Remember Me

Remember Me

333 ratings
Remember Me freecam
By IDK31
Take fancy screenshots in Remember Me. Control camera position, DOF, film grain, fog, lighting, and timescale.
Getting started
You will need a third-party program, Cheat Engine. Get it here, (Be sure not to install the optional Open Candy software or any other bundled software if prompted).

Once you have Cheat Engine installed, start it and Remember Me. Attach Cheat Engine to the game by clicking the computer icon or go to File > Open Process. Browse to RememberMe.exe, highlight it, and click "Open." Now, download the mod file (below) and load it in Cheat Engine (click the folder icon or go to File > Open File).

v.1.1.2 (April 21, 2016 - NEW: Adds display options like toggling textures and meshes)
Camera mod file[]
Laptop version (no numpad)[]

You will have a better experience with this mod if you change the default settings in Cheat Engine to the following (EDIT > SETTINGS > HOTKEYS):
Keypoll interval (milliseconds), set this to 0
Delay between reactivating hotkeys, set this to 0

**Steam discourages cheating online and may ban you if you attempt to do so. This is to be fair to other players. Cheat Engine is fine to use for the purpose outlined in this guide.
How to use this mod
Cheat Engine is a tool to edit game values stored in memory. Usually, it is used to control things like health and ammo or mana (cheat), but in this case I'm using it to control the camera. The mod file is called a cheat table and presents you with nested lists of items. Each item can be one of (or a combination of) four things: scripts, list headers, memos, and memory addresses containing the value of interest.

Scripts do the job of finding the memory addresses and can be programmed to change values at will usually with a hotkey. List headers are containers for other lists and can be opened/closed to expose or hide their contents. Memos just tell you important information and memory address show you the actual values and their location.

The boxes next to each item "activate" it. Depending on it's type, this has different effects. This turns scripts on/off, sets list headers to opened/closed, freezes/unfreezes values, but has no effect on memos.

Generally, if something is not working, you see a value of "??" or an address of "00000000," then a required script is not active or the addresses need refreshing (turn it off then back on).

A crash can happen at any moment with this type of program, so only use when it is no problem if you lose your progress in the game.
Camera controls

Your screen should look similar to this if everything has been done correctly. Pictured is flying around Episode 2 before the boss fight. You must activate the controls first by ticking the box next to CAMERA CONTROLS.

There are three camera modes: FLY, AIM, and ROTATE. "Fly" is self explanatory. Use it to move around. "Aim" is used as you would use a camera on a stationary tripod. Use it to pan, tilt, and zoom. "Rotate" is like a semi-mobile dolly rig. Use it to rotate around a subject and do a Hollywood-style dolly (perspective) zoom.

The controls are as follows (note that the camera must be unlocked from the player before it can be moved):

Lock/unlock camera: PAGEDOWN

SPEED MODIFIERS (use with any key below)
Move VERY fast - T
Move faster - F
Move slower - C

FLY (no modifier)
(below, all NUMPAD keys...)
UP - 9
DOWN - 7
LEFT - 4
UP (cam only) - 3
DOWN (cam only) - 1
Toggle "Freeze height" - 2

AIM (modifier: PLUS) [PLUS must be held down with the following...]
(below, all NUMPAD keys...)
PAN UP - 8

ROTATE (modifier: ENTER) [ENTER must be held down with the following...]
(below, all NUMPAD keys...)
Camera controls, contd.

It may help to know that the camera always points at an invisible target. Movement is done by moving one or the other (camera or target) or both in tandem. You can judge where the target is by using the rotate keys. When you first unlock the camera, the target will be where the player is/was. TIP: move the camera close to your subject, then use MOVE FARTHER rather than FLY BACKWARDS and use the rotate keys to line up your shot. This keeps the target stationary.

This mod can remember nine camera settings to further assist with getting the perfect shot. These will be erased though if you deactivate the controls. This setup could also be used to record cutscenes from custom angles should you choose to. The settings keys are as follows:

(below, all STANDARD number row keys...)
Save current camera - ALT and [a number 1 through 9]
Load camera settings - [the saved number, 1 through 9]
UNDO/GO BACK - 0 (zero)

OCCLUSION CULLING — You will probably see parts of the level drop off (disappear) as you move around. This is called occlusion culling and is intended to save your video card from rendering what it thinks you can't see. The only workaround is to bind a key to "pause". See the section, "Picture-taking tips," for more information.
Player controls
With the camera controls enabled, you can hide (or unhide) Nilin with "H" should she be in the way of your shot. You can also precisely position her with ALT+E (turn right) and ALT+Q (turn left).

If you need to get Nilin around an invisible wall without "ghost" (advanced users will understand), you can use the super-jump key (activate OTHER > ANTI-GRAV JUMP). Holding down spacebar will reverse gravity as a way to "jump" over it. Let go of spacebar to fall.
Cutscenes and free-roam

You can use this mod to go where you normally can't. This includes cutscenes (that aren't pre-rendered), out-of-bounds areas, and even the main menu. Pictured above is flying around in the main menu.

Generally, cutscenes will use one of two possible locations for these settings. Rarely, it will draw from the gameplay settings (though, gameplay settings are used strictly for normal play). It seems to be random which settings a cutscene will use. You just have to experiment.
DOF - Depth of Field

One camera trick used in Remember Me is the use of Depth of Field (blur) to focus attention on a particular subject. I've made those settings available during normal play. They are also available to edit during cutscenes, but cutscenes have preferred settings and will try to get themselves back to where they were if you change them. In that case, you must lock them (tick the box next to the address). There will be brief moments where your settings and the preferred settings "fight it out."

I've given the DOF settings some hotkeys. They are (and be sure to activate them, SPECIAL EFFECTS > GAMEPLAY):

These are going to be more important than J and L for focusing:
Bokeh size increase (more blur) - ALT+U
Bokeh size decrease (less blur) - ALT+O

Focus more - L
Focus less - J
Push foreground blur plane - I
Pull foreground blur plane - K

Focus more - ALT+L
Focus less - ALT+J
Push background blur plane - ALT+I
Pull background blur plane - ALT+K

RACK FOCUS (Hollywood effect, BG/FG focus swap)
Focus near - N (as in near)
Focus far - M (as in mountains)

And as with the movement keys you can use F to speed things up or C to slow things down.
Environment and lighting

A few environment settings can be found under ENVIRONMENT/LIGHTING if you care to change the lighting. This attempts to change the current dominant light source illuminating Nilin. You can change fog settings here as well. Sometimes fog settings will shift depending on your angle of view, so two different settings are available.

Other ways to change the look of a shot is through color filters. There are many scattered throughout the table. Again, you have to experiment to see what works. Some have "[final process]" after them. These are considered last for the rendering of color. For example: For a sepia tone, find the desaturation setting that works. Set it to 1 so everything is black and white. Then, find a "Blue [final process]" color filter and subtract 0.15 from the current value (or boost the Red and Green values). Pictured above, I've increased film grain and added a green tint for a Matrix-style look.

I've added a few cheats to assist in combat picture-taking and for breezing through levels to get to a specific location. They are...

(Make sure Camera Controls are active, eg. tick the box)
F1 - (toggle) Keep HP maxed (doesn't protect against insta-kills)
F2 - (toggle) Keep Ammo maxed
F3 - (toggle) Keep Focus maxed
F4 - Disable ability cooldowns
Picture-taking tips

Slow down the game if the action is moving too quickly for you or speed it up to breeze through it. Activate the slow-motion controls (OTHER > GAME SPEED). Then, the controls are:

F6 - The game runs VERY slow
F7 - The game runs medium slow
F8 - The game runs somewhat slow
F9 - Default speed
F10 - The game runs fast
F11 - The game runs VERY fast

I left the screenshot key, F12, untouched.

ADVANCED: Bind a key in-game to the command "pause" to completely stop the action (but still be able to move the camera). This will also stop occlusion culling (disappearing geometry). Locate the file ExampleInput.ini under ..Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\RememberMeGame\Config. Open it in Notepad. Under "[ExampleGame.ExamplePlayerInput]" add the line: Bindings=(Name="F5",Command="pause") and save the file. F5 will now pause the game without the pause menu. If you really want to, you can bind a key to the command "ghost" (and "walk") which will allow you to noclip through the level. You can go up and down with E and Q in ghost form. The command "walk" will return you to normal.

Many people want to take "clean" screenshots. That means no text of any kind or anything covering up the shot. For this, I've added a way to be rid of the HUD — holographic text, and 2D overlays (including subtitles and character display). This can be found in OTHER > HUD.
Remember Me is truly a beautiful game. The art, environments, and music are all fantastic. It makes for some great screenshots. And with this mod, I love being able to share it in my own way.

Some of my favorite shots I've taken:

Happy snapping! I hope you enjoy this mod. I enjoyed making it. And please share your shots!


Thank you Dontnod Entertainment and Capcom for this awesome game!

Thank you Cheat Engine Forums community for the positive and immensely helpful support (and never getting tired of my questions).

Thank you for your awesome screenshots and inspiring this and games-as-art culture.

Send questions, comments to [email protected]. Or, write below.

ChrisLP 25 Dec, 2022 @ 8:09am 
This is close to perfection, but it's very confusing and I can't disable Depth of Field at all, even though what I was looking for was mostly how to disable Motion Blur.

I managed to disable those by ticking the Post-Processing box, but then every effect is gone as well, so it's useless. I just need to get rid of Motion Blur and Depth of Field, can you please help me?
BoffinBrain 12 Oct, 2022 @ 1:16pm 
Oh wow... I only just realised you're also the one who made the LIS camera mod. Double thanks! You're doing some great work.
BoffinBrain 12 Oct, 2022 @ 11:45am 
Many thanks! Everything seems to be working as intended.
IDK31  [author] 10 Oct, 2022 @ 12:16pm 
Link fixed
BoffinBrain 10 Oct, 2022 @ 12:57am 
It looks like the file is no longer available for anyone to download (Google Drive is only allowing people with access). Will this be fixed in the future?
blurry 14 Jan, 2021 @ 9:21am 
i changed FOV 66 to 90. it is not working.
brazzjazz 26 Jul, 2020 @ 6:13pm 
And yes, the film grain is astonishingly bad. I've seen both ReShade and GLSL shaders, and there are some nice grain shaders out there that show how it's done properly, to look like grain from, well, a film, and not like a dirty windshield.
brazzjazz 26 Jul, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
Wow! Thank you very much for taking the time to write this guide! It is very much appreciated, as this game deserves a camera mode, or, seeing as we didn't get one, a freecam mod.
SaladCesar 24 Sep, 2017 @ 1:04pm 
Wow ! Thanks, I'll give a try.
JHaze 15 Aug, 2017 @ 8:21am 
Amazing work ! Thanks you very much :okey: