Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
825.344 KB
2016年5月31日 3時23分
2019年8月9日 0時58分
16 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)

Prop Line Tool
Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads!

This mod will save you time by placing items one by one for you!

Compatible with Campus DLC and Patch

Concerning Campus Update
I've tested this mod with Campus patch and everything is in working order. If you're experiencing FPS drops, please send an output log and screenshot. If you are experiencing issues, please read through the troubleshooting guide Process A. Thank you. (:

How to Use - Official Tutorial Video
Please check out this official collaboration tutorial video between myself, Skibitth, and Paradox Interactive!

Quick Links

+ Draggable Trees
+ Draggable Props and Prop-Fences
+ Curved Fences! (Be sure to use Fence Mode! - see "Options Bar" section)
+ Place up to 256 items in one segment.
+ Undo up to the last 64 segments you placed by pressing Ctrl-Z.
+ Precision Controls for Spacing and Angle
+ Reposition parts of or the whole curve without having to redraw it.

+ Does not break save games!
+ Can be safely disabled at any time
+ Your placed items will still be there even if the mod is disabled!
+ No detours

- Still need to delete items one by one
- Items placed with this mod do count towards their respective item limits
- See "Quirks" section

- Click to place curve control/draw/anchor points.
- Right-Click to cancel the last point.
- Ctrl-Z at any time to undo the last segment, up to the last 64 segments.
- Alt-Click (purple) any time items are showing to copy-place them where they are without having to redraw the curve.
- Ctrl-Click (green) when placing the last control point (items are showing) to Lock the curve in place.
Once in Lock Mode:
- Click any of the control-points to move them.
- Click on the position of the second item to change item spacing.
- Click on the angle locus (large circle with satellite circle) surrounding the second item to change prop angle.
- Click on the curve itself to reposition it.
- Right click when changing something in Lock Mode to revert it to its last state/place before you "picked it up."
To Place Items and Exit Lock Mode:
- Ctrl-Click or Ctrl-Enter to place items and continue/"unLock".

Options Bar
- This mod places an options bar in the same place and style as where the road tool does in order to switch to Straight/Curved/Freeform draw modes.
- Options Bar will appear whenever a tree or prop is selected.
Buttons on the Options Bar:
- Toggle Fence Mode
- Single: default prop and tree singular placement (hides fence mode and control panel buttons)
- Straight
- Curved
- Freeform
- Toggle Control Panel: Show/Hide PLT's handy control panel.

Control Panel
- Click the button in the Options Bar to show/hide.
Control Panel Features:
Parameters Tab:
- Decouple Button (will show when drawing continuous curves. click to reset items to start of curve.)
- Spacing adjustment buttons and textbox
- Angle adjustment buttons and textbox
- Angle Mode dropdown
- Dynamic: angle items relative to the curve.
- Single: angle items with absolute angle on the game map.
Options Tab: (hover over these checkboxes in-game to see more info)
- Show Undo Previews
- Enable Error Checking
- Show Error Guides
- PLT Anarchy: ignore placement errors and place everything
- Place Blocked Props: like Anarchy but only for items that would be "hidden" by roads and/or buildings that already exist. (Use Prop Anarchy if you want the items to not be "hidden"/blocked).
- Render Items at Vanilla Positional Resolution (see "Quirks" section below)
- Use Mesh for Center Correction: If you have props that are not properly centered within their bounds, attempt to center them based on their mesh's pivot point (if available). On by default.

- You may notice that placed items are not perfectly positioned as they appear when drawing the curve. (Especially when using small items or small spacing). This is a limitation due to the method the game uses to compress position-data for each prop/tree.
*NEW*: Use the Prop Precision mod to fix this issue.

If you'd like to preview exactly where items will be placed at vanilla resolution, I've provided a check-box in the Options tab of the control panel called "Render Items at Vanilla Positional Resolution".

Usage Tips
- Use larger fence pieces where you can to save on prop count. It really makes a difference in the end!
- Place props/trees on roads and through buildings: Enable "Place Blocked Items" in the Options tab of the PLT Control Panel AND enable Prop Anarchy.

Pairs Nicely With
- More Beautification (highly recommended but not required)
- Prop Anarchy (includes Tree Anarchy)
- Prop Precision
- Network Skins
- Random Tree Rotation
- your favorite tree and prop assets!

Incompatible With
Nothing! (So far as I'm aware...)

Source Code
Source code is available on GitHub[].

Special Thanks
(including but not limited to)
- SamsamTS' ResourceLoader[] class for the sprite/atlas utilities.
- BloodyPenguin's Extra Landscaping Tools for how to add tools.
- bofomer's Network Skins for how to create a nice UI panel.

If you would like to support me and my hard work through a donation, click the Donate button or follow this link[].


Enjoy! ^__^
人気スレッド 全て表示 (8)
2023年9月8日 22時27分
ピン留め: Report a bug/problem here! [Official Thread]
2023年7月28日 5時55分
2023年4月6日 17時21分
long dei
773 件のコメント
一块有故事的大肌肉 2月20日 23時59分 
do not use!!!:steamthumbsdown: 不要使用!!!:steamthumbsdown:
Xealcm 1月31日 17時10分 
:c NOO breaks the game bro :steamthumbsdown::steamfacepalm:
spartacus999 2024年7月29日 23時12分 
Doesn't work. Crashes the game.
ollers541 2024年7月2日 4時26分 
mod dosent work mod sending error messages:steamthumbsdown:
ofem 2024年3月1日 7時40分 
mikeleins 2024年2月18日 15時59分 
breaks the game
The Law 2024年2月5日 16時19分 
this does not work for me anymore
bev-pud 2024年1月26日 2時14分 
why dosen't this mod work anymore?
Dihjupiter 2023年11月27日 13時20分 
Não está funcionando mais :steamsad:
JPN Shiro 2023年8月14日 11時43分 
doesn't work