Zup! 4
54 ratings
Zup! 4: The thirteen Mandarin/Chinese levels
By Redbeard
Some people have been having trouble with the first Mandarin/Chinese level in Zup! 4. So here's how to beat it.
As a bonus, all of the other Mandarin/Chinese levels have been included as well.
(If this guide is useful to you, then please rate it upwards.)

This guide uses a series of screenshots to show you how to beat all of the Mandarin/Chinese levels in "Zup! 4".

I had some trouble solving the first one, and found that other people were having problems with it too. So, I thought I would share my solution with everyone else; and then I added all of the other Mandarin/Chinese levels as well.
The 1st Mandarin level
It's just a matter of timing the shot just right.

1) At the top line of purple blocks, hit the far right red.

2) When the ball starts to drop down from the second line of purple blocks, hit the red at bottom left, so that the yellow block will shoot towards the ball and knock it over onto the green platform.

It took me about 10-15 tries to get it right, so don't expect to beat it on your first try - but if you do, then well done!
The 2nd Mandarin level
Hit the red block at the far top left.
The blue ball will land between the two red blocks in the next clump of blocks; the orange blocks will slowly disappear, allowing the ball to drop down.

When the blue ball starts to drop down, hit the red block underneath the third yellow block (the one at the bottom and furthest to the right).
You have to time it just right.
Too soon, and the ball will get pushed up from whence it came.
Too late, and the ball will drop down.

The 3rd Mandarin level
Let the blue ball roll down the stairs, heading towards the first line of purple blocks.
When the ball has fallen onto the yellow block (wait until it's on the top right side of it), hit the far left red block.
The ball will be propelled onto the second line of purple blocks.

On the second line of purple blocks, hit the far right red block.
Then the ball will be propelled over onto the green platform.
The 4th Mandarin level
Ignore the first line of purple blocks for the moment.
Hit the top red block on the second clump of purple blocks (on the far left); this will send one yellow block to the green platform and another yellow block to the bottom line of purple blocks.
Then hit the top red block on the first line of purple blocks, and the ball will go down to the second bottom line of purple blocks (on the right).

Hit the top red block on the second bottom line of purple blocks (on the right).
The ball will be propelled over onto the bottom line of purple blocks.
Then, on the bottom line of purple blocks, hit the bottom red block.
Then the ball will be propelled over onto the green platform.
The 5th Mandarin level
1) Hit the top grey block, which will then slowly disappear, allowing the ball to drop down to the orange block.
(Do the next bit quickly, because the orange block will start to disappear.)
2) Hit the top left red block, which will explode and propel the yellow block up to the blue ball, knocking it across onto the green platform.
The 6th Mandarin level
1) Hit the red block at the far top left.
The ball will be propelled over to the right, and will come to a stop on the grey blocks.
2) Hit the red block at the far top right, which will explode and propel the yellow block over to the top two lines of purple blocks, where it will fall down the gap, coming to a rest in the gap between the bottom two lines of purple blocks.

Hit the top right grey block, which will then disappear.
Hit the red block at the far right, which will explode and propel the yellow block up to the blue ball, knocking it across onto the right-side bottom line of purple blocks, where it will roll up to, and on, the slanted yellow block, and then roll back to the right, until it falls off the edge and falls onto the green platform.
The 7th Mandarin level
Hit the red block at the bottom of all the red blocks stacked up.
(The blue ball, and a yellow block, will fall to the bottom).
Hit the top grey block, then the bottom grey block (a red block will fall to the bottom).

Hit the red block (the one that fell to the bottom), which will then propel the ball over to the orange block (which will then slowly disappear, allowing the ball to drop down).
Hit the final red block, which will then propel the ball over to the green platform.
The 8th Mandarin level
1) Hit the top red block on the bottom line of purple blocks (this will clear a space for the blue ball to fall into).
2) Hit the middle column of grey blocks, then the right column of grey blocks, making the yellow blocks fall (it seems that hitting the grey blocks quickly better enables the yellow blocks to fall into the best location).

3) Hit the bottom right red block (in the clump of red blocks at the far top left), which will then propel the yellow block at the blue ball, knocking the ball onto the top line of purple blocks, where the ball will knock over the column of yellow blocks and then drop down to the next line of purple blocks.
4) Hit the red block on the second bottom line of purple blocks (on the right), which will then propel a yellow block, thus pushing the ball over to the orange block, which will disappear, enabling the ball to fall down on to the green platform.

The position of the ball when it falls down on to the green platform depends on where the yellow blocks fell when the grey blocks were removed.
The 9th Mandarin level
Hit the red block (second from the top) at the far top left column of red blocks.
Then the ball will be propelled over onto the green platform.
You need to time it right, so that the ball doesn't hit the green blocks moving up and down in the middle of the screen.
The 10th Mandarin level
Hit the middle red block at the far top right.
The blue ball will then drop down (you need to time it so that it misses the moving green block).
When the ball is almost at the green platform, hit the red block at the bottom left, so that a yellow block will be propelled over to the right, knocking the ball onto the green platform.

Alternatively, you can time it so that the ball hits the green block (which then stops moving), halting the green block in the right position, thus enabling the ball to drop down onto the green platform.
Skill or luck?
Definitely skill (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it).
The 11th Mandarin level
Hit either the top right red block or the bottom right red block, which will then propel a yellow block at the three yellow blocks situated on green platform.
The orange blocks will automatically disappear, and the blue ball will drop onto the green platform.

The 12th Mandarin level
Hit the red block (second from the top) at the far top left column of red blocks.
Then the blue ball will be propelled to the right, skimming over the orange blocks, and then landing to the left of the group of red blocks.

Hit the red block at the far left of the bottom line of red blocks, which will then propel a yellow block, thus pushing the ball to the left and over to the green platform.
The 13th Mandarin level
Hit the bottom left red block, which will propel a yellow block at the blue ball, knocking the ball over to the left and into the slanted funnel of purple blocks, which the ball will down, finally falling down on to the green platform.
You need to time it right, so that the ball doesn't hit the green blocks moving across the screen.

The number 13 is felt to be lucky in Chinese culture, so presumably that's why there are 13 Mandarin/Chinese levels.
Sysgen 4 Jan, 2019 @ 3:36pm 
Your guide for the 1st Mandarin level is incorrect and causing much player distress.

Zonked ♿ 30 Mar, 2018 @ 11:57am 
The 1st is fucking stupid and retarded...
Redbeard  [author] 10 Mar, 2018 @ 4:26am 
@76: Which number level can't you pass?
烂片演员 10 Mar, 2018 @ 4:23am 
in the level of "膜",my thought is the same as your's ,but i can't pass it
Wallah 11 Feb, 2018 @ 1:47am 
kon梓 7 Sep, 2017 @ 10:32pm 
Swanny 4 Sep, 2017 @ 5:23am 
Phantom Panther 30 Jun, 2017 @ 9:40pm 
Sure, no problem! I'm often hesitant to post comments, but I made myself because I thought it would be nice to know people are getting use out of it ( as someone else had mentioned as well ). I really appreciate being able to finish the game. I was getting a bit frustrated on the first Mandarin/Chinese level.
Redbeard  [author] 30 Jun, 2017 @ 3:43am 
@ Phantom Panther:
Thanks for your comment. It's good to know that my work was appreciated (makes it worthwhile).
Phantom Panther 29 Jun, 2017 @ 9:20pm 
Thank you for the guide. It helped me out a lot. I was stuck on the first one and was able to pass it because of your guide.