ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Photon Sentry N Rifle
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13 dic 2015, ore 10:24
5 mar 2017, ore 19:44
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Photon Sentry N Rifle

New custom models and animation. Better and server adjustable damage, smart targeting, pvp alerts, and metal tier too.
★ Adds Tranq Photon Rifle with server adjustable torpor.
★ Adds Photon Sentry turrets with higher damage, server adjustable too.
★ Metal tier but vulnerable to rockets.
★ Very effective against larger beasts or tough modded beasts.
★ Clean and stackable with other mods.

Tranq Photon Rifle:
  1. Custom new cool model with animations and sniper scope.
  2. For Taming dinos, torpor dealt is fully adjustable in server settings below. Very ineffective against players.
  3. Requires Photon Cores extracted from Batteries as ammo. Crafts ammo in bulk.
  4. Shoots a paralyzing photon beam that does higher torpor and slows enemy speed.(Default 2,000 torpor, adjustable see server settings)

Admin Spawn Codes

  • Default settings are well balanced already, but to customize see Server Settings section below.
  • Smart Targeting: Fishes like Coel,Piranha,Trilobite are left alive and ignored by sentry.
  • Sentry Autoclear Corpses: When activated and batteried, will auto destroy enemy dino corpses that die on it. If pet inventory will drop.
  • PvP Tribe alert: Announces an alert message to online tribe members when sentry shoots any enemy player, screen message shows enemy name and tribe.
  • Max of 3 Battery stacks in turret, each stack is 100. Every extra stack increases Bonus Damage by one level.
  • Server setting Bonus Damage Level tier 1 to 7: Max HP damage dealt is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% respectively.
  • Admins may wish to turn off Bonus Damage in settings, see below.
  • Sentry firing rate adjustable too. Further powered outlet range by triple.
  • Enemies hit by beams will be slowed with brief paralysis for 1.3 seconds.
  • Sentry is Metal Tier and can only be damaged by explosives, weakness is rockets. (Ark original turret is not metal)
  • Recommend Pair with the faster Ark's turrets which can help shoot down incoming rockets.
  • Crafting Sentry Turret costs 200 metal ingot, 150 obsidian, 80 electronic, 80 pearls, 80 crystal.
  • Crafting 100 Photon Battery costs 200 oil, 150 anglergel, 100 crystal, 80 polymer. Ammo for sentry turret.
  • Crafting Photon Rifle costs 200 anglergel, 75 metal ingot, 75 obsidian, 75 crystals. Quality(Torp and Durab) can be upgraded with Midas Touch item from my Dragon God Mod.
  • Crafting 25 Rifle Ammo Cores costs 50 Photon Battery, 50 crystals, 25 pearls, 25 obsidian.
  • AnglerGel is harvested from deep sea AnglerFish or crafted in a Gel-O-Matic.
  • Gel-O-Matic: 3 Sulfur + 3 Silicon Pearl + 3 Obisidian = 15 AnglerGel. This is meant for SE maps where anglergel is scarce, to convert SE resources into gel.

Server Settings
Paste this section after end of your server's GameUserSettings.ini and edit default values.
Further Damage Setting examples: Click here for Damage Settings Info.
    See Pinned Topic in discussion for better in-depth explanation. Values cannot be 0, use -1 instead to disable.
  1. BaseDamage: Controls Flat damage each shot per FireInterval. (By Comparison: Ark default AutoTurret does 70 flat damage, per 0.35 sec interval. Or 200 DPS). Feel free to adjust yourself.
  2. DamageMultiplier: Controls Bonus percentage of BaseDamage that multiplies with added battery stacks. Default value of 1 is 100%,
    E.g. if BaseDamage = 600, then 3 stacks = 1800 damage. But if DamageMultiplier = 0.5, then 600 x 3 x 50% = 1200 damage per shot.
  3. BonusTierDamage: Integer from 1 to 8, default is 1, recommended 1 or 2. (Or -1 to Disable) Controls extra dmg of Target's MaxHp% per shot. Higher = More Dmg. Value chart: Default 1 = (0%, 0%, 5% per battery stack). 2 = (0%, 5%, 10% per stack). 3 = (5%, 10%, 15% per stack) and so on. This percent hp dmg is meant to counter insanely high health dinos.
  4. FireInterval: Sentry firing delay in seconds. Higher shoots slower and vice versa.
  5. DisableTribeAlert: Default false announces pvp alert message to all tribe members when shot at enemy player, displaying enemy player name and tribe. Set true to disable this feature.
  6. BlockPlatformBuild: Set true forces sentry unable to build on platform saddles. Default false allows.
  7. RifleTorpMultiplier: Controls Rifle Gun Torpor per shot. Default 5.0 = 2,000 Torpor per shot. Scales with value, each adjust by 1.0 will raise / lower Torp by 400. (E.g. value 10.0 = 4,000 Torp)

ModID: 575017270
Troubleshooting FAQ for common problems

This mod is free. Feel free to use any ideas and resources from it.

Also try my other mods:
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Indominus Rex Nemesis
Dragon Gods
Photon Sentry N Rifle
Pet Companions
Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator
Pet Finder
Death Helper
Meat Spoiler
Charcoal Baker
Oil Compressor
Resource Stacks
Scorched Earth Resource Stacks
Bulk Crafters
Admin Bomb

★ Disclaimer: So I am not updating anymore for my own reasons. But I have and always will allow everyone free use of any resources and ideas from all my Ark projects, rest assured I will never deny your creative freedom. Also please don't spread rumors, and keep in mind I'm not responsible for any actions you take on your own.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (56)
27 nov 2022, ore 14:00
IN EVIDENZA: Servers Running this Mod
17 mag 2021, ore 23:39
IN EVIDENZA: Sentry Damage Settings Explained Detailed
17 feb 2023, ore 22:54
IN EVIDENZA: Admin Spawn Commands
674 commenti
TheSpatula 23 nov 2024, ore 14:49 
:steamsalty:If you're using the Upgrade Station on you server which, once upgraded, makes the rifle too powerful for some, add this in you gameusersettings.ini
It won't allow the rifle to be upgraded which allows you to set how much torpor the tranq rifle does and no one can go above that.

The RifleTorpMultiplier can be set between 5.0 and 10.0 and should not have any decimals, like 5.5 or 7.2 only full numbers, otherwise it will crash.


LPG 1 giu 2024, ore 16:56 
This needs to be on ark ascended
domleg 20 apr 2024, ore 15:12 
Can someone make this for Ark Ascended?
Beff 2 set 2023, ore 14:24 
Seriously My Favorite Rifle. :steamthumbsup:
Tigu 16 mar 2023, ore 13:33 
Crashes if RifleTorpMultiplier > 5.0 (2000 Torpor per Shot).
1.0 - 5.0 works fine.
If you spawn in a Rifle with better Quality or use a Mod to upgrade Weapons, the Torpor is multiplicated with the Weapondamage.

Example with RifleTorpMultiplier=5

Torpor = 2000 * ( Weapondamage / 100)

I have an upgraded Photon Rifle with 820% dmg = 16400 Torpor per Shot :)
frosch1007 8 mar 2023, ore 14:21 
hey is there any way the increase the fire rate of the handgun? like having an laser minigun?
Agent X Top Secret 20 giu 2022, ore 2:18 
Server is crashing when equipping the taming gun... :(
NeroATB 22 apr 2022, ore 7:46 
When I increase the amount of torpor the rifle does past 5.0 and equip it in game it crashes the whole game (playing SP) help pls
HoschakaL 26 set 2021, ore 10:38 
photon riffle making xcrash , anothers working normally
The Roman 1 set 2021, ore 6:15 
Made a new video for this mod so people can see it in game...
if you like the video don't forget to like and sub, Thank you...