Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

31 lượt đánh giá
West Suburb Exit
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20 Thg04, 2016 @ 1:07pm
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West Suburb Exit

Trong 2 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi deoxyribonucleic
American Roadsigns
23 vật phẩm
All Subbed BlPlN
976 vật phẩm
Mô tả
Created by Bipin - one of Sim City 4's most prolific modders, these roadsigns were created to help fill Cities Skyline's gap in American content. Create the American landscape of your dreams (or nightmares) with a few of these generic signs!

Find more in my BAT thread:
11 bình luận
noobified 16 Thg08, 2016 @ 1:21pm 
Will these pop up randomly or near areas that they would belong?
Londsw 22 Thg04, 2016 @ 11:01am 
Anything you do its fine
Londsw 22 Thg04, 2016 @ 11:01am 
Its up to you thats already really kind of you to update the signs
deoxyribonucleic  [tác giả] 21 Thg04, 2016 @ 5:05pm 
Yup, I'll do those too. Anything of those you sent me, that you want to see first?
Londsw 21 Thg04, 2016 @ 9:49am 
what about signs for airport is it in your plan ?
deoxyribonucleic  [tác giả] 21 Thg04, 2016 @ 7:45am 
Well damn, just what you needed! :-D
Bing Dynasty 20 Thg04, 2016 @ 9:39pm 
I'm currently working on a Chicago recreation project, and it's funny that the city actually have exit signs that says exactly "West Suburbs" haha, thanks so much for this!
deoxyribonucleic  [tác giả] 20 Thg04, 2016 @ 3:21pm 
You're welcome, thanks for the textures!
Londsw 20 Thg04, 2016 @ 2:53pm 
Nicee =)) thanks
deoxyribonucleic  [tác giả] 20 Thg04, 2016 @ 2:05pm 
Thanks! :-D