Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

77 Bewertungen
Aus Corner Pub- All Nations Hotel
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6.866 MB
28. Dez. 2016 um 20:30
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Aus Corner Pub- All Nations Hotel

In 3 Kollektionen von trist14222
Melbourne, Australia Corner Pubs
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A local corner pub in Richmond, Melbourne Australia, this Victorian era pub retains much of it's charm, mainly serving local residents in it's quite backstreet location.

2x2 Landmark will provide Cims with Pints, Parma's and happiness
5 Kommentare
Dave 9. Aug. 2017 um 7:14 
Nope, it's an American-style right-hand-driving city, which makes the pints thing even more mystifying! In fact, an informal survey of all pubs and bars in my city shows that 36% serve beer in pints, but I have to wait till my blood-alcohol level goes down a little before surveying the other 64%.
trist14222  [Autor] 9. Aug. 2017 um 1:40 
@Dave , have you set your city up with left-hand driving? that should fix the pints issue also
Dave 8. Aug. 2017 um 23:30 
This goes great in my city and my cims seem to love it, but your description is inaccurate on one point. For some reason, the bartenders insist on dispensing beer not in pints as you claim, but in metric units only. That's C:S for you, I guess.

(In other ways your description is right on--there seems to be plenty of happiness.) :)
PistonTrent 30. Dez. 2016 um 4:46 
Great work on these!
Captain-No 29. Dez. 2016 um 16:35 
fit well in the -DOWN UNDER- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up :anchor: