Space Engineers

Space Engineers

29 ratings
MK_2 MECH one of the First fully functional Battlemechs / giant piloted robots, walkers
Type: Blueprint
File Size
611.830 KB
26 Apr, 2017 @ 7:37am
5 Jun, 2017 @ 8:35am
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MK_2 MECH one of the First fully functional Battlemechs / giant piloted robots, walkers

In 1 collection by rellikxxx
7 items
Im glad to say you i made one of those MECH suits which are making from Space Engineers such a good game.
This is the thing wee all dreamed about.
It is up to you to help me start the era of battlemechs and mechwarriors in space engineers, so good hunting and have fun.


arms: 1 2 3 4
walk: 5
run boost: w
jumpjets: 6
steering: mouse

Important thing: dont go to musch under horizonatl line it can cause fall of teh mech.

When you fall you can stand up by using your mouse,
you can cooperate with arms it looks cooler.

Vannila no mods

Some mods i think they match wit this: For immersion - Cockpits Animated, for maximum destruction - ISM mega mod pack

Weapons_ Is up to you what monster will you made.

Now i have 5 ready to go mechs and Mechlab hangar, the arena(coloseum) at development, im to working on dropships and on assault mech.
Its up to you to start the engines of destruction and run with this iron monster to battle.
Have ideas - to comments,

chassis which i upgradet and modify

And yes this is my first thing in workshop, so rate it.

rellikxxx  [author] 15 May, 2017 @ 6:53am 
Major_P0tat0 30 Apr, 2017 @ 5:46am 
this looks nice, its like titanfall crossed with space engineers
MrGar 28 Apr, 2017 @ 5:37am 
rellikxxx  [author] 28 Apr, 2017 @ 5:16am 
So want new mech ?
BlackArmor 28 Apr, 2017 @ 12:05am 
There's no script. My guess is that the gyros on the torso are set to override which is what is keeping the whole thing stable. That means you can't move the torso only because it's basically locked. You would have to build the overridden gyros into the legs if you want to be able to move the torso freely.
rellikxxx  [author] 27 Apr, 2017 @ 11:56pm 
So agreed, B.Armor I just want to ask if you would not mind me about the scripts, where can i get the script which can allows you to steer the torso withhout the chassis? Can you help me with this i can help you with something to.
MrGar 27 Apr, 2017 @ 9:43am 
I have all blueprints except this work
MrGar 27 Apr, 2017 @ 9:11am 
I can't even choose a blueprint with this mech
MrGar 27 Apr, 2017 @ 9:09am 
Try to make a world with this mech, please
rellikxxx  [author] 27 Apr, 2017 @ 8:48am 
Wrex i have prototype with steering torso and arms, but there is glitch, the gyroscopes stop work and you cant steer the whole mech :/