closet Code 8236]. After that save and start shooting(why were these guys not alerted by the shootout in the previous room is beyond me). Grab the [High Security Keycard] that was dropped by one of the guard. A new yellow-marked intercom appeared. The Communal Computer has more background info. Use the Cyber Research Terminal to get [Weapons Locker Code 4077]. The door to the southeast leads nowhere for now.

Now use the Telecom. Janet Tang is on the other end. Tell her anything and she will get suspicious and hang up the phone. Go back to the southeast door and use the yellow-marked Tram. Go east and north to input the weapons locker code. Enter and loot [Ares Voltaic Grenade]and [Nemesis Arms Gyrojet Pistol](this weapon works like a pistol rocket and has Incendiary Rounds that set target on fire. when asked wether you want to send this weapon to stash, it is preferable that you click no and drag the pistol to yourself or one of your teammate's weapon slot). Continue southwest and a dialogue will pop up talking about the man-size pods at both sides of you. When you are free to move, save and prepare for a fight. Keep walking and get a call from Janet Tang. After that start shooting.

Enemies are melee fighters. After the fight, Janet Tang talks a bit with you. The door to the west is locked. Then head to the east door and use another yellow-marked tram.

Open the door and see a yellow-marked terminal. Swipe the keycard while Janet Tang trying to scare you again. You will see one door to the northeast and one door to the southeast.

IMPORTANT: There will be some important interactive terminals in the coming area that are not visible to the player at first. After the countdown started they will be visible so look closely for them especially if you want to release the test subjects later. The lab to the northwest will have a terminal you can use to release the test subjects later(optional) but now you can do nothing here. Go into the north door . You can see Janet Tang inside the room beside you. Pay attention to a matrix terminal here. You cannot interact with it yet. You need to use it later to disable drones and unlock hot lab safe to take the virus sample(both optional).

Save your game. Now go to meet Janet Tang and tell her to cooperate. You can ask her about the virus and the test subjects if you want. You can ask her about ways to free the test subjects. Take note that you have to do things in a specific order to release the test subjects successfully. You will learn that Dr Ngai use the sample virus to infect your client. At the end you get to choose wether to kill Janet Tang or not. I chose to kill her (not recommended)and that is for trying to kill me just now little Bxxx. Let her leave, and she will help you in a fight later.

An alarm will sound off and a countdown will start. Enemies will swamp the room. You get new objectives:

Main Objective: [Retrieve the Cure]
Main Objective: [Defeat the hot lab security forces]
Optional: [Override Silver Dream Matrix Interlocks]
Optional: [Disengage Silver Dream Simsense Feed]

IMPORTANT:After the countdown started, you must kill all the enemy in this level(and every other level later) to proceed. If you stole a spirit from an enemy Conjurer with Gobbet, then you must kill that spirit too, even after all the other enemies are dead and the objective shows that Defeat hot lab security force is complete. If you do not kill absolutely everything in here and go back to the normal walking mode(the mode where you can walk without costing AP) then you will be stuck in this mission later after you reach the test subjects' pods.

First of all, use haste on your decker and rush him/her to jack into the matrix that just became visible in the previous room to disable the drones. Now there is a terminal that became visible in the same room where you talked to Janet Tang. It is for the Silver Dream Matrix Interlocks. If you want to release the test subjects(highly recommended), you need to send a person to use this terminal to override the Silver Dream Matrix Interlocks(remember we have to do things in the right order). After the interlocks is overridden, send one person to use the terminal in the far northwest room I mentioned earlier. Choose the option to override simsense feeds, and choose Y to release test subjects. Send the last person to get the yellow-marked cure. Beware of the enemy grenadiers, leave Duncan near to wherever there is more grenadiers if you got Duncan arm upgrade.

The matrix:
The matrix here is a bit easier than the base game. In the split section, the northeast is to the Hot Lab safe control that can let you disengage the hot lab safe to let you get the SAR3 disease sample(for selling). Northwest is the drone control system.

Go to the Drone control system first and hack and disable the enemy drones. Now if you want to get the virus sample from the hot lab safe(it is only for getting an achievement and selling . If you are short of cash and you want the achievement go ahead), go back to the split and go to northeast this time. You will need to fight some ic as soon as you step in. Fighting them cost some turns so be quick. Hack the block ic and unlock the Hot Lab safe. Get out of the Matrix. Get the virus sample from the safe in the same room with Janet Tang and cure. Kill everything and use the yellow-marked thing to go to the previous test pods level.

When you reach the previous test pod level you see some powerful allies(well not so powerful but still) helping you destroy enemies. Kill all enemies and then talk to whoever is standing there. By freeing the test subjects you get more side story not bad. You can now go to the west and find the Medical room to get some medical supplies since it is unlocked. Use the yellow-marked tram.

A dialogue will pop-up and if you got Drone Control 6 or Decking 7 here you can do something about it but I did not so I let Is0bel hack the control. If you fail all those and pull the emergency brake, you will go to a room full of fricking turrets to face a harder ambush fight . If you let Janet leave without killing her she will help you in this fight with the turrets(phewww). Either way when you got out of the tram, save and prepare for a fight.

You meet Commander Garra, asking you to surrender. The fourth choice is "you will not kill anyone if I surrender?" do not choose that because he still shoots at you! Time to kick his ass liar! They throw a lot of grenades. After the fight go back to Jomo and your submarine to wrap this up. When you are almost out of the facility Janet will call you to say she needs the cure too. Agree to give her the leftover cure to get some extra money yum yum. Remember to post and sell the virus sample on the Shadowland BBS using your computer. You will get the money reward immediately unlike in the main game.
The Tiger's Den (Part 1)
Go to Jomo and choose the option [Travel to the Tiger's Den].

Useful Party Members:Is0bel for Decking(gain access to elevator), Racter for Drone vent.

After the dialogue, you get the main objective.

Main Objective: [Find the evidence on Krait]

Talk to Constable Cheung. She gives you VISITOR PASS. After dialogue new objectives were added.

Main Objective: [Gain access to Second Floor]
Optional: [Go to the Security desk]

Go in. Take[Evidence Bag], [Crumpled Note] and the money. Go in further and we get to explore a bit. Do not speak to anyone yet. Go north to the room at your right. Go in the right door to find a book shelf with nuyen. There is an interrogation room opposite this room that you see someone interrogating a suspect and asks you to shut the door.

There is a room near northwest that has a vent. Do not send in your drone yet.

Talk to the Lockup Guard near southwest corner. If you have [Etiquette : Security] or [Charisma:6] then she probably let you in to the holding cells. If you choose to examine her badge you get to give her either the [Evidence Bag] or the [Crumpled Note]. Give her [Evidence Bag] and she lets you in. Raul Cobbs is like a film maker. He gives you the optional objective:

[Find the evidence for the "Business Man"]

(the name of the mission should tell you he is not who he says he is). Nobu Tashiro was a fighter working for Yellow Lotus. He asks for your help but you say no. He threatens you LOL. Rowyn Shoremaker looks like a lunatic. Says he saw another world in the sky. If you ask him to tell you more, you meet a [Etiquette : Gang] check. If you have that, you get to give him an item:Flash. If you have Cram, give him that and he gives you the [Roof Access Code:9304]. If you did not bring any drugs with you, you can get one from the interrogation room later.

Go back to the room with the book shelf and search it again to find the stick that Raul Cobbs wanted. You get to either tear open the bag and stick it into your PDA or just pocket it. It contains horrible images. You can go back to him and extort him if you have [Etiquette : Shadowrunner] which net you 1500 nuyen. If you fail that you will only get 1000. The optional objective is done.

Talk to the HKPF Data Analyst and find out something is wrong with display monitor. If you brought Is0bel, choose second option saying you are helping. If you try to ask her to leave, you will meet [Charisma:7]and [Decking:7] checks. Again if you have Is0bel you can choose third option saying your ace tech will handle it. She leaves, and the jackpoint becomes available.

Go down southwest to talk to Desk Sergeant. He scans your badge. Ask about his name to find out he is not Sergeant Seng. If you tell him that you need to use the elevator to meet Mia in the Admin to go over paperwork, you will meet choice of [Charisma:6] and [Etiquette : Security] checks. If you have either of that you can use it. If you do not, back away from the dialogue peacefully. You complete the optional objective to talk to desk sergeant.

Now about the vent I mentioned previously near the north corner of map. You should save before sending in your drone. If you send in the drone, the guard inside the interrogation room will start fighting you and you have one around 2 turns before he calls for backup, and the entire floor will start shooting at you. If you first stun him with one of the Racter's drone's kneecap melee it will become easier. After he is defeated go inside the room. There is a steel reinforced briefcase. Talk to the suspect you just saved and get the [ Briefcase code 9315]. Use the briefcase and get the drug items Jazz, Cram, and Tokko.

If you cannot access the elevator by talking, then maybe it is time to jack into the Matrix in the northeast corner room. Immediately to your right after you entered the Matrix is the Mail Archive. The entrance to the far east leads to First Floor Camera and Communications Hub. Go there first, and be immediately attacked by some White Ranged ic. Destroy them and hack both blocker ic to the east to get the camera feed and upgrade your visitor badge to gain elevator access. You get [Upgraded Visitor Passes]. Go back to the previous room. Go hack the Mail archive now. You get the [PDA Door Signal] to open Infirmary and armory. Go swipe the card and use the elevator now. You completed Objective: [Gain access to Second Floor].

When you reached second floor go swipe the only usable card reader there to open up a dialogue. Tell him you come to see Mia and he lets you through. Go further inside, and loot medkit. Go inside the evidence room and loot everything. Use the terminal and search for any keyword to find out there is nothing in the computer. Save now. Walk out from there and meet some people. Talk to them.

Turns out it is a betrayal ! The little xxxx! I knew it! After the fight, you learn that Qiu is the other person who dug in your mind in the opening mission of this campaign. You get two objectives.
Main Objective: [Qiu must survive]
Main Objective: [Return to Jomo to escape the station]

Get [Lam's PDS] from the ground. Save now. Use the yellow-marked Command Center Terminal. This following part can be quite confusing to some people so beware. When Qiu says we should clear out of this room, by "this room" she literally mean the room with the Command Center Terminal that she is using right now together with all of you standing beside her. You get to hack into the Matrix with your Decker(in my case I asked Is0bel to do it later). Qiu says there are turrets on either side of the doorway but you need to unlock them first in the Matrix and then get them running using the terminal in the room before they can help. Great.
You get new objectives:

Main Objective: [Get clear of the Command Center before it is sealed]
Main Objective: [Eliminate the SDU reinforcements]
Optional: [Activate the training courses]
Optional: [Jack into the Command Center Matrix]

The countdown will start and you have a few rounds to clear out from the Command Center room(by going out and into the corridor with enemies. Do not go back toward the evidence room ! ).

IMPORTANT: Apparently there is a bug that might cause the combat to never end. If you find yourself stuck in combat even after clearing out everything then try these steps from player "iandelor":

1) Finish in command room and kill everything you can see first. (Get out of south/southwest big doors of command center before timer runs out.)
2) Run a character down to the south/southwest end of the hallway, where you originally entered this map, but leave a few AP, so you can still move.
3) Take a step back north/northeast up the hall to leave room at the very south/southwest end of the hallway.
4) End turn.
This method triggered the last baddie (a troll with a baton, in my runthrough) to enter through the south (southwest) end of the hall. I killed him, then the combat ended.

As soon as the combat starts, use your decker (or Is0bel) to jack into the Matrix in this room(this is optional if you want the turrets. The jackpoint is difficult to see). The armory and infirmary are at both sides. Armory has a lot of goodies including two [Remington 990] shotgun, one [Ares HVAR] rifle, one [Panther Assault Canon] rifle, and a lot of grenades. Take all you need because your decker could take a while clearing the Matrix. Send someone inside the infirmary to loot medical supplies if you want and fill Qiu's item slots up because her inventory is quite empty.

End of part 1.
The Tiger's Den (Part 2)
The Matrix: The Matrix part is quite optional. The far east room leads to Secure Floor Camera Controls and Motor Pool Charging System. Go there, destroy the enemy ic at the far north, hack the blocker ic and get [Motorpool Charging System Password](this password is for the ability to blow up cars later in another map for extra damage to enemies, and to get one of the achievement). Now this is strictly optional as you are running out of time here man! But if you really want the turrets, go back to the previous room. Go west from there into another Matrix room for Training Courses Control Override. Destroy the enemy ic, hack blocker ic to unlock Turret safety and smoke system and get out of the room now(leave no one inside the Command Center room or the mission fails). Go activate the turrets now if you want. After defeating the enemies you get a new Main Objective:

[Get Inspector Qiu to a door panel].

Save now because a fight is imminent. Go use the yellow-marked door panel(or optionally you could use the [Roof Access Code:9304] you got earlier on the stairwell on the opposite side to reach the roof. I missed it because I went straight to the door panel). If you chose to go to the roof you get [an achievement]. You see the mid-mission summary screen. You are in combat.(Optional) Go use the charging system near the left of you. If you did not get the password from the previous map you can use [Drone Control:6] to override it or simply enter password[PowerfulLynx]. Choose Load your pda with Overload Subroutines. What this mean is that you can now make the vehicles in this area explode with clicking them without costing AP to damage enemies. Try to blow them all up to get a [hidden achievement].

After you are done with the Motorpool system move your team south toward yellow marker. Do not stop and fight the enemies as I think they are endless. If enemies hide behind a car, blow it up by clicking it. When you get to the yellow marker, you see the mission summary. Jomo brought you to a wonderful new place!
Tai Po
Before continue, maybe you could go and give this guide a thumb up to rate it up. Thank you.

There will be a lot of tough unavoidable fights in this mission and it is the last mission so prepare thoroughly.

Talk to Jomo and go to Tai Po.

Useful Party Members: Is0bel(Matrix and stealing enemy drones), Racter(stealing enemy drones)

Main Objective: [Get to the Warehouse with Inspector Qiu]
Optional: [Eliminate alerted enemies before they can alert Krait]

There are a lot of stationed enemy groups in different parts of the map. One to the southeast, one to the northeast, two to the North(looks like checkpoints, one group in front of yellow marker warehouse), and one to the southeast(cargo area). The only group of enemies that you need to kill to progress the story is the one in front of the yellow-marked door. You can carefully walk around to avoid fighting all the other groups if you do not want to do the optional quests.

It is recommended to first go damage the power system of the area. From the gate, hug the building just inside the gate to your right, and keep turning right to go behind the building into an alley. It is almost directly to the east of where you started. You will see a panel. If you have Duncan or Racter you can ask them to destroy the lock for you. If you do not then type the code 2324 to get in. Destroy the power system to make it easier to sneak up on enemies.

Now this part is optional. If you want to convince Krait to stand down later, you need to go to the northeast corner of map for an office building. Anytime you see a group of enemy, do not give them the chance to alert the main troops by finishing them off quickly within limited rounds. From the first cross road, go slowly toward southeast and kill off the enemies at the end of the road quickly. Go up north from there hugging the east edge of the map. You will see enemy mages standing guard in front a building. One of the mages in the area will drop [Ares Security Access Card]. Go inside the office. Use the terminal in the room to your right to get [Sub Station Gate Code:2324](the power system you destroyed earlier). You get optional objective [Investigate the sub station]. Go north and enter a room to see a terminal and a Matrix jackpoint there. You cannot use the Executive Terminal yet. There is some interesting file regarding the fate of Krait in there( optional for asking Krait to leave later). You could either unlock it using the Matrix or getting access from a guy next room. Try to gain access from an Ares Worker in the next room first by going to the northwest corner and open the door. You meet an Ares Worker with the choice of [Strength:6]and[Charisma:6] checks. Fail those you would have to kill him. After intimidating him with Strength 6 I got item [Data Stick]. Go back and use the Executive Terminal and the data stick will unlock it for you. If you cannot get the data stick from him and still want to read the file, jack into the Matrix with your decker. You will meet some enemy ic with one of them a black ranged ic that do real damage to you so take it out first. Hack the blocker and read the file. The file in the terminal is the same with the Matrix one so you do not need to do both. Go out and follow the optional light blue objective marker to the south to investigate the Sub Station Gate if you have not destoryed it yet.

Time to clear the cargo area(southwest corner). This area is only needed if you want to steal a big enemy drone later. If you cannot steal the drone(no decker or rigger) you will have the option to overload its battery too. If you do not want the drone you can skip this(the drone is powerful). One of the enemies in the cargo area drops [Logistic Access Card]. There are some medkits in the area for looting. Use the [Logistic Access Card] on one of the train and find a data stick. Ask Is0bel or Racter to take a look at the stick and you get [Prototype Combat Control Module](or simply just pick it up).

After you cleaned the map of enemies(or don't), save the game and use the yellow-marked warehouse. If you kill every hostile unit within limited rounds you will complete the optional objective of not alerting Krait(I do not know what is the difference in both case). After a fight, Qiu will talk some more and you face a choice of [Biotech:6] and [Spellcasting or Conjuring](succeeding in either will result in some flavor text about the aura of Qiu being damaged). Failing both I have to settle for "Try to revive her". After the dialogue you are going to "Deal with Krait". Save your game(this is going to be the toughest fight of the campaign!). Go further inside and pass the forklifts. You enter a much big room with some medical supply crates. Do NOT run up north yet! Walk slowly into the room and stop near the entrance. Pay attention to the four workstations in yellow square. When the fight starts, a kind of very intimidating enemy will come out from the north doors. When that enemy steps inside the yellow area of any workstation, you can use the terminal of any station nearest to you with the [Prototype Combat Control Module] you acquired earlier to gain control of it(you get an achievement for this if you succeed). You need to have either [Decking:7] or [Drone Control:7] for it. If you don't, either ask Is0bel or Racter to use the terminal instead of doing it yourself, or overload its battery to kill it(one less drone to worry about). After a few turns, you will gain control of one of that thing(awesome!). After the enemies died, Krait will walk into the room. You can tell her about her fate now if you read the file from the Ares office. If you happen to have [Etiquette:Shadowrunner], you can convince her to walk away. If she is not convinced, choose the involvement in this is just for money dialogue line to keep trying to convince her and you will meet a [Intelligence:6] check (I can click it with my 2 intelligence i think it's a bug). Finally she agreed to flee and you get an achievement. I reloaded the previous save just so that I could kill her. After Krait is dead, you get a call from Kindly Cheng. Save. Pick up the yellow-marked [Krait Security Card] and Qiu will run up to you. Time to decide how this ends. Have Fun!(If you kill Qiu you will get an chievement)
bunny de fluff  [author] 25 Oct, 2024 @ 9:39pm 
Smellyblackman , welcome to the guide section of this awesome game, it's a shame I can't help you with your question, but I wish you have a great time playing this wonderful game made by harebrained scheme! ( Have a nice weekend by the way)
Smellyblackman 25 Oct, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
Hi, very late to the party, but does anyone know if I do Tiger Run First will I lose access to the bonus missions? I want that badass Gatling gun is why.
bunny de fluff  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 5:28pm 
@shatteted fractal : OK thanks
shattered fractal 19 May, 2022 @ 3:17pm 
The code for the locked room on the plaza floor of Ikon Tower is 9900.
Pan Filuta 19 Jul, 2020 @ 9:29am 
Yeah I know and I was hoping for it, I'm quite burnt out on reading novels after these 2 games haha
bunny de fluff  [author] 19 Jul, 2020 @ 9:27am 
Returns is quite short compared to the other two though, but still good.
Pan Filuta 19 Jul, 2020 @ 9:25am 
I already finished Dragonfall, it became one of my favourite games ever. I keep listening to the soundtrack. Finished HK today (your guide made it easier for sure) and started Returns
bunny de fluff  [author] 19 Jul, 2020 @ 8:09am 
@Pan Filuta:The first two games of this series are quite good too, please give them a try, some might even say that the second game Dragonfall has the best story.
Pan Filuta 19 Jul, 2020 @ 7:08am 
If you get stuck in an infinite loop in the warehouse in Tai Po, press ALT+F1 and write "slaughter 255" to CMD. helped me (I think it was maybe because of the controlled spider tank...). Love these games but goddamn the gamebreaking jank is incredible.
bunny de fluff  [author] 27 Jan, 2019 @ 11:02pm 
ok thanks wyvern, will update it soon