Road Redemption

Road Redemption

44 ratings
Save game editing
This will give a rundown of what I have learned from playing with the Road Redemption save file from the current version of the game.
Find your save file
It should be located in C:\Users\[you logged in username]\My Documents\Road Redemption\Saves\

Alternatively you should be able to go directly to "My Documents" and find the Road Redemption folder.

You can use any text editor to open the file. FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS AND ALL THAT IS SQUISHY MAKE A BACKUP! Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.

Intrestingly, I attempted to generate a new savegame by renaming my previous save as and while a new save was made it seemed to pull it's data from the, this also happens if the file is saved elsewhere. I expect the data is saved to the cloud or a secondary location. I could research it further, but I'm not going to as you can just reset your save data in the options menu. Nevermind, it looks like it is a cloudsave and to get back to square one you have to disable Steam cloudsaves. This shouldn't be an issue for most of you since you aren't trying to wipe out your saves, you are trying to unlock stuff.

As a side note, entering changes into the save file seem to go right up to the cloud without issue.

Additionally, a save file is not generated until you actaully have some gameplay. Finishing a classic mode race seems to do the trick.

Section 1 - Opening lines
So far I haven't seen any benefit to messing with this secion, you can change the "false" entries to "true" but I don't see much reason for that. I havn't messed with missionsSinceLastPlayerChoice or totalMaxHealthReduction values, I expect those are in game data that isn't retained once your campaign is ended. Mine are always 0.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PlayerSave xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<storySegmentsEncounteredProxy />
Section 2 - Missions played
Below is the defult settings for this section. I initially thought this would control what type of missions you would get (zero being the most common, 4 being the least) but now I'm thinking it's just a record of how many times you've had each mission. As of this save I've had no missions.


For comparision, here is the one that I pulled from my active save file, I've beat the campaign once, I did fiddle with some of the KeyValuePairOfTypeOfMissionInt32 but it didn't seem to have an effect:

Secion 3 - Quick Race data
So, as you complete each race it lists your position and time. Here we have something we can play with. If the finish position in a race is 0 then you got gold. You will not get the associated achievement for this but with a complete set you can unlock that crazy fast gold bike. You can tweak the finish time as you see fit.


Now, since I figure you don't want to complete every track to get the key data here it all is for you.

Section 4 - XP cheating
I know, this is what you came for. So this is all pretty straight forward. Below you see the defaults before anything is bought with XP and leveled up:


So what I've done is bumped everything up to 5 that has multipule upgrades. I may have gone too far there but it seems to work. I should try again with 4 and see how that works. If something is just on or off you chanfe the 0 to a 1 or a false to a true. Seems odd to me that they are mixed since it's essentially the same thing. Anyway, here is what I've changed mine to and I appear to be maxed out:

Section 5 - Riders used to beat campaign
So here is default:

<ridersUsedToBeatCampaign />
<ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus />

And here is after I beat campaign with 12 riders:

<ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus />

I did try using the same strings with the <ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus /> and added a </ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus>. It didn't work. Maybe I need to pull that trailing forward slash...I'll test it. What we need is those strings though. If anyone has other ones post them in the comments.

The reason we want this, of course, is to unlock more riders. You need to beat the game a number of times to unlock the riders.

3/8/2022 update:

Per Krull, these are the strings:

<string>9eba2b62-36cf-41ab-aa40-5851dd2bd499</string> - Dr. Hans Volter
<string>6c597860-3c71-4367-bd59-e08f09b89bf2</string> - Leonard Shelby
<string>58143d70-76cc-4f14-a3d4-a40c0fc624c4</string> - Admiral Uganda
<string>ee456c3a-228f-4f19-b6cf-4313002dea14</string> - One armed Freddy
<string>9571e996-c862-4df6-929e-8fb95f8aeb1d</string> - The Barbarian
<string>42d4c07d-b842-40e6-9f12-aafde7503f06</string> - Dutch
<string>71d5f755-76a9-4833-a953-9e4ddafc9d13</string> - Gordon Gekko
<string>b3ab6ef8-8602-48d6-8e2c-ec459f859ead</string> - Nitro Punk
<string>f6400b70-ea0d-494c-ba2e-70e675c559a5</string> - Shovel Knight
<string>af16c1a9-2b7d-4317-8a28-5742bc7775ea</string> - Speedrunner
<string>6c597860-3c71-4367-bd59-e08f09b89bf2</string> - Leonard Shelby
<string>d4df5b37-2e33-4713-897b-a2a584ef4b25</string> - Felicia
<string>9e7deea5-6bab-49c4-93f5-cab4bfa11b4c</string> - David Dunn
<string>c89de770-afaa-41f9-bc0a-683ef081393b</string> - John Spartan
<string>a0fb9bbf-9340-43a0-98c4-623c8ec6fc3a</string> - Jack Traven
<string>b2796153-c3fc-42dc-b4a9-02b9d5e40262</string> - Nathan Algren
<string>8e79618e-9dc9-476d-9c8f-f58a99d9baaa</string> - Motosoldier
<string>7654e21f-220c-4e45-bfaf-3880ddb210ed</string> - Elijah Price
<string>f72d4176-876a-4913-9a8f-3a7485bafcc7</string> - Santa Claus

And here are the same strings without the names so you can copy pasta:


Possibly you can use these in ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus as well but I have not tested it....or any of this really. I haven't played this game in a long time.
Section 6 - killing tutorials
This one is easy, once you see a tutorial the falses are changed to true. Don't want to see tutorials? Make them all true.

Section 7 - TattieBogle and 32bit warnings
Not entirely sure what TattieBogle is, I think it has somethign to do with Mac gamepad drivers.


I'm guessing this is warning people that it's the year 2017 and a 32bit OS is dumb. Just dumb.


You can change these if you want, I have no idea why you would do so.
Section 8 - levelSkipTargetMission
I'm not sure what this does. Default is zero, my active save has it as an 8.


I guess I'll have to mess with this one more. Maybe it will allow you to start on the last level if you put in a 14? I believe there are 15 levels.
Secion 9 - Indexeseses
This is the same on my default and active saves. No idea what it's for.

The End
Thanks to Sammy and Wirdjos for additional reseach!

Don't blame me if you break stuff...You probably shouldn't have been messing with it in the first place ya goof!

I freaking love this game. Best early access ever! Thanks Ian!

DoktorDiesel 20 Jul, 2023 @ 1:33am 
Interesting bit I found out. If you set the value of a perk with multiple upgrades to something like 15, like so: <maxHealthUpRank>15</maxHealthUpRank>, it gives you TONS of health. Apparently, the game uses an algorithm that is based on the value in the file to calculate upgrade bonuses, meaning you can set the values as high as you want if you REALLY want to break the game.
Red Eagle LXIX 6 Aug, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
How-to beat all the characters for Campaign mode fast:
Start the game
Start a campaign
Start the first race
Step on the gas once.
Alt-Tab out of game
Use Task manager to "End Process Tree" on RoadRedemption.
Open you save file and look for the section 'crashRestoreState'
Change crashRestoreState/levelIndex to 19
Change crashRestoreState/playerStates/playerState/playerHealth & playerMaxHealth to 99999
Change crashRestoreState/playerStates/playerState/playerNitro to 9999
Start the game
Select 'Continue Campaign (beta)'
select the driver you want to beat the match with.
Once you start you will immediately be on the Rainbow Road. finish that, get achievement, move to next character and repeat.

Sorry no help for Campaign+ or ++ there.
Red Eagle LXIX 6 Aug, 2022 @ 7:54am 
DJ Skully:

Also, here is a tip, many of the rankded values can go well above their ingame limits of 5 which will start many riders with more health and nitro.
The British Wolf 6 Jun, 2022 @ 7:04am 
Well, my first attempt didn't work but I'm gonna keep trying. Back in 2018, I finished SO much of this game and I was good at it (likely cos I was using a controller, not a bloody keyboard which is beyond weird for me). Issue is, in those four years since then, it's been updated a bunch, the computer I played it on has been wiped due to corruption, and I probably wouldn't have gotten credit for my effort anyway cos it wasn't my copy I was playing on (shared library).

So it's good to see I can edit my save. I REALLY wasn't looking forward to all of that miserable grinding again, especially not with keyboard controls.
Loren Ditrih 28 Feb, 2022 @ 11:43pm 
About CampaignPlus

riders code like Campaing

Add pls in section 5
Krull 11 Jan, 2021 @ 12:15pm 
<string>9eba2b62-36cf-41ab-aa40-5851dd2bd499</string> - Dr. Hans Volter
<string>6c597860-3c71-4367-bd59-e08f09b89bf2</string> - Leonard Shelby
<string>58143d70-76cc-4f14-a3d4-a40c0fc624c4</string> - Admiral Uganda
<string>ee456c3a-228f-4f19-b6cf-4313002dea14</string> - One armed Freddy
<string>9571e996-c862-4df6-929e-8fb95f8aeb1d</string> - The Barbarian
Krull 14 Nov, 2020 @ 11:39am 
Comment was too long. I'll update on the rest if I ever beat the game with them. Btw, same strings work in the <ridersUsedToBeatCampaignPlus>.
Krull 13 Nov, 2020 @ 4:14am 
<string>42d4c07d-b842-40e6-9f12-aafde7503f06</string> - Dutch
<string>71d5f755-76a9-4833-a953-9e4ddafc9d13</string> - Gordon Gekko
<string>b3ab6ef8-8602-48d6-8e2c-ec459f859ead</string> - Nitro Punk
<string>f6400b70-ea0d-494c-ba2e-70e675c559a5</string> - Shovel Knight
<string>af16c1a9-2b7d-4317-8a28-5742bc7775ea</string> - Speedrunner
<string>6c597860-3c71-4367-bd59-e08f09b89bf2</string> - Leonard Shelby
<string>d4df5b37-2e33-4713-897b-a2a584ef4b25</string> - Felicia
<string>9e7deea5-6bab-49c4-93f5-cab4bfa11b4c</string> - David Dunn
<string>c89de770-afaa-41f9-bc0a-683ef081393b</string> - John Spartan
<string>a0fb9bbf-9340-43a0-98c4-623c8ec6fc3a</string> - Jack Traven
<string>b2796153-c3fc-42dc-b4a9-02b9d5e40262</string> - Nathan Algren
<string>8e79618e-9dc9-476d-9c8f-f58a99d9baaa</string> - Motosoldier
<string>7654e21f-220c-4e45-bfaf-3880ddb210ed</string> - Elijah Price
<string>f72d4176-876a-4913-9a8f-3a7485bafcc7</string> - Santa Claus
CL.Yang 23 May, 2020 @ 11:23pm 
vampire9545 17 May, 2020 @ 10:27pm 
Hey, recently independently discovered save file editing. This is still mostly valid, at least 4,5,6.

Also i've edited the section 4 higher, it seems they can be bought inf, but effects may not last past the screen. Still need to experiment

@ece - I believe they're in the order as they are in-game