Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

70 평점
Hyde Condos from SimCity 4
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3.697 MB
2016년 7월 14일 오후 2시 08분
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Hyde Condos from SimCity 4

Hyde Condos - one of my favourite buildings from Sim City 4 now recreated in Cities Skylines!

Unique building level 6 - I really wanted it to be growable, but the editor crashed every time I tried to make residential :/

~ 2100 tris, 1024 diffuse, normal, specular and illumination map, LOD ~150 tris.

I didn't create this design, it was originally made by Maxis, so any copyright belongs to them (or to EA as Maxis no longer exists).
댓글 11
Sergih123 2016년 12월 28일 오전 2시 54분 
Nice building m8! :D
will.friedrichs 2016년 12월 26일 오후 7시 20분 
This is amazing, thank you so much fam
a moon upon a stick 2016년 8월 14일 오전 8시 37분 
can you also make the stock exchange building in simcity 4 or the NY version
Apple 2016년 7월 16일 오후 11시 12분 
Classic <3 Although good it's not a residential, I think peoples cities looks strange with those landmark-like building built over and over again everywhere
TheDarkFireBlazes 2016년 7월 16일 오전 9시 36분 
Awesome! Would love to see what new buildings you have to download :D
andrzejBG  [작성자] 2016년 7월 16일 오전 8시 43분 
Hi chronos and DragonRagez, I want to make some more SC4 building in the future, yes ;)
a moon upon a stick 2016년 7월 16일 오전 5시 37분 
can you also make quigley place and ryan apartments??
d.blanxx 2016년 7월 15일 오후 12시 20분 
whats with the perfectly symmetrical lit windows? It is not realistic. Other than that, SUPERB!
TheDarkFireBlazes 2016년 7월 15일 오전 8시 59분 
Cool! Can you make more Sim Ctiy buildings? i'd sure to download more.
mistahlova 2016년 7월 14일 오후 4시 08분 
Looks great! But you must make it RICO compatible!