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To the Moon : level to create as the most efficient
By Gemini
This Guide provides my best proposal for the "To the Moon" Achievement
Hello to all

i want to share with that guide my way to unlock the To the Moon Achievement.

For remembering, this Achievement is unlocked when the stream reachs an distance amount through all gameplays:

Total Stream Travel Distance of 384,000,000 pixels (distance from earth's surface to the moon, in meters).

To reach this, there is no other way than creating a single level with the level design adapted to maximize the stream distance.
And this is what I will explain.

I have made several tries before finding this solution, so this is my best proposal (as efficiency).

Please, forgive my bad english, as this is not my native language.
Level Creation
In the game, go to the Editor (from the Main Menu).
Then in My Puzzles, and create a new one.

the goal is to create the following level.

To do this:

Edit the Level Details:
Select the Zen mode (no win conditions)
Select the Frenzy Mode (this allows to launch several stream at the same time)
Put the Height and the Width at the maximum (12)
Set a Name for you.

Select a Special Block.

On the bottom row, put a Wall (solid or passable) on the first row. This will prevent the level to fall.

Set all surrounding blocks to be a "Reflecting Flipper " (the one looking like a four sides propeller).
On the middle, put several color blocks (one per color), and right after put a special "Energizer".

Add several Reflecting flipper to create a path.

And fill all remaining empty blocks with Quad repeaters (four sided pipes).

And that is all. Save your level.
Playing the level
Go back in the Main Menu.

Select Play, then Play, Puzzles, My Puzzles, then select your level.

What you have to do is just to click on the color block successively.
Try not going to fast, otherwise all streams would stop due to Stream Implosion.

The good thing is that you just need to click one by one the color blocks, and roll back on the first.
And with the good rythm, you will be back on the first block just on time to click on (the 1 should just disappear).
so it is easy to maintain a constant speed with no strem implosion.

And the best thing here is the distance:

This will be about 4.5 Million per minute of playing.

(Remember, the achievement is to get about 384 millions).

This is better than other level I have found (about 2.7M per min).
The main const is you need to play yourself.
for automated (but slower level), just check the other guides.

I hope this would help you to unlock the To the Moon Achiement.