The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

78 ratings
Secrets, Cheats and other stuff!
By dunner

If I missed anything, please do not hesitate to leave a comment on the guide or on my profile as to what I forgot.
First of all, you will need to bring up your console. To do this, you press whatever key you have it binded to (default keybind is ` or ~).

Like I said before, all of the cheats states below are from

AdvancePCSkill (skillname) # Add levels to your skills

player.addperk ######## Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A)

Player.modav Dragonsouls # Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.

fov x Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x )

advskill <skill> # Advances the targeted skill by xxx amount

psb All Spells
player.setscale # Change scale of player; 1 is normal

Setownership Changes ownership of target so you can safely take without stealing

SexChange Changes your gender

caqs Complete all Quest Stages

duplicateallitems Duplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID)

COC <location> Fast travel to location, e.g. coc Rivertown

tfc Freeflying camera

player.additem [ItemNumber] # Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a)

help "NPC Name" 4 Gives the ID for the companion or NPC

TGM God mode

player.modav burden # Increase Burden by #

AdvancePCLevel Increase your Level

player.setav speedmult X increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250)

Kill Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first)

killall Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity

help list all commands in console

qqq quits the game instantly

removeallitems Removes all items of selected NPC

markfordelete Removes selected object from your game

resetinventory Reset NPC to original inventory.

resethealth Restores targetted NPC's HP to Full

player.resethealth Restores the player's HP to Full

Resurrect Resurrects targeted dead

saves game with "name of file" savegame [name of file]

help keyword # Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use it.

player.modav carryweight # Set Carry Weight

player.modav fame # Set character's fame.

player.modav infamy # Set character's infamy.

player.setav Health # Set health

player.setcrimegold X Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.

player.setav Magicka # Set Magicka

player.setlevel # Set Player Level

player.setav Stamina # Set Stamina

player.setav *skillname* # Sets skill to # level without leveling character.

setgs fpickpocketmaxchance 100 Sets the maximum percentage for a successful pickpocket to 100%.

setessential <ID> 1 Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essential

setgs fpickpocketminchance 100 Sets the pickpocket success rate to 100% (Does not bypass the maximum set by the game. Use with set maximum pickpocket percentagege for best results).

STR # Sets the refractive value of the target. 0.0= normal, 0.000001= invisible,1.0 = full refraction

showracemenu Show Race Menu

tmm 1/0 Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hide

player.placeatme X Spawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID)

saq starts all quests (Known to break games, pls dont do it unless you have a really good PC or you want to make a new save)

movetoqt teleports you to quest target

coc qasmoke This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash

enableplayercontrols This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled.

TDetect Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)

TAI Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)

tcl Toggle collision

TCAI Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to fight)

tfow Toggle FOW

TG Toggle Grass

tm Toggle menus (HUD)

unlock Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then press enter

Player.IncPCS [Skill Name] Will increase the level of a skill by one.

lock X You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.
Weapon and Armour Codes
All of these codes are from

Also, if you are looking for an item but you don't want to spend too long trying to find it, you can press CTRL + F and then search for the item there. E.G, If i was looking for the Skeleton Key, I would press CTRL + F and type either "Key" or "Skeleton". Hope that helps you in some way or another!

Daedric Items[/b[
00063B27 - Azura's Star

0002ac61 - Savior's Hide

0004E4EE - Dawnbreaker

0004A38F - Ebony Blade

000233E3 - Mace of Molag Bal

000D2846 - Masque of Clavicus Vile

000240D2 - Mehrunes' Razor

0001A332 - Oghma Infinium

0002C37B - Ring of Namira

0001cb36 - Sanguine Rose

0003a070 - Skeleton Key

00035066 - Skull of Corruption

00045f96 - Spellbreaker

0002ACD2 - Volendrung

0002ac6f - Wabbajack

Levelled Items

000f1ac1 - Dragonbane 1-18

000f71cd - Dragonbane 19-26

000f71ce - Dragonbane 27-35

000f71cf - Dragonbane 36-45

000f71d0 - Dragonbane 46+

000ab702 - Gauldur Blackblade 1-11

000f5d1a - Gauldur Blackblade 12-18

000f5d1b - Gauldur Blackblade 19-26

000f5d1c - Gauldur Blackblade 27-36

000f5d1d - Gauldur Blackblade 36+

000a5def - Gauldur Blackbow 1-11

000f5d1f - Gauldur Blackbow 12-18

000f5d20 - Gauldur Blackbow 19-26

000f5d21 - Gauldur Blackbow 27-36

000f5d22 - Gauldur Blackbow 36+

000d37ce - The Pale Blade 1-5

000f5d2a - The Pale Blade 6-11

000f5d2b - The Pale Blade 12-18

000f5d2c - The Pale Blade 19-26

000f5d2d - The Pale Blade 27+

000f8313 - Chillrend 1-10

000f8314 - Chillrend 11-18

000f8315 - Chillrend 19-26

000f8316 - Chillrend 27-35

000f8317 - Chillrend 36-45

000f8318 - Chillrend 46+

0007a917 - Nightingale Blade 1-18

000f6524 - Nightingale Blade 19-26

000f6525 - Nightingale Blade 27-35

000f6526 - Nightingale Blade 36-45

000f6527 - Nightingale Blade 46+

0007e5c3 - Nightingale Bow 1-18

000f6529 - Nightingale Bow 19-26

000f652a - Nightingale Bow 27-35

000f652b - Nightingale Bow 36-45

000f652c - Nightingale Bow 46+

0005db86 - Nightingale Armour 1-18

000fcc0e - Nightingale Armour 19-31

000fcc0f - Nightingale Armour 32+

000fcc0c - Nightingale Boots 1-18

0005db85 - Nightingale Boots 19-31

000fcc0d - Nightingale Boots 32+

0005db87 - Nightingale Gloves 1-18

000fcc10 - Nightingale Gloves 19-31

000fcc11 - Nightingale Gloves 32+

0005db88 - Nightingale Hood 1-18

000fcc13 - Nightingale Hood 19-31

000fcc12 - Nightingale Hood 32+

0009e023 - Shield of Solitude 1-17

0010eb62 - Shield of Solitude 18-24

0010eb64 - Shield of Solitude 25-31

0010eb63 - Shield of Solitude 32-39

0010eb65 - Shield of Solitude 40+

Other Items

0006A13C - Keening

00035369 - Staff of Magnus

000956B5 - Wuuthrad

0010F570 - Archmage Robes

00052794 - Ebony Mail

0002D773 - The Gauldur Amulet

000C891D - The Necromancer's Amulet

0002AC60 - Hircine's Ring

000e41d8 - Shield of Ysgramor

000FC5BF - Targe of the Blooded

0003AEB9 - Blades Sword

000d2afe - Aegisbane

0009ccdc - Blade of Woe

000a4dce - Bloodthorn

000c1989 - Bolar's Oathblade

000ab705 - Bow of the Hunt

0008ffdf - Eduj

00017059 - Firiniel's End

000c0186 - Froki's Bow

00094a2b - Ghostblade

000ae085 - The Longhammer

001019d4 - Notched Pickaxe

0008ffde - Okin

000ae086 - Poacher's Axe

000ab703 - Red Eagle's Blade

0006af63 - Trollsbane

000b994e - Valdyr's Lucky Dagger

0006ea8b - Windshear

000f494e - Ancient Helmet of the Unburned

000c5809 - The Bonds of Matrimony

000c72e8 - Charmed Necklace

000f9904 - Diadem of the Savant

0010a06a - Gloves of the Pugilist

000295f3 - Helm of Yngol

00107e2d - Kyne's Token

00096d9b - Morvath's Boots

0006b218 - Muiri's Ring

00109c11 - Mythic Dawn Robes

00068b83 - Nightweaver's Band

000a4dcd - Predator's Grace

000233d0 - Saarthal Amulet

000f1b33 - Savos Aren's Amulet

00024cff - Silver Blood Family Ring

000f5981 - Tumberlane Gloves

00102019 - The White Phial (Magic Resist)

0010201a - The White Phial (Increase Stamina)

0010201b - The White Phial (Reduces Detection)

0010201c - The White Phial (Increase Magicka)

0010201d - The White Phial (Increase One Handed Damage)

0010201e - The White Phial (Restore Health)

0004D6E7 - Dragon Priest Mask (Hevnoraak)

00100767 - Dragon Priest Mask (Krosis)

00061C8B - Dragon Priest Mask (Morokei)

00061CA5 - Dragon Priest Mask (Nahkriin)

00061CC2 - Dragon Priest Mask (Otar)

00061CC0 - Dragon Priest Mask (Rahgot)

00061CC9 - Dragon Priest Mask (Vokun)

00061CAB - Dragon Priest Mask (Volsung)

00061CD6 - Dragon Priest Mask (Konahrik)

000eafd0 - Armour of the Old Gods

000eafd3 - Boots of the Old Gods

000eafd2 - Gauntlets of the Old Gods

000eafd1 - Helmet of the Old Gods

00108544 - Linwe's Armour

00108543 - Linwe's Boots

00108545 - Linwe's Gloves

00108546 - Linwe's Hood

000D3AC2 - Thieves' Guild Boots

000D3AC3 - Thieves' Guild Armour

000D3AC4 - Thieves' Guild Gloves

000D3AC5 - Thieves' Guild Hood

000e35d7 - Guild Master's Armour

000e35d6 - Guild Master's Boots

000e35d8 - Guild Master's Gloves

000e35d9 - Guild Master's Hood

000d2844 - Shrouded Armour

000d2845 - Shrouded Boots

000d2842 - Shrouded Cowl

0005abc4 - Shrouded Cowl (Maskless)

000d2843 - Shrouded Gloves

000e1f15 - Ancient Shrouded Armour

000e1f14 - Ancient Shrouded Boots

000e1f17 - Ancient Shrouded Cowl

000e1f16 - Ancient Shrouded Gloves

000cee70 - Jester's Boots

000cee6e - Jester's Clothes

000cee74 - Jester's Gloves

000cee72 - Jester's Hat

0006492a - Cicero's Boots

0006492c - Cicero's Clothes

0006492d - Cicero's Gloves

0006492e - Cicero's Hat

Hide Items

00013911 - Hide Armour

00013910 - Hide Boots

00013912 - Hide Bracers

00013913 - Hide Helmet

00013914 - Hide Shield

Leather Items

0003619e - Leather Armour

0001b3a2 - Studded Armour

00013920 - Leather Boots

00013921 - Leather Bracers

00013922 - Leather Helmet

Elven Items

0001399E - Elven Dagger

0001399F - Elven Greatsword

000139A0 - Elven Mace

000139A1 - Elven Sword

0001399C - Elven Battleaxe

0001399D - Elven Bow

000139A2 - Elven Warhammer

0001399B - Elven War Axe

000139BD - Elven Arrow

000896a3 - Elven Armour

0001391a - Elven Boots

0001391c - Elven Gauntlets

0001391d - Elven Helmet

0001391e - Elven Shield

Scaled Items

0001b3a3 - Scaled Armour

0001b39f - Scaled Boots

0001b3a0 - Scaled Bracers

0001b3a1 - Scaled Helmet

Glass Items

000139A3 - Glass War Axe

000139A4 - Glass Battleaxe

000139A5 - Glass Bow

000139A6 - Glass Dagger

000139A7 - Glass Greatsword

000139A8 - Glass Mace

000139A9 - Glass Sword

000139AA - Glass Warhammer

000139BE - Glass Arrow

00013939 - Glass Armour

00013938 - Glass Boots

0001393a - Glass Gauntlets

0001393b - Glass Helmet

0001393c - Glass Shield

Dragonscale Items

0001393e - Dragonscale Armour

0001393d - Dragonscale Boots

0001393f - Dragonscale Gauntlets

00013940 - Dragonscale Helmet

00013941 - Dragonscale Shield

Iron Items

00012EB7 - Iron Sword

00013790 - Iron War Axe

0001397E - Iron Dagger

00013981 - Iron Warhammer

00013982 - Iron Mace

00013988 - Iron Warhammer

0001359D - Iron Greatsword

00012e49 - Iron Armour

00013948 - Banded Iron Armour

00012e4b - Iron Boots

00012e46 - Iron Gauntlets

00012e4d - Iron Helmet

00012eb6 - Iron Shield

0001394b - Banded Iron Shield

Imperial Items

00013841 - Imperial Bow

000135B8 - Imperial Sword

000135BA - Imperial Shield

000f6f23 - Steel Imperial Gauntlets

Steel Items

00013983 - Steel War Axe

00013984 - Steel Battleaxe

00013986 - Steel Dagger

00013987 - Steel Greatsword

00013988 - Steel Mace

00013989 - Steel Sword

0001398A - Steel Warhammer

00013952 - Steel Armour

000f6f22 - Steel Armour (alternate appearance)

000f6f21 - Steel Shin Boots

00013951 - Steel Cuffed Boots

00013953 - Steel Gauntlets

00013954 - Steel Helmet

000f6f24 - Steel Horned Helmet

Misc. Item Codes
All of these are from

Jewels and Gems

Amethyst (00063b46)

Diamond (00063b47)

Emerald (00063b43)

Garnet (00063b45)

Ruby (00063b42)

Sapphire (00063b44)

Flawless Amethyst (0006851e)

Flawless Diamond (0006851f)

Flawless Emerald (00068520)

Flawless Garnet (00068521)

Flawless Ruby (00068522)

Flawless Sapphire (00068523)

Soul Gems

Empty Soul Gems

Petty Soul Gem 0002E4E2

Lesser Soul Gem 0002E4E4

Common Soul Gem 0002E4E6

Greater Soul Gem 0002E4F4

Grand Soul Gem 0002E4FC

Black Soul Gem 0002E500

Wylandriah's Soul Gem 00043E26

Azura's Star 00063B27

The Black Star 00063B29

Treated Soul Gem 00094E40

Filled Soul Gems

Petty Soul Gem 0002E4E3

Lesser Soul Gem 0002E4E5

Common Soul Gem 0002E4F3

Greater Soul Gem 0002E4FB

Grand Soul Gem 0002E4FF

Black Soul Gem 0002E504

Secrets / Easter Eggs
All of the following easter eggs and secrets are from

The Notched Pickaxe
Arguably the most classic of Skyrim secrets, it still deserves a mention for those who haven’t found it. Travel to Skyrim’s highest mountain peak, the Throat of the World, and climb to the top of the summit. Here you’ll find a very special Notched Pickaxe embedded in some malachite ore. This is a callback to the incredibly popular Minecraft, created by none other than Markus “Notch” Persson.

The Infinite Arrow Glitch
This little secret is a must for any archer thief. Find an NPC who often practices his archery against a target dummy, and pickpocket his arrows, replacing them with one arrow of high quality. The NPC will then shoot multiple arrows of that type at the target, letting you gather multiple arrows from the dummy.

Choose Your Own Adventure!
When questing across the land of Skyrim, it’s easy to forgot to stop and read some books now and then. Why not take a comfy break and have an adventure in a book! The book Kolb and the Dragon: A book for Nord Boys, is actually a choose your own adventure styled book. Just pick a path at the end of each page and try to get a good ending, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. No cheating!

The Headless Horseman
One of the more spooky secrets in Skyrim, you can find a Headless Horseman roaming the wilds on his spectral steed. He can be hard to locate, but if you manage to find and follow him to his final destination, you’ll find yourself at Hamvir’s Rest, where along with a number of undead enemies, you can find a coffin with a helmeted skull. Too Spooky For Me.

The Chill (Winterhold's Jail)
The Chill represents one of Skyrim’s more sneakier secrets. It’s location is often missed, as its found almost off the north edge of the map, past the College of Winterhold. This cave is actually a jail for Winterhold, and being mages and all, they went and made a Frost Atronach as a guard. You can actually get sent here by getting arrested by a Winterhold guard, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Even if you escape, you’ll have to contend with three more Frost Atronachs waiting outside.

The Hidden Peaks of Solstheim
These next few secrets can only be found with Skyrim’s final DLC expansion: Dragonborn. The DLC island of Solstheim has much to hide, like the 4 hidden peaks that represent some of the highest points of the island. You won’t even see this location icons on your display until you are nearly at the top of the peaks, and they require a bit of platforming to summit. If you reach the top, you’ll be able to fast travel back at any time for some amazing views.

The Invincible Dragon Glitch
The Dragonborn DLC featured the ability to ride dragons, but what good is a dragon that’s just going to either die or turn on you? If you travel back to the Throat of the World after learning the new shout, you can summon your personal dragon to the ground from where he flies around the peak, and ride him wherever you please through fast traveling. Best of all, he’s an important NPC that can’t be killed, and he won’t turn on you like other tamed dragons.

The Ebony Warrior
If you’ve never heard of the Ebony Warrior, don’t worry. You have to get to level 80 in Skyrim until this guy will show up on your doorstep, asking for one simple request: A duel to the death. This guy isn’t a pushover either: Entirely clad in enchanted ebony armor, he’s got everything from the best weapons to dragon shouts of his own! He’s easily one of the toughest enemies you’ll fight in the game, so don’t feel bad if you want to bring a friend...or a dragon.

The Spider Imbuing Chamber
The Dragonborn DLC also features a little known crafting area known as the Spider Imbuing Chamber. Once you’ve cleared White Ridge Barrow on the island of Solstheim, you’ll find a large crafting device that inputs gems and albino spider pods, and outputs throwable exploding spiders. You heard me. You can customize the effect of the spider with different gems, and stock up on spiders to truly become: Spiderborn.
TS [~MLS~] CelticFrag 16 Jan, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
it's movetoqt (quest ID)-the way you have it looks like you activate it and go
Spor7y 22 May, 2017 @ 9:56pm 
u forgot COC QASMOKE
Tickelishanuz 8 Jan, 2017 @ 6:15am 
can anyone help when you or i put caqs after a bit i am stuck in a place i cant move or anything and its like that all the time even if i reboot the game and pc ?
evil faye 7 Jan, 2017 @ 5:11pm 
This is the best guide I've ever seen. I have seen a LOT of guides, too.
ELF EYES 6 Jan, 2017 @ 10:11am 
this is the cod player.advskill then the name of skill like marksman 9999999 and speachcraft and onehanded and twohanded hope this help's:steamhappy: afet a while need to legendary then repet to get more pirks to level up farther in the tree of outhers
Snow-fox 6 Jan, 2017 @ 8:37am 
Hey, I need some help, How do you advance your skilltree levels? It doesn't seem to work for me.
Tickelishanuz 4 Jan, 2017 @ 3:24pm 
thank you sooo much :D
Noronha! 2 Jan, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
TBigSoul 2 Jan, 2017 @ 2:51pm 
TBigSoul 2 Jan, 2017 @ 12:47pm 
hey is there any way to tp to a marker? movetoqt doesnt work