Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

347 人が評価
Roundhouse 2 stalls
3.101 MB
2017年1月19日 12時44分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Roundhouse 2 stalls

All screenshots were taken with Daylight Classic on

A 2 stall roundhouse for the rail enthusiasts! It snaps together for easy placement, which means the first building will need a road connection. The road can be deleted later as the building doesn't need it. No tracks are placed by default as their layout depends on the size of the structure. I used One way train tracks in the screenshots.

This is loosly based the Age of Steam Roundhouse in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Besides my 3 stall roundhouse I also have plans to make a rectangular engine shed. I will also look into making a turnplate and see if I can make it look right.

I have no plans to make an open door version. I'd have to add an inside to the building adding tris and increasing the texture.

Tris: 1342
Texture: 2048x512

Tris: 76
Texture: 256x64

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

Questions, bugs & feedback
Please direct all questions regarding the game, official content and Colossal Order to the official channels:

Copyright 2017 Samantha Woods. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Avanya. If you have a good reason for another version to exist, then message me and we can talk.
9 件のコメント
Avanya  [作成者] 2018年7月14日 2時30分 
@GhostBirdofPrey: It's on my to-do list, I just haven't gotten around to it or found a good way to do it.
GhostBirdofPrey 2018年7月11日 13時19分 
Hey great asset, I love it for making railyards and other industrial rails, but it could really use a matching turntable. Trying to just connect up rail inside makes for a very wonky intersection which I'm pretty sure wouldn't work in real life.
バニラ 2017年2月27日 5時56分 
how do you set one way tracks? i have the asset/mod installed but i dont know how to select one way tracks
DocThor 2017年2月19日 16時04分 
Avanya  [作成者] 2017年1月25日 2時08分 
@Fredval: I'm currently working on an engine shed to match these two. I'd love to do a modular cemetary - it's been on my list for a while now - but I've got a few other things I'll have to finish up first. If you're curious what I'm working on check out my Patreon page - I post updates there regularly and they're totally free to see. ;)
Fredval 2017年1月25日 1時38分 
Super! What are you working at next ? Any plan for a modular cemetary ? I know that you like to do modular things :-)
david.breitenstein 2017年1月23日 13時26分 
wow, really cool :)
DocThor 2017年1月22日 2時22分 
Yes, thank you! This adds so much ambiente.
Rino 2017年1月20日 10時39分 