Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

435 ratings
100% Achievement Guide [Spoilers]
By Garbage
Guide for all achievements; tips on how to get them and things to keep in mind before and while playing.
I will mark ending spoilers, but there will be a lot of spoilers relating to side missions, various solutions and minor characters.
Important things to keep in mind
Make sure you enable dev commentary in the game's options before you start your game or after you gain control over your character for the first time.

Save often and make the saves separate and many, sometimes achievements may not pop on the first try despite meeting the requirements, so you can reload and try again.

During combat try to vary the abilities at your disposal. A lot of combat related achievements will come naturally, but you can miss them if you don't keep them in mind. Bring the hp down by whatever means you want and make sure you get the kill with the ability you want credit for. You can also make a save before or during any combat encounter (I recommend the duel in Exit Stage Left) and reload if you need the extra kills.

Two of the main game's endings demand certain requirements met throughout the campaign. If you always bring a decker with you and make sure to fully explore and talk to all the npcs you shouldn't have a problem getting any achievements.

There are choice related mutually exclusive achievements, so it's not possible to get all achievements in one straight playthrough. You can, however, save beforehand, pick your choice and then reload to take the other - that way snagging both achievements.

While it's possible to get all main game's endings with one run and saving before making the final choices, bonus campaign endings require 2 separate runs minimum (and you will need to import Good Fortune and It's Just One City endings.)

Invest in etiquettes and charisma and you'll be able to charm your way out of almost everything. Security and shadowrunner etiq. is a must.

IMPORTANT FOR BONUS CAMPAIGN ACHIEVEMENTS: I wrote the guide during a non-deal run. BUT if you import It's Just One City save you can bypass a lot (but not all) of skillchecks/conditions to get the achievements.
Combat related achievements

Chunky Salsa
Kill 5 enemies with grenades.

Welcome to the Sixth World
Kill 20 enemies with magic spells.

Hot Potato
Throw back three grenades with the Shiawase Loader Arm.

You will need to install that cyberware in your arm and whenever a hostile throws a grenade it will automatically trigger. Alternatively, you can use Duncan after selecting the skill for him.

More Bullets, More Effective
Use Spray & Pray to hit more than two enemies with an SMG.

To be able to hit at least 3 hostiles they need to all stand next to each other. Keep an eye out for conjurers that stand next to other hostiles, they will summon spirits and you'll have 3 enemies close. Fellow shadowrunner added that friendly fire counts too. Exit Stage Left is also a good place to get this. Gobbet is your SMG using squad member.

I Feel Great!
Heal more than 30 damage in a single cast of Heal Wound.

The spell only heals the last wound you received, so in order to get this you need to take at least 30hp damage from just one attack and it needs to be the last one that character suffers in that turn. Gobbet has the healing spell.

Come Forth
Summon 5 spirits from places in the environment.

Pinball Wizard
Hit three or more enemies with a bouncing magic spell.

You can use chain lightning spell, or you can stand on the large ley line which will cause some spells to bounce (e.g. Fireball).

Shoot Straight
Successfully attack an enemy with a chance of less than 30% to hit.

(Don’t) Conserve Ammo
Kill 15 enemies using a full-auto rifle or minigun.

I Don't Have a Problem
Use 5 "combat stims."

Built for the Streets
Have every cyberware slot filled by an enhancement.

If you don't want essence loss you can make a save, fill the slots and then reload. Later in the game you unlock several bioware enhancements too.

Wait For It…
Kill an enemy with damage over time.

Pays For Itself
Skip 10 reloads with the Auto-Loader Cyber-Arm.

Walking Weapon
Kill 10 enemies with Cyber-Weapons.

Works with razors, whip and seemed to work for shock hand cyberware too (must be why it doesn't give credit for the Clear! achievement).

Stun 5 enemies with the Shock Glove or Shock Hand.

As of now, this seem to only count with the glove and even then not always. If you have trouble getting credit, try giving the glove to different squad members and try with them. You can get the Shock Glove in the Outsider mission from a merchant, make sure you buy it before you go to the storeroom because afterward all the npcs will clear out.

Hit four or more enemies with an area of effect attack.

Bagged and Tagged
Zip-tie 3 enemies with Duncan’s Subdue ability.

Pretty straightforward, stun an enemy with various abilities or a flashbang grenade and then use Duncan's ability on them.

Calling the Shots
Use the Mark Target Ability on 10 enemies.

If you're not a decker yourself then Is0bel is your go to squad member.

Little Helpers
Use drones to kill 15 enemies.

If you're not a rigger, talk to my favorite psychopath Racter to recruit him for your squad and then have him unleash his Murderbot upon all your enemies.

God Puncher
Punch the final boss.

I wasn't able to get the achievement pop in the first or the second combat phase myself. It only popped for me in the third phase when you decide to just kill the Queen. Make sure you don't wear the Shock Glove.

Wouldn’t Want to be That Guy
Have an enemy that is bleeding, on fire, and infected.

There are various abilities that cause these effects, some of them being: razorclaw cyberware or Ku Feng bites for bleeding, Gaichu's ghoul spit or acid bolt spell for infection, fireball for fire.
Update: This didn't pop for me when I killed the target with the 3rd dot attack, instead I had to redo it and make sure the target was alive with all 3 effects. However, another player reported that it popped for them despite killing the target. If killing doesn't work, try the other.
Choice related and missable achievements

Behind the Curtain
Listen to all developer commentary

This is the Extended Edition's achievement, but it's for the main campaign. Make sure you have enabled dev commentary at the very start of the game because the first one you encounter is in the intro mission already! They are 24 interactable places in the environment scattered throughout the whole game. Here's a steam guide with more details if you worry you might miss any.

Welcome to the Shadows
Die on the first mission.

Punching Deck
Steal paydata from a high security system.

You need to jack in the Matrix with a decker and access a terminal to acquire paydata. Many of the runs will have Matrix access and paydata terminals.

Just in Case
Get all pips while hacking a Blocker IC.

This refers to the sequence where you memorize the numbers on the pad on the left to increase the hacking time. Simply finish all of them.

Screw the Job
Kill one of Strangler Bao's Yellow Lotus in the Walled City

In the very first mission Cheng sends you to simply choose to attack and kill any member you encounter from the Yellow Lotus.

They’re Not Worth It
Complete “City of Darkness” without any Yellow Lotus dying.

You either have to talk your way out of hostile encounters or sneak into the location using backalley means to reach Bao.

Get Gaichu to join your crew.

In The Outsider mission simply choose to spare Gaichu and recruit him.

By the Book?
Kill Gaichu in the Whampoa Gardens.

In the Outsider mission choose to kill Gaichu like your job requires.

Wrong Order
Poison The Talon’s food in Shangri-La.

In the mission Uninvited Guests you need to bribe the chef to put a lil something in Talon's food.

Tastes Like Chicken
Drink some of the blood in Exit Stage Left, and eat some human flesh in Grendel.

The drink is in the penthouse level right by the secure door. The food is in Gaichu's hideout on the table during the Outsider mission.

Law Breaker
Run Maximum Law out of town or kill him.

Make sure you go chat Law up a couple of times until he asks if you have metadata to share about your runs. After you have shared metadata about 3 times you will receive an email from Bao who asks that you deal with Law who's been running his mouth. Go talk to Law and then choose to either kill him or make him leave town for the achievement. However, if you want to keep Law around you can convince him to keep his mouth shut with the help of some skill checks (decking/shadowrunner etiq. was what I picked).If you choose to ignore the request, Bao will "deal" with Law himself and you'll see that Law has been replaced so that the tech vendor is still accessible.

Complete Racter’s storyline.

Recruit and talk to Racter after runs, take him with you to the Ares Asia Holdings mission, then talk to him after the final mission in the Walled City.

Lessons Learned
Complete Gobbet’s storyline.

Talk to Gobbet after runs until she isn't on the ship anymore, then talk to Is0bel, proceed to do the Rat King mission and talk to Gobbet about it afterwards, achievement should pop then.

Memory Lane
Complete Is0bel’s storyline.

Talk to Is0bel after runs, do her companion mission, talk to her about Walled city, and then again after you finish the final mission.

Seven Times a Ronin
Complete Gaichu’s storyline.

Recruit Gaichu and chat him up in your ship after runs, do his companion mission and talking to him after it should grant you the achievement.

No Mercy
Killed the Plastic-Faced Man.

Just a Pawn
Spared the Plastic-Faced Man.

Monster Squad
Have Gaichu and Ku Feng on your team during the final mission.

You need to let Ku Feng live in Exit Stage Left and tell her you'll help her realize her potential. You need to spare and recruit Gaichu in the Outsider mission. Bring Gaichu to the final mission into Walled City. Later on you will meet Ku Feng there; if you were friendly with her she will join your team; if not you will need to convince her to join you. Either way, when she does you'll get the achievement.

No Stone Unturned
Hit all data stores and the core system nodes in Prosperity Tower.

Make sure you bring your best decker, be thorough with exploring and charming employees away from places and jack in everywhere. Unfortunately, you can't get this achievement without a combat encounter. So if you want a full sneaky run, you will have to either pass or reload a save after getting this. In laboratory 48 you can stealthily only access one of the terminals (by directing a spirit to one of the destinations), to access the other one you will need to go through combat.

I Don’t Get Paid Enough for This
Get the last of the Tsang guards to let you pass after rescuing Raymond from Prosperity Tower.

You need to have disabled all the alarm nodes while in the matrix. (I did this but the convo I had with the guards didn't indicate it, however a fellow shadowrunner said alarms need be hacked.)

It’s Just One City
Make a deal with Qian Ya, the Queen With a Thousand Teeth.

After the battle you simply need to accept the deal she's offering you.

Making Amends
Watch Raymond Black sacrifice himself to shut down the Fortune Engine.

After she finally talks to you, simply choose to defeat her for the 3rd time. This will happen automatically if the player doesn't accept her deal and hasn't met certain requirements during the campaign.

Good Fortune
Coerce Qian Ya into leaving this plane of existence.

To be able to offer her a counterproposal and make her leave you need to do the following:
- sleep after every run to get the little dream scenes (after you sleep 5 or so times the optional objective to rest won't show anymore and you'll know you've got it covered);
- talk to Duncan after every run, talk about Raymond and what your character used to say to break off the fights between him and Ray (along the lines of "Some people don't listen with intent to understand, they listen with intent to reply.");
- regularly talk to Is0bel, do her side mission and talk to her about the Walled City and urban myths about Yama Kings (the one about the boy and his mother);
- regularly talk to Crafty (the magic vendor) until you get option to ask her to send her the information to your email, she will send you 2 emails, one then and another one a bit later (it might glitch out and show you have 2 emails already sent, but the 2nd will appear later), make sure you read those so you learn about the Yama Kings deals;
- after rescuing Raymond talk to him in Heoi before heading into Walled City and break off his fight with Duncan by saying the phrase mentioned above.

This should allow you to corner the Queen and make her leave empty handed.

Pyrrhic Victory
Coerce Qian Ya into leaving this plane of existence, taking Raymond Black with her.

Meet the same requirements as the Good Fortune ending, but accept her terms of taking Raymond with her.
Bonus Campaign achievements

Street Justice
Killed the HKPF patrol to save the civilians

At the beginning when you retell how your mission went at one point you will encounter a patrol rounding up some civilians. Simply choose to attack the patrol.

Patient Zero
Steal a sample of the SARS III

In the underwater research facility mission you will come upon a safe, to unlock it you will need to jack in the Matrix. Do it and then loot the safe in meatspace.

Rats! Rats! Rats!
Play Ratparty.sim

When you talk to Jomo he will mention a sim, ask about it and buy it, do it before you go on the mission he gives you. Then proceed with his mission, and at one point you'll come upon a rather big hall (there's a tea parlor next to it, I think) where you need to distract guards in some way. In the center there will be star holo you can interact with called "Odd machine". Insert your rat sim there and ENJOY. Bring Gobbet for extra fun. (this one really caught me off guard)

You're On Your Own, Kid
Don't side with ♥♥♥♥♥ or Yamatetsu at the end of "DETENTION"

Straightforward, Lily will ask your opinion about what to do, for achievement you need to pick neither.

Like a Powder Keg
Blow up a police vehicle in the motor pool

While making your way through the Tiger's Den, you will need to explore Matrix and one of them will let you unlock overcharging access. After the showdown in command centre choose the door to stairs leading down and you'll end up in the garage. Let the destruction commence. Beware friendly fire. You can also blow them up if you have drone control 6.

It's Called Being Thorough
Blow up all the police vehicles in the motor pool

Same thing as the one above, but simply blow up every vehicle. The achievement might pop while you still have a car or two left, though.

The Promised Land
Gain access to the Police Station roof

To get the code for roof access you will need to visit the cells on the first floor of Tiger's Den. You will need to talk your way past the guard and then talk to the person in the furthest cell (make sure yo have Gang Etiq.). He will give you the door code for roof if you give him Cram. If you don't have Cram you can get some on the same floor. In a room nearby somewhere will be a vent for a drone. Send it in and kill the officer that is beating a guy. (You can enter through the door, but if you refuse to leave the officer will attack you and the whole station will be alerted) Afterward go talk to the beat up guy and he will give you code for the briefcase on the table, inside are drugs, including Cram.
Then after the showdown in command centre pick the door on the bottom right side that leads to roof and achievement will be yours.

A Pirate's Life for Me
Lay low with the Loho-Jowah pirates on the Benteng.

You will get this automatically after Tiger's Den mission when you reach the pirate ship.

Heavy Metal
Gain control of a Spider Tank

In Tai Po before you enter the main warehouse you will need to get past a guard patrol on the left side of the map in a walled area with large metallic crates on rails. In that area is a mission item you will need to hack a tank.
In the last area of the warehouse you'll encounter 4 spider tanks. Access one of the computers and use the item as promted and you'll get control of a spider tank.

We're Both Professionals
Talk Krait into standing down.

In Tai Po you will need to go to an office building on the right side of the map and hack a terminal to get a file on Ares plans with Krait. Then after the battle in the warehouse when you talk to Krait tell her what Ares plans and convince her to stand down. Needs shadowrunner etiq.

You can talk her down without the pda file with Intelligence check too.

You can talk her down without any checks if you imported 'It's just one city' ending.

No Loose Ends
Leave Qiu to die.

Full Circle
Help Kindly relocate the Yellow Lotus to the Redmond Barrens.

After dealing with Krait you will be contacted by Cheng, simply do what she tells you.

Charmed Life
Complete Shadows of Hong Kong after taking Qian Ya's deal in the main campaign. You can get Full Circle and Home Again along with this one.

Home Again
Regain your SIN and return to Seattle.

After dealing with Krait side with Qiu. To get this Ray needs to have died in main campaign.

Together Again
Regain your SIN and return to Raymond in Seattle.

Side with Qiu. Ray needs to be alive, so you need to import the Good Fortune ending for this.
All achievements have been unlocked 12-19 Feb so the information should be fresh.

I wanted to make a more or less thorough guide since there wasn't any, so this is the recount of my stumbling through the game. Mostly this was just for my friend who wanted a 100% guide for when he plays and encouraged me to write it.

If you see any errors or mistakes, or can offer any clarifications etc. please feel free to comment and I'll make some updates.

kapsh 6 Oct, 2022 @ 1:12pm 
Some AOE spells count towards Chunky salsa. Just got it by lethally hitting KE with Gobbet's Acid fog.
crickit90 14 Aug, 2022 @ 12:03am 
This is just a note on "Wouldn't Want to be That Guy". Is0bel's grenade launcher does not count towards it. I would have completed this way earlier if that worked. Instead I got it when I gave up on her, and Gobbet summoned a fire elemental. My combination for getting the achievement was bleeding from the whip cyberware weapon, infection from Gaichu's claws, and burning from fireball.
Meat-King, The Ultimate 10 Jul, 2022 @ 11:03am 
Thank you for this excellent guide.
vokiel 5 May, 2022 @ 10:07pm 
Beware that the endings are filled with garbage and bugs. I could only complete Isobel's quest line even though I had completed everyone else trust missions. Yes characters get stuck at the end on the boat, forcing you to reload the entire bullshit small talk left by the dev team.
cpyap 30 Aug, 2020 @ 8:44am 
A few bugs that I have encountered and fixed/avoided based on looking over information everywhere:
1) If you get ending that everyone survived, Racter will be stuck and won't appear until the conversation on the boat ended, which mean he cannot move to his place anymore and will be stuck in living room. The only way to get around this seems to be completing his achievement when doing other endings.

2) At the end of the fight with the spider-tank in Tai Po, if Krait *refused to walk in* (aka stuck), you will need to press Alt+F1, click on CMD on the bar appeared on top left, then key in "Slaughter 255" and press Enter. That will flush her out. What's more, you may actually take these extra unlimited rounds to setup ambush waiting for them to walk in if you planned to kill her.
[CoH] Joker 4 Jun, 2020 @ 3:00pm 
Apparently it's easy to miss the Posthuman achievement due to Racter simply vanishing from the game at the end sometimes.
Quirky Custodian 11 Nov, 2019 @ 10:59pm 
Quick note on Wouldn't Want to be That Guy for anyone having trouble. I got this at the end of the Whistleblower mission accidentally. I used Gobbet's Acidic Fog, shot someone in combat with Is0bel's pistol and then Tigan (an NPC on my side) burned a bunch of people with a fireball. :cybereye:
I tried before with Acidic Bolt, Is0bel's pistol, Gaichu's abilities and Is0bel's grenade launcher that sets on fire. It didn't work.
P.S. Awesome guide, thank you.
Garbage  [author] 29 Jun, 2019 @ 2:42am 
Glad it was useful! :cozyrealmroyale:
erc 28 Jun, 2019 @ 9:12pm 
Thanks for the guide. Great work, helped immensely - much appreciated. :love:
Sandro 24 Jun, 2019 @ 3:47pm 
Unsubscribe from everything you got on Steam Workshop if achievements refuse to pop. I spent a good long while trying to get the achievement for putting cyberware in every slot before I considered that stuff.