Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

36 평점
How to make a name based on your movements
BRO! 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
Here a simple steps how i did the changing names all of time.
즐겨찾기 해제
1. Join to special Steam Groups (I already created for you) Take it here
2. Active Console (Default key is `)
3. Knowledge about Binding, Scripting etc. (Dont worry i'll give you the scripts)
4. Hidden/special character for your steam name (Optional/See below)
5.Rate this guide :)
6.Please Donate if you find its helpfull
Basic Knowledge
How its work in GAME for this guide?
Here is a simple short video for you
You know, the animated names are clan tags/abbreviation steam groups, it isn't your real name or steam nickname. So, you need to create the group then set the abbreviation as you like.
This group abbreviation also not same as group's name and you need the group's ID to bind and make it auto show in game.
But, i've made a few groups for you, what you need is only join to all of the groups to make an animated name in game. Just ask me to join all of my groups to get the IDs.
The groups are listed below also the scripts and keys.
Basic Group IDs
Basic movement scripts

1. I Go Forward - ID 10999993 key W
bind "w" "+forward;cl_clanid 10999993"

2. I Go Back - ID 11000057 key S
bind "s" "+back;cl_clanid 11000057"

3. I Move Right - ID 11000308 key D
bind "d" "+moveright;cl_clanid 11000308"

4. I Move Left - ID 11000323 key A
bind "a" "+moveleft;cl_clanid 11000323"
Advanced Group IDs
Advanced movement scripts

1. Jump - ID 11128123 key SPACE
bind "space" "+jump;cl_clanid 11128123"

2. Crouch - ID 11150958 key CTRL
bind "CTRL" "+duck;cl_clanid 11150958"

3. Walk - ID 11150984 key SHIFT
bind "SHIFT" "+speed;cl_clanid 11150984"

4. Reloading - ID 11256523 key R
bind "r" "+reload;cl_clanid 11256523;needbackup"

5. Drop Weapon - ID 11151628 key G
bind "g" "drop;cl_clanid 11151628"
Expert Group IDs
Expert Action scripts

1. AFK - ID 11135886 key f (Press it manually while buying the gun or if you want to AFK like sh*t)
bind "f" "+right;cl_clanid 11135886"

2. Dead - ID 11135851 key END (Press it manually when you was dead and its also show the scores)
bind "END" "+score;cl_clanid 11135851"

3. Plant The C4 - ID 11187025 key J (Press it manually before set up the C4/bomb)
bind "j" "cl_clanid 11187025;coverme"

4. Defusing C4 - ID 11256475 key L (Press it manually near C4 and it also will defuse C4 without need to press "E" key)
bind "l" "cl_clanid 11256475;coverme"
Bind With Console
Easy way to understand:
There are 2 steps how to bind with console
A. Follow these steps and scripts to binding keys line by line:
1. Open console by pressing ` key
2. Copy first line's script
bind "w" "+forward;cl_clanid 10999993"
3. Paste it to console
4. Hit enter
5. Copy second line's script
6. Paste it to console
7. Hit enter and so on
// basic groups bind "w" "+forward;cl_clanid 10999993" bind "a" "+moveleft;cl_clanid 11000323" bind "s" "+back;cl_clanid 11000057" bind "d" "+moveright;cl_clanid 11000308" // // advanced groups bind "space" "+jump;cl_clanid 11128123" bind "CTRL" "+duck;cl_clanid 11150958" bind "SHIFT" "+speed;cl_clanid 11150984" bind "r" "+reload;cl_clanid 11256523;needbackup" bind "g" "drop;cl_clanid 11151628" // // expert groups bind "f" "+right;cl_clanid 11135886" // AFK bind "END" "+score;cl_clanid 11135851" // to show score tab with script bind "j" "cl_clanid 11187025;coverme" // planting C4 bind "l" "+use;cl_clanid 11256475;coverme" // defusing C4 // // replaced keys by default bind "t" "+lookatweapon" // to replace F key to inspect weapon bind "TAB" "+showscores" // default score tab without script
Note: All texts after this sign "//" will be ignored by console

B. Follow these steps and scripts to bind all keys together
1. Open console by pressing ` key
2. Choose and copy the scripts
3. Paste the scripts to the console
4. Hit enter
5. Repeat the second, 3rd and 4th steps to bind advanced and expert scripts
Basic movement scripts
bind "w" "+forward;cl_clanid 10999993";echo ;bind "a" "+moveleft;cl_clanid 11000323";echo Basic script submitted;bind "s" "+back;cl_clanid 11000057";echo Script by Instagram @NanDur93;bind "d" "+moveright;cl_clanid 11000308"
Advanced movement scripts
bind "space" "+jump;cl_clanid 11128123";echo;bind "CTRL" "+duck;cl_clanid 11150958";bind "SHIFT" "+speed;cl_clanid 11150984";echo Advanced script submitted;bind "r" "+reload;cl_clanid 11256523;needbackup";echo Please RATE;bind "g" "drop;cl_clanid 11151628"
Expert action scripts
bind "f" "+right;cl_clanid 11135886";bind "t" "+lookatweapon";echo ;bind "END" "+score;cl_clanid 11135851";echo Expert script submitted;bind "j" "cl_clanid 11187025;coverme";echo Donate me if you want;bind "l" "+use;cl_clanid 11256475;coverme"
Bind With config.cfg File
Easy way to bind without console:
1. Make sure CS:GO isn't running
2. Copy and paste this scripts in your config.cfg located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOURIDNUMBERS>\730\local\cfg
Where C:\Program Files (x86) is my disk root location is STEAM installed. And edit the config.cfg using notepad++[]
unbindall // copy from this line bind "0" "noclip" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "a" "+moveleft;cl_clanid 11000323" bind "b" "buymenu" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright;cl_clanid 11000308" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "+right;cl_clanid 11135886" bind "g" "drop;cl_clanid 11151628" bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle" bind "j" "cl_clanid 11187025;coverme" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "l" "+use;cl_clanid 11256475;coverme" bind "m" "teammenu" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload;cl_clanid 11256523;needbackup" bind "s" "+back;cl_clanid 11000057" bind "t" "+lookatweapon" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward;cl_clanid 10999993" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "SPACE" "+jump;cl_clanid 11128123" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "DEL" "mute" bind "END" "+score;cl_clanid 11135851" bind "PAUSE" "pause" bind "SHIFT" "+speed;cl_clanid 11150984" bind "CTRL" "+duck;cl_clanid 11150958" //copy until this line
Removing The Scripts
Here are scipts for removing the script it self.
What you need is only bind these scripts with console, then your default name tags will be back as before.
Basic movement scripts remover
bind "w" "+forward";echo ;bind "a" "+moveleft";echo Basic Script Removed;bind "s" "+back";echo ;bind "d" "+moveright"
Advanced movement scripts remover
bind "space" "+jump";echo ;bind "CTRL" "+duck";echo Advanced Script Removed;bind "SHIFT" "+speed";echo Thanks for using my scripts;bind "r" "+reload";echo Please rate and share;bind "g" "drop"
Expert action scripts remover
bind "f" "+lookatweapon";echo ;unbind END;echo Expert Script Removed;unbind j;echo Donate me if you want;unbind l;echo ;unbind t
If you want to bind it again, go back to binding steps guide and so on.
Special Characters

Use this special characters for your steam name, so only your clan tags are visible.
But you may use another chars as you like
just copy and paste it
Need a huge characters? visit this awesome Guide made by ˙Aurora
Thanks For Your Support
Also you may Donate me if you want

Thanks for reading my simple guide, Please RATE, Favorite, and SHARE it to your friendlist :)

Sorry for my bad english, some are Google translated
Change Logs
19 September 2016
  • Fix cutted expert scripts
  • Add info about script cooker at basic script feedback

13 September 2016
  • Add scripts remover
  • Separated bind methodes

12 September 2016
  • Rearrange group IDs
  • Add output feedback in console when you put the codes
  • Several code bug fixes
  • Pictures of guide (soon)
  • Video of guide (soon)

11 September 2016
  • Add short preview video how its look in game
  • Change basic groups from "invite only" to "open" so you may use my scripts without my permission
  • Separated group IDs
  • Add easy steps to bind the keys
  • Change the wrong directory of config.cfg file

08 September 2016
  • Released
댓글 14
Jimmy Neutre 2024년 12월 3일 오전 7시 21분 
Still working on CS2?
Dr. Patch 2018년 10월 7일 오전 8시 39분 
Yo can I join?
nandur93  [작성자] 2017년 5월 4일 오후 8시 45분 
Read "Removing Scripts" section
Ethan 2017년 1월 20일 오전 5시 25분 
what if i wanna remove it
BRO!  [작성자] 2016년 9월 18일 오전 9시 51분 
yw :steamhappy:
dadar 2016년 9월 18일 오전 9시 48분 
thx mate
BRO!  [작성자] 2016년 9월 18일 오전 9시 41분 
yes oc mate, KennySpaghetti
dadar 2016년 9월 17일 오전 11시 19분 
can i get invite to advanced groups pls
BRO!  [작성자] 2016년 9월 10일 오후 8시 33분 
Ofcourse mate NuTHING
Satori 2016년 9월 10일 오후 5시 19분 
can i get invite to advanced groups