259 ratings
INFRA (Part 1) : 100% achievements guide
By comfortably_numb and 1 collaborators
This guide is gonna help you to get all the achievements in the game.

Chapter 1 : Preparations
A bad case of the Mondays : At the office, jump down from the 8th or 7th floor

Climb any fences in the 7th or 8th floor then jump down.

Preparations : Complete the chapter "Preparations"

> This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.
Chapter 2 : Just another day at work
First try : At the Hammer Valley Dam, toss the elevator fuse into the slot from the upper end of the stairs

As shown on the picture below, just grab a fuse, take a run-up from here and throw away the fuse to the slot.

Foreseen consequences : What did you REALLY expect to happen?

> Just before the Dam elevator, look on your left to see a crack in the dam. Grab a brick, take a run-up and throw it on the crack.

Step and jump : At the Hammer Valley Dam, get accross the generator room without moving the boxes.

Just follow this path by jumping from spot to another.




Power of the future : Turn on the generators at Hammer Valley Dam and successfully connect the plant to the grid.

Set both sluice gate generators to 3000 rpm then press the central button
Press both generator button to make them synchronized
Last step, press button 1 and 2 to connect the plant to the grid

Hartman's stash : That's a lot of money

> Hartman's stash is located in the very last section of this chapter just before entering the Bergmann tunnel. Take a look on your left side to see a downed tree connecting both shores. Climb on the tree and make your way on the other side. A little bit further you will find the stash. The key to open it is located in the forestkeeper's house on the TV.

Just another day at work : Complete the chapter "Just another day at work"

> This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.

Videos :
Chapter 3 : Forgotten world
??? : ???

This one is by far the trickiest achievement. First you need to find the fuse (on a shelf). Secondly, after crossing the automatic bridge you need to focus on the calendar in the small office to discover a four number code (4027). Finally you have to find a key, located in the far end of the right tunnel section behind a wood pallet. Make sure to bring key and fuse in the collapsing room where you have to open the flood door. Once escaping this room do not take the elevator but open the door on your right. Plug the fuse, dial the code and open the door...

Better than before : Fix the problems at the pumping station and get back underground without disrupting the operation.

Follow these steps:
Go upsatairs to the computer and turn on the top left corner flushing pipe
Go downstairs to fill pool 1
Open pipes A1/A2 until you see the green light
Go outside to open red valve
Go back to the computer to open red pipes 2 and close blue line
Go outside and turn off blue valve
Back downstaris to close A3/A4 until you see red light
Drain pool 4, grab the key and refill it
Open A3/A4 until you see the green light
Back outside to open blue pipe
Outside open chlorination room (key found on a desk near computer) and turn it on
Back to the computer to open blue pipe 2 and both chlorination pipes
From here all your light should be green and station is fully working
Use the key from the pool to open the door at the bottom of stairwell
Keep going until you reach broken stairs
Jump from broken floor to broken floor til the end
Achievement will pop as soon as you leave the area

Enjoy Ice Cold Osmo Olut : Experience the Osmo effect.

Before entering the last corridor leading to the raft trip. Go down with the ladder on your left, follow the pipe til its end. You will find the special beer behind the toolbox.

Demolitionist : Make your own tunnel in the Bergmann water tunnels.

Once you reached the container in the Bergmann's tunnel you will find TNT sticks inside. Grab one stick then put it a little bit further in a tube on the rocks. Go back to the container then press the remote control. Just after that, make sure to be far away from the explosion.

Forgotten world : Complete the chapter "Forgotten world"

> This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.

Videos :



Chapter 4 : Heavy industry of the past
Lost and found : Find the lost dock.

First you need to find the dock guy phone number. Here's one of the spot where you can find it :
(Located on c2_m3)Then reach the phone station (c4_m3). From here dial the number found on the poster

Heavy industry of the past : Complete the chapter "Heavy industry of the past".

> This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.

Videos :

Chapter 5 : Fresh water
Purification : Fix all the problems at the Pitheath Water Treatment Plant

Here are the steps to follow :
Grab the blue pass (Outside, laying on a mattress)
Go to sewer pipes 01 and 02 shed, open it and turn on the valve
Enter the facility, go on your right side, open the door and turn off Steel factory pipe 01
Go the other side, open the first door and tiurn on the valve in the corner
Go upstairs, and push the Grit classifier button
Leave the facilty, go on your right side, enter the desinfection building and push the button.
Leave the building by the garage and go to the Sewer pipes building, turn on both pipes
Now take the stairs behind you and reach the control room, pick up the CD in the box and insert it in the computer. Click on repair, wait the loading then click all the red cross.
Before you leave don't forget to pick up the red pass.
Leave this building and go to the grit classifer building, enter it and find the control panel. Now push Grit classifer 01 then 02 and finally secondary classifer P2.
Use your ed pass to leave and follow the path accross the grit classifer. Once you're on the other side, go left, open the gate and go right. Open the last door and find the stairs leading to the Blower building, come in, turn on the red valve on your left side and push the button on your right.

Not so fresh water : Analyze a water sample at the Pitheath water treatment plant.

Grab an empty glass in the grit control room. Put it in the water sampler machine.
Go back to the laboratory and put your glass into the water analysis machine.

Remove kebab : Eat the kebab roll at the Pitheath water treatment plant.

Kebab is located in the laboratory on a desk, left side of the room, in a box.

Anarchist : Disregard the office rules at the Pitheath water treatment plant.

> Find the coins in the first room on the left in the office. Then buy a drink at the vending machine in the hallway and bring it to the control room upstairs

Sneaky : Get through the Hacker Den without triggering any of the alarms.

> When you're at the Hacker Den, just follow the left wall until you reach the computer to set off alarms and sensors.
Codes are :
- 6832 : Allow to unlock doors (Found in computer logfiles)
- 1970 : Allow to unlock doors (Found on a tablet)
- 1245 : Allow to turn off sensors (Found on the outside wall, building number)

48 61 63 6B 65 64 : Grab the USB stick at the Hacker Den.

> After leaving the Hacker Den, follow the stream until stairs on your left. From here, turn left under the bridge, follow the trail and enter the boss office. The USB stick is connected to the boss computer (Don't forget to unlock the boss office from the computer in the Hacker Den)

Fresh water : Complete the chapter "Fresh Water"

> This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.

The end? : Complete INFRA Part 1.

> This one will pop up just after the previous one.

Videos :


Restoring the flow
Repair all the water flow meters in Part 1 during the same playthrough

There's 4 flow meters to repair through the game.

1. Chapter 2 (c2_m1)

2. Chapter 3 (c3_m1)

3. Chapter 3 (c3_m3)

4. Chapter 3 (c3_m4)
Find 90% of all the hidden geocaches in Part 1 during the same playthrough

There's 16 hidden geocaches to find through the game.

Chapter 1 (1)

Chapter 2 (7)
c2_m1 (3/3)

c2_m2 (2/2)

c2_m3 (2/2)

Chapter 3 (3)
c3_m2 (2/2)

c3_m4 (1/1)

Chapter 5 (5)
c5_m1 (2/2)

c5_m2 (3/3)
The conspiracy unfolds
Uncover 90% of all the corruption tapes and documents in Part 1 during the same playthrough

There's 68 corruption tapes and documents to uncover through the game.

Chapter 1 (3)

Chapter 2 (15)

c2_m1 (4/4)

c2_m2 (7/7)

c2_m3 (4/4)

(Note : Stash count for one, document inside the stash count for another one)

Chapter 3 (24)
c3_m1 (6/6)
c3_m2 (6/6)
c3_m3 (5/5)

c3_m4 (7/7)

Chapter 4 (10)
c4_m2 (5/5)
c4_m3 (5/5)
(Note : Last corruption is the phone call for the "Lost and found" achievement)

Chapter 5 (16)
c5_m1 (4/4)
c5_m2 (9/9)

c5_m2b (3/3)

Structural analyst extraordinaire
Repair 90% of all the repairable sports in Part 1 during the same playthrough.

There's 17 repairable spots to repair through the game.

Chapter 2 (5/5)
c2_m1 (3/3)

c2_m2 (2/2)

Chapter 3 (2)
c3_m2 (1/1)

c3_m4 (1/1)

Chapter 4 ((1)
c4_m3 (1/1)

Chapter 5 (9)
c5_m1 (2/2)
c5_m2 (7/7)
Mistake targets
There's 15 mistake targets through the game.

Chapter 2 (6/6)
c2_m1 (2/2)

Stop the working generator

Go ahead to the tree on the track to trigger the signal repair message
c2_m2 (4/4)

Plug the 4th fuse and trigger the 2nd lever, DO NOT touch lever 1 and 3

DO NOT make the power lines explode

DO NOT crush the engine through the floor

Trigger the lever and get away

Chapter 3 (4/4)
c3_m2 (3/3)

DO NOT trigger the fire alarm

There's 2 mistake targets here : Empty the pool to find the key but DO NOT stop the pump outside
c3_m4 (1/1)

DO NOT trigger G2 generator

Chapter 5 (5/5)
c5_m1 (1/1)

DO NOT throw a brick into the broken glass
c5_m2 (4/4)

There's 2 mistake targets here, DO NOT trigger transformers 2 and 3

DO NOT trigger the fire alarm AFTER repaired tansformer 1 but before

Set up this one the right way
Chapter 2 (All photographable spots)
There's 45 photographable spots in Chapter 2

c2_m1 : Reserve 1 (16/16)
c2_m2 : Reserve 2 (21/21)

c2_m3 : Reserve 3 (8/8)
Chapter 3 (All photographable spots)
There's 55 photographable spots in Chapter 3

c3_m1 : Tunnel (18/18)
c3_m2 : Tunnel 2 (7/7)
c3_m3 : Tunnel 3 (7/7)
UPDATE WITH THE NEW PATCH : Raft trip pictures

c3_m4 : Tunnel 4 (23/23)

Chapter 4 (All photographable spots)
There's 6 photographable spots in Chapter 4

c4_m2 : Furnace (3/3)

c4_m3 : Tower (3/3)
Chapter 5 (All photographable spots)
There's 50 photographable spots in Chapter 5

c5_m1 : Watertreatment (1717)

c5_m2 : Sewer (22/22)
c5_m2b : Sewer2 (10/11)
If you need more hints about specific locations (documents, repairable spots, geocaches and photographable spots) just let me know in the comments section. I didn't explain everything on purpose to let you enjoy some mysteries of the game.

Some photographable spots are missing although you should be able to get the achievement.
I will keep this guide updated until I find the last one to be photographable.

Also I would like to give special thanks to Nismo. His help has been more than precious.
This guide would probably never have been born without him

Also, I'd like to thank a new INFRA fella, Oku, who's helping me to find last camera targets.

See you all in Part 2!!!

Ulukaï 31 Aug, 2024 @ 2:09am 
Is there a way to figure out the last code for the sneaky achievement in a proper way (without going back to a previous save)? I can't seem to go outside without triggering one of the sensors.
Ulukaï 22 Aug, 2024 @ 10:12am 
@Mabra: I was wondering as well, but it is really easy to miss and you have to use highest graphics settings to really see it. There's a calendar on the wall in the small office with the controls for the D floodgates. The code is scribbled on the day for December 3. See this video at 6:20 min:
Taco-Cat 23 Jul, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
For those who want to know what mistake targets do they basically just remove one from your photo count so avoid them at all costs
Mabra 3 Apr, 2024 @ 3:16am 
There is no calendar with the code for the ??? achievement.
krpwilliamson 10 Jul, 2023 @ 6:39pm 
the Foreseen consequences achievement can also be done with a fuse or a firextinguisher
Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂ 31 Aug, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
Better than before didn't work. Mark said ''there it go'' played the mystery sound but no achievement popping in on screen.
chakrapiercer 7 Jan, 2022 @ 8:22pm 
Possibly another mistake: If you walk too close up to the bomb (that you may actually touch it - difficult to see without feet/legs), it will explode.
chakrapiercer 5 Jan, 2022 @ 8:00am 
Mistake target c2_m1 2/2 (fallen tree on railway tracks) seems changed: You can walk right up to it without triggering a message, but taking a picture of it triggers the warning message.
Matt 25 Mar, 2021 @ 4:25am 
You've accidentally put a white Restoring the Flow picture next to your instructions for the Purification achievement. Here's a pic for Purification:
Kunen 5 Jun, 2020 @ 11:50pm 
ok worth knowing :kebab: :olut: :tbear: