Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

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TQae Ranger's starting Guide
De 花札大統領
this guide is Titan Quest Anniversary Edition's guide.
and ranger's starting guide.
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this is a hack & slash game.
i am not recommend it for beginner.
but It's too early to give up.
because this game is very nice.

はじめのいっぽ hajimenoippo
(take the first step!)
mastery & jobs
there are 9 mastery.
you can choice 2 mastery. you can choice first mastery when you become level2, you can choice second mastery when you become level8.
you did choice Hunting and Nature.

there are 45 jobs.
you did choice Ranger.
Ranger is made from Hunting and Nature.
Nature's skill

you should use pets for close range attack. at that time, you should be long range attack .

healling magic. for you & your pets or friends.

2.Call of the wild.
you can call wolves. wolf become two wolves, when it level7.
you did choice it.

3.Heart of Oak.
you can become up your member's life. and you can up your moving speed.

4.Accelerated Growth.
you can become short time, when you reuse the Regrowth.

this is add the bleeding damage when wolves attack.

enemy become the plague.

7.Sylvan Nymph.
Nymph is attack the enemy.

8.Briar Ward.
the wall of thorn, around you.

Hunting's skill
this skill is attack the enemy, with bow and spear.

a casting net to enemy.

2.Take Down.
dash and powerful strokewith a thrust.

3.Wood Lore.
you can up attack speed and defence.

4.Marksmanship. ( i recommend it!! )
strike the powerful allows.

5.Art of the hunt.
you can up strokewith a thrust damage.

6.Herbal Remedy.
you can up healing speed and poison-resistant.
about skills

you can reset your all skills.
at that moment, you must pay the money to npc.

so let's do more and more up your skills. don't worry about anything.

also, the early stages, i recommend you should up your skills one per one skill.
and you should up all skills.
so that you can try all skills in early.

there are six types items.

1.broken items (gray)
2.normal items (white)
3.magic items (yellow)
4.rare items (green)
5.epic items (blue)
6.legendary items (purple)

broken items are very cheap. legendary items are top class items.

you can choice it's display when you pick up it.

1.display all items ( z key)
2.exept for broken items ( alt key)
3.exept for broken and normal items (x key)

you should sell your not need items when your inventory full.
you can sell your items to town trader.

also, you can buy items to town trader.

i recommend you should pick up upper than magic items when your level.... maybe 10.
at the moment, you should not pick up lower items. because it's a bother.

you can keep your do not use now items.
at the moment you must use town storekeeper.
how to select weapon and armor

1. weapon.
you should select by Damage Per Second(DPS).
DPS is average damage per second.
you can see it in your character window.

2. armor.
you should select by combined armor.
combined armor is armor class.
you can see it in your character window too.

another option is useful too. but in this game starting, do not worry about it.
how to battle
you can drink the health potion when you receive damage.
at the moment, you should not use mouse.
you should push hot key. because it is quick more than mouse.

1.health potion is 9 key. (default)
2.magic potion is 0 key. (default)
you can change hot key free in game option.

you can use other skills same it.

you should quick drink potion when you receive damage.
you should do your health bar ( hit points bar) always full.
you can buy so many health potion when you become.... may be level 10.
because it is very cheap.
just then, you should buy it maybe... 50~100 potions.

and... why did you drink mana potion with health potion?
please drink only health potion when you recieve damage.

also, you should push shift key when you shoot a bow.
because...just give it a try!

Attributes is can not reset. so you must carefully.
i recommend you should pool it when you level up.
and, you should up it when you find your new weapon or armor.

the early stages, you should up it, only for your new weapon and armor.

also, i think you should not more up your Intelligence for a while.
you are ranger. i think that ranger do must up mainly strong and dexterity.

Attributes is automatically up when Mastery level up.

altar, there is a variety of effects when you touch it.
attack power up, experience point up, frozen effects, etc...
i think, there is a specially effective when you battle boss.
Relic and Charm
Relic and Charm is power up item for weapon or armor or accessories.
you can right click it and fit up your weapon or armor or accessories.

it can stack same Relic and Charm.
it is more strong when it stack.
so you should complete it and fit up to item.

Reric and Charm can remove from basic items.
but Reric and Charm or basic items will break.
you can select and get Reric and Charm or basic items.
also, at the time, you must pay the money to npc.

you can make artifact when you level 15.
artifact is very strong.
artifact is made from secret recipe and Relic and Charm and Scroll...and gold.
1. which should be select Hunting or Nature when i level 2?

i think Hunting. because you can quick use bow and spear more to use effectively.

2. i want to sell items when i after battle.

push L key. you will can use town gate. then, you will can sell items in town.

3. i want to use two types weapon.

put on bow or spear in another weapon tab in your character's window.
then, push W key when you want to change weapons.

4. how to trade to my another character?

let's go item keeper in town.
true prologue

you will more like this game when you find more strong items.

it's exactly, hack and slash!!

thank you for your reading!