Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Police Headquarter
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11.487 MB
2016년 9월 21일 오후 2시 44분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

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Police Headquarter

Police Headquarter by Tante Tinnitus

Polys: 1.814

Textur: 2048x2048 a,d,i,n,s
Lod Textur: 256x256 a,d,i,n,s

Area: 7 x 4

Milestone: yes - same as Original Ingame Police Headquarter

Electricity : 80 MW

Constr. Cost: 60.000

Maint. Cost: 10.000

Water Consumption: 30m3

Workers : 100
uneducated 5
educated 25
well educated 40
highly educat. 30

Police Car Count: 25
Jail Capacity: 60

Thx at all other Asset creators for there works - Have Fun with the Asset