Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster

323 hodnocení
Ultimate Guide for Kero Blaster
Vytvořil: NesManiac
Ultimate Guide for Studio Pixel's Kero Blaster - everything you want to know about weapons, bosses, secrets, achievements.
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Welcome to Ultimate Guide for Kero Blaster!

You'll find here all information about weapons, tactics for boss fights, requirements for achievements, locations of secrets etc.

  • 07 April 2019

    - Deleted info about annotations on videos, because YouTube removed this function on their site.

  • 23 April 2017

    - Added missing 1UP in Hekichi Plateau (thanks to Trupsoft for pointing this out!)

  • 20 January 2016

    - Save Editing / Modding section completed.
    - Guide finished!

  • 27 December 2015

    - Secrets section completed.
    - Added video - Normal Mode Walkthrough
    - Added video - Zangyou Mode Walkthrough
    - Added video - Omake Mode Walkthrough

  • 16 December 2015

    - Collectibles section completed.

  • 01 December 2015

    - Shop / Upgrades section completed.

  • 26 November 2015

    - Weapons section completed.
    - Items section completed.

  • 23 November 2015

    - Added video - Zangyou Mode Jacket Run

  • 19 November 2015

    - Guide has been published!
Game Modes
First things first, there are 3 game modes in Kero Blaster:

  • Normal Mode

    Main story of Kero Blaster, accessed by starting new game.

  • Zangyou (Overtime) Mode

    Zangyou Mode is accessible after beating normal mode, it has new plot, remixed levels and completely new stages.

  • Omake Mode (New Game+)

    Omake Mode is just harder version of Normal Mode. If you beat Zangyou Mode, after credits, a guy will ask you: "Were you satisfied with your playthrough?", all you need to do is select option "I want more.". You'll keep all upgrades, except health boosts.

There are 10 achievements in Kero Blaster. It's not that hard to get them all, but you need to be patient (especially in jacket-related achievements).

  • Game Mode Achievements

    Hard Day's Work
    Beat Normal Mode.

    Hot Springs
    Complete Zangyou Mode.

    Boss Rush
    Complete Omake Mode.

    These 3 achievements will be unlocked after beating game on each game mode.

  • Jacket-related Achievements

    Covered in Sweat
    Beat the game while wearing the jacket.

    To get this achievement, you need to beat final boss while wearing the jacket (it breaks right after player gets hit by enemy), which means, that you must beat the game WITHOUT taking a single hit.

    This is the last location where you can get Jacket, but be careful, if you take it and you lose it, it will not spawn there anymore until you will restart whole level by losing all your lives.

    Soaked in Sweat
    Beat Zangyou Mode while wearing the jacket.

    Same like previous achievement, this is the last location of Jacket.

    And there is video:

    Jacket Rush
    Beat Omake Mode while wearing the jacket.

    Jacket is in the same place as on Normal Mode, there is a video with tactics for boss rush:

  • Health-related Achievements

    Perfect Attendance
    Beat the game without getting wiped out.

    Instant Salary
    Beat Zangyou Mode without getting wiped out.

    To clarify: beat the game without getting wiped out means, that you can lose your lives, just don't get Game Over / continue screen.

    Save the Gas
    Beat the game with 2 lives remaining.

    Cost Effective
    Beat Zangyou Mode with 2 lives remaining.

    And again description is unclear, you need to beat the game with 2 hearts, which means no life upgrades bought in shop.
Weapon / Pea Shooter

Pea Shooter / Repeater / Lazer / Lazer Uzi

Pea Shooter is your first weapon in the game.
Like description says: "It's better than nothing."
It can be upgraded thrice.
This weapon gains better range and damage with each upgrade, which makes it a very powerful gun for the "late game".

Pea Shooter
Damage: 1 DMG

Damage: 2 DMG

Damage: 12 DMG per string

Lazer Uzi
Damage: 9 DMG per string

Weapon / Fan

Fan / Wide / Quad / Ninja

Fan is the second weapon in KB, it can be obtained by defeating first boss - Shield Plant.
Fan has large hitbox, so it's easier to hit enemies, also it "retains its power underwater". It also has 3 upgrades, which gives more range and little damage buff.

Damage: 2 DMG

Damage: 3 DMG

Damage: 2 DMG per bullet

Damage: 2 DMG per bullet (1 DMG from ricochet)

Weapon / Bubble

Bubble / Balloon / Star Mine

Bubble - third weapon in the game.
It shoots little bubbles, which "roll forward for a long distance" and float on the water. It can be upgraded twice. Bubble is a reward for defeating Gorgon.

Damage: 1 DMG per bubble

Damage: 2 DMG per bubble

Star Mine
Damage: 4 DMG per bubble (2 DMG * 2 ticks)

Weapon / Fire

Fire / Burner / Melter

Fire is the last obtainable weapon in Normal and Overtime Mode. Fire is a reward for beating N577. It can be upgraded twice. This weapon is very effective against ice-related enemies and it has the ability to destroy enemy projectiles. Obviously, it's useless underwater.

Damage: 3 DMG

Damage: 4 DMG

Damage: 4 DMG + 3 DMG for each shield ring

Weapon / Kuro Blaster

Kuro Blaster

Kuro Blaster is a secret weapon and the most powerful gun in the game. It's obtainable legitimately only in New Game+ (Omake Mode).
It can be upgraded only by picking up upgrades from different places. Check "Secrets" for more details.

Kuro Blaster
Damage: 2 DMG per bullet

Kuro Blaster Lv2
Damage: 6 DMG (3 DMG per bullet, double shot)

Kuro Blaster Lv3
Damage: 3 DMG per bullet

Item / Heart Jar
Heart Jar
This item will automatically replenish 4 hearts when you lose your last heart.

Description explains everything - if you have only 1 heart left and you lose it, Heart Jar will be used automatically and it will replenish 4 hearts.
Heart Jar is available for purchase in Drug Store:
  • 330 coins in Normal Mode and Omake Mode (New Game+)
  • 495 coins in Zangyou Mode (Overtime Mode)
Item / Jetpack
You can now double jump! Explore higher and farther than ever!

Jetpack is a reward for beating Dekaigyo (Giant Fish) boss. It allows player to perform double jump.
Item / Jacket
This item will absorb one attack. Plus, it's warm and quite dapper!

You will obtain Jacket first time from Sasuke (Black Cat) before fifth stage - Hekichi Plateau. It breaks right after player gets hit by enemy, absorbing one attack. You can pick it up again in the shop.
Shop / Upgrades

Shop can be found in every stage of the game and it's accessible by Cat&Frog Inc. teleporter. In the shop, you can buy upgrades for your weapons, heart containers, lives, heart jars and you can refill your health.

The shop looks simple - there are 2 shopkeepers (Mizutani and Tsubasa) and hanger, where jacket will appear, ready to pick it up again, if you lose it (only after Hekichi Plateau).

Arms Dealer

Mizutani will upgrade your weapons for money, in every gamemode (Normal, Zangyou or Omake) prices are the same, all prices are described in "Weapons" section.

Drug Store

Unlike to the Arms Dealer, prices in Tsubasa's Drug Store are dependent on the gamemode, everything in Zangyou Mode is slightly more expensive, so as you can see:

  • Heart Jar - 330 gold (Normal / Omake Mode), 495 gold (Zangyou Mode)

  • 1UP - 1500 gold (Normal / Omake Mode), 2250 gold (Zangyou Mode)

  • Hearts - in the fifth stage (Hekichi Plateau) prices are increased from 1 gold to 10 gold etc.

  • Heart Boost - if you'll buy Heart Boost, it will also refill all of your empty hearts.

Collectibles / Normal & Omake Mode

Chest #1

Chest #2

Chest #1

Chest #2

Chest #1

Chest #2

1UP #1

Chest #1

1UP #1

Chest #2

1UP #2

Chest #1

1UP #1

Chest #2

1UP #2

1UP #1

Chest & 1UP #1


Collectibles / Zangyou Mode

Chest #1

1UP #1

Chest #2

Chest #1

Chest #2

Chest #1

Chest #2

Chest #3

1UP #1

Chest #4

Chest #5

Chest & 1UP #1

1UP #2 / #3

Chest #2

Chest #3

Chest #4

1UP #4

1UP #1

Chest #1

Chest #2

1UP #2

Chest #3

1UP #3

1UP #1

Chest #1 / #2

Chest #3

1UP #2

1UP #1

Chest #1

1UP #2

Chest #2

Chest #3 / #4

Chest #5 / #6 / #7

1UP #3

Secret / Secret Weapon
The following video shows you how to get the strongest weapon in the game - Kuro Blaster.

Secret / Secret Weapon - Normal Mode? + Unused Ending
In this video, you'll see what happens if you'll try to get Kuro Blaster on Normal Mode by editing your save file + unused ending for Zangyou Mode.

Secret / Reward for all achievements

Pixel has prepared a small reward for getting all achievements - it's a thank you for your hard work (Otsukare Sama Deshita!)[]

It's accessible from:
Pause Menu -> Achievements -> ★ Special

You can check this special here (SPOILER ALERT)
Walkthrough / Normal Mode
Timestamps are available in video description.

Walkthrough / Zangyou Mode (Overtime Mode)
Timestamps are available in video description.

Walkthrough / Omake Mode (New Game+)
Timestamps are available in video description.

Save Editing / Modding
And finally, last part of this guide - save editing.

There are few things you need to do:

- first of all, backup your save files

Save location by default:
<Steam Install Folder>\steamapps\common\Kero Blaster\rsc_k\profile

Each save slot is stored in a separate file, respectively, first slot in profile0, second slot in profile1 and third slot in profile2.

- download hex editor if you haven't any

If you haven't already any hex editor, you need to download it, I'm using Free Hex Editor Neo.

Also, if it's your first time with hex editing, you should read this article -> Hex Editing For Beginners[]

- open save file in hex editor

Choose one of three save files and you are ready to editing.


Always remember to close save file in hex editor if you want to start playing, because game can't properly save the game, if save file is opened in another app.

Let's edit:

I made this image that describes the entire save file (open in New Tab for full size).

But it's still not completed yet, entire "red area" needs to be decrypted + "dark purple area", which contains current position on map (I still don't know how it works).

So, if you know something, please leave a comment and I will take a look at it.

Current image version: 1.0


About modding:

You can easily change graphics in game, they are located in "rsc_k/img" folder - you can find there a lot of unused stuff, like 4th upgrade for Fan - Kamui, placeholders for more upgrades etc. or deleted stuff (for Steam release), like 4th upgrade for Pea Shooter - Death Beam.

You can also edit almost any text in game, check "rsc_k/text" and "rsc_k/localize" folders.

If you want to learn more, check this:

- Hacking and editing thread (map loader to download!)[]

- Kero Blaster article in The Cutting Room Floor[]

The End

Well, finally I was able to finish this guide after 2 months, even with technical problems, so I'm proud of myself

Thanks for reading, feel free to rate this guide, add to favorites or leave a comment below.

See ya!

Also, check my other guides:
Počet komentářů: 34
maximilio 19. čvc. 2024 v 14.55 
Something worth mentioning in the guide is that the game provides a copy paste feature for save files. I didn't notice this until like 20 hours in, and it's extremely useful, especially for the no wipe out achievements. You can use two save files to make backups at any time.
coodrag 13. bře. 2024 v 2.25 
Something about save file I know:

000000d0 - 01, this byte has another function: the flag of wiped out.
00 - normal mode: without wiped out.
01 - omake mode: without wiped out.
02 - normal mode: already wiped out.
03 - omake mode: already wiped out.
04 - zangyou mode: without wiped out.
06 - zangyou mode: already wiped out.
It is related to achievement: Perfect Attendance & Instant Salary.

00000900 - 05(maybe include 06): number of lost lives.
Taste 3. kvě. 2023 v 13.13 
Thanks for your guide, it was such an awesome help to 100% the game
You're a hero dude for it, THANKS AGAIN VERY MUCH
NesManiac  [autor] 2. kvě. 2023 v 16.07 

All footage (and whole guide pretty much) was made in 2015 - week after Kero Blaster was published on Steam. I don't remember exact version - guessing by build dates on SteamDB, it had to be v1.4.2.0. In 2017 KB had update (which added more languages etc.) - I'm not sure if Pixel made some additional changes back then.

However, I've seen some people were confused about whole "unused" situation, so I'll try my best to explain with better wording:

- this cutscene/ending was ALWAYS played after leaving map with LVL3 Kuro Blaster upgrade - either on Omake Mode (check 18:xx timestamp on my Omake Mode longplay) or Normal Mode (but only via save editing)

Ending has characters that appear only in Zangyou Mode, so I assumed that this is "unused" ending FOR Zangyou Mode - this cutscene is nowhere to be found there, only in Omake Mode (probably left by Pixel as an easter egg).
Taste 2. kvě. 2023 v 14.13 
I just wanted to know about the unused ending. Did you get via save editing only? because i just got it after leaving the room with the full upgraded Kuro blaster. Did Pixel has updated his game?
Nilex 24. dub. 2022 v 22.51 
Super high quality guide! Thank you :steamhappy:
ProjecThorn™ 20. lis. 2021 v 17.30 
Beautifully made guide.
cordialchicken 18. srp. 2020 v 7.20 
You can’t just go backwards like with the XOXO Secret. Actually with that you also have to just die to get to the first part of the stage
cordialchicken 18. srp. 2020 v 7.20 
Do you know how to get behind that ice?
cordialchicken 18. srp. 2020 v 7.19 
There’s also definitely a secret area behind the ice in the mole’s pit in white laboratories