94 평점
WHAT do you NEED (0.62 works)
K1llKiss 님이 작성
In this guide i will show you what you should always bring with you while traveling through Chernarus
즐겨찾기 해제
  • 1) STONE KNIFE: (to craft it look at a stony ground(as a beach), press F to search a stone and as soon as you find it keep looking at the ground and press F again to sharpen the stone): this knife occupies only one inventory slot and with it you can open cans - cut clothes to obtain rugs - skinning dead animals to obtain pelts and meat.

  • 2) LONG WOODEN STICK: (to craft it look at a tree while holding a knife in your hands, press F and select branch and you will obtain a wooden stick), you can carry the stick on your back and it is very useful: the stick oneshot zombies to the head while keeping you outrange to their attacks - you can cook meat on the stick on a campfire - it is the best melee weapon against players - if you have a rope and you need food you can combine the rope with the stick and craft a fishing rod - if you have a rope and you need a range weapon to kill a zombie/player you can combine the rope with the stick and craft a bow.

  • 3) COOKING POT: you can fill it with a lot of water and keep safe medical items/ammunitions inside (the pot protects the objects inside even if you get hit).

  • 4) EPINEPHRINE(you can find it in light blue infirmaries): the epinephrine is useful to awake an unconcious ally or to set to zero your shock status while you are under enemy fire (to avoid going unconcious due to the shock (when the shock exceeds the blood, therefore you go unconcious)).

  • 5) SPLINT(to craft it combine a rug or a roll of tape with a twig): it is usefull to cure your broken legs in a middle of a fight and survive.

  • 6) MORPHINE(you can find it in light blue infirmaries): the morphine has the same effect of the splint and occupies only one inventory slot (but you can't craft it).

  • 7) SALINE BAG IV(to craft it combine a IV start kit with a incomplete salinebag): it is useful to heal allies.

  • 8) FOOD: to keep yourself healthy that means you will survive at more enemy shots.
  • Carry a BOW(combine long wooden stick + rope/cow guts)-CROSSBOW(it spawns near cars): if you like playing patiently and stealthy.

  • Carry a SHOTGUN(it spawns near cars and in civilian houses): if you like playing in close quarters (keep in mind that shotgun dosen't have bullet penetration (so you can't shoot through doors/bushes)).

  • Carry an ASSAULT RIFLE(it spawns in military locations): if you like playing at close/medium range and you are the rusher of your squad.

  • Carry a SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE(it usually spawns in military locations): if you like playing at medium/long range and having a reliable weapon in all situations.

  • Carry a HUNTING RIFLE(it spawns in civilian houses): if you like playing at long/very long range and to be the main spotter of your squad.

    Always carry a SILENCED PISTOL(it spawns in civilian houses and military locations): to kill zombies quickly/easly/silently and without getting hurt.
If you've come this far and you liked my guide, feel free to Rate it. (add me if you need help)


댓글 38
Ninja Gaijin 2019년 1월 12일 오전 5시 57분 
How do you cook with the cooking pot?
gnome 2017년 12월 31일 오전 6시 19분 
You could be more specific as to what guns do what, because you haven't really detailed what guns are good and what guns are shit. Like, yeah a Sporter 22 is as much of a hunting rifle as the Mosin but the Mosin beats the Sporter 22 by far. Decent otherwise though.
WizKick 2017년 12월 23일 오후 8시 16분 
Good guide
mineshafter21 2017년 3월 16일 오전 10시 42분 
mineshafter21 2017년 3월 3일 오후 1시 35분 
omgaaad are ppl still retarded?
Autumn_ 2017년 2월 10일 오후 1시 13분 
@ScupyS, he's not telling you to carry four guns.
He's saying, take one of these guns depending on what you're going to do.
And ALLWAYS carry a pistol.
ScupyS 2017년 2월 10일 오전 11시 23분 
its not fucking h1z1 for carry 4 guys u can carry rifle sniper rifle and pistol but not fucking 4 guns
Daddy Dingle 2017년 2월 8일 오전 4시 25분 
I mean i appreciate the guide shame it wasnt around when i first started playing but im sure any fresh newbie to the game will appreciate it.
Level_1_Paladin 2017년 2월 6일 오후 7시 46분 
All you need is an chopping axe. Split peoples domes and take their stuff.
Tarkov WIPE! 2017년 2월 6일 오전 6시 29분 
Stones and sticks quite interesting :D