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Skillsets and You
By Nathanx42
Okay, I ran out of space on my Other guide so this one is DEDICATED to Skillsets.
What is your skillset's Purpose?
What shall we do?
You need to design a set with a goal in mind. A specific set serves a specific purpose. I have made a set that does everything I need it to do. This is how I decide what to put in those 4 skill slots. Gimmick sets aren't normally useful outside of 1v1 scenarios.
You're responsible for your own skillset. You know what you need and what you don't need.

Let's ask a few questions about the set we're going to make.
What is my purpose with this skillset?
Am I aiming for?
Am I aiming for a DPS ground-assault set?
Am I aiming for a Close-Range DFM Fighter Set?
Am I aiming for Maneuverability?
Am I aiming for a 1 v many set?
Am I aiming for an armor piercing set?

There are very many sets. I actually ran out of space on my other guide, so I am writing this to you now. Enjoy.
An In-depth Analysis of a Skillset
Let's start with my default set, for example.

Enhanced Machinegun +
Enhanced Direct Shot
Throttle Boost +
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

Let's start with why I have Enhanced Machinegun +. This skill dramatically increases my machinegun power at the cost of a higher heating rate of the gun. This allows me to align my sights up to an enemy plane that is dodging missiles in a linear way. This counters missile dodging aircraft because it punishes any enemy that is trying to evade me permanently. It also allows punishing counter-counters, which are buffed on the PC version. A counter-counter on consoles can be locked out by certain maneuvers, meaning that if you counter an enemy going a certain way, you will negate the ability for the enemy behind you to gun you down.
A MG+ Counter will rip apart anything without Burst or Extra Armor +. It guarantees a kill in almost every situation that you can get a full counter. This is an extremely powerful and useful tool to have in the hands of a skilled pilot.

You're probably wondering why I have Enhanced Direct Shot. This skill increases the ease of launching direct shots. Due to the 60 frames per second unlock for this game, getting Direct Shots is easier. Direct shots are extremely powerful, high homing shots that are precise. They have a roughly 98% chance to hit the enemy should they be under missile dodging speeds, and can only be evaded by flares or by out-running them. Under the console version, to get a direct shot your DFM circle has to be over the center of the enemy plane. This is difficult to do precisely due to the 30 FPS lock on consoles. The 60+ FPS on PC means that direct shots are, by adding more "sweet spot" frames, easier to achieve.
These fall under the same premise as the MG+ argument in that they will oneshot anything without Burst or Extra Armor +.

Burst. Burst increases the durability(health) of your plane to the maximum. You cannot be oneshot by unenhanced(Enhanced Missiles, Missiles +, etc.) Direct Shots, or by a full MG+ Counter-Counter. I'd say Burst is more of your savior when you are out-numbered sometimes or need more lee-way with counters. Trading Health for a more favorable position behind your opponent is sometimes necessary, and Burst allows you to do that. It allows more aggressive counters, and the ability to eat very many gun counters provided they aren't buffed.

Throttle Boost +. TB+ is a skill that massively increases your plane's acceleration rate, and very slightly buffs your plane's innate turning abilities, along with the maximum speed. This skill is ESSENTIAL for dodging missiles while you're shaking an enemy. If an enemy pulls you into a stall counter, it will bleed all your speed and leave you vulnerable to missiles.
With Throttle Boost +, you can aim your nose down and hit the throttle as hard as you can, by the time one of your flare charges is done firing and has done its job, your speed will be up to par with missile evading, completely nullifying their attempt to pull your speed down and shove missiles into your plane.

Boost and Turn. This skill adds a basic Throttle Boost and Quick Turn element to your plane, allowing it two abilities that increase maneuverability at the same time, all in one skill package. This skill is required. Period. Do not leave home without it. Even on Skillsets that you only take one maneuverability skill.

Quick Turn +. This skill MASSIVELY increases High-G turning speed, Roll speed, and Pitch Speed. It also makes it so that High-Gs bleed more speed overall, in order to compensate for the faster turns. This skill is required. Do not leave home without it.

What was this set built for?
Fighters. It can counter Armor builds with MG+/Direct Shots.
It can counter Maneuverability builds with MG+.
It can counter other MG+ and High-Damage builds with Burst.

Likewise, it is not without its weaknesses. Let's see.
It has no Enhanced DFM ability.
This means builds with the same speed and maneuverability, but also have Enhanced DFM can win turnfights against this build.
Also, the single burst, is comparable to a medium level of armor. It's not light enough to be shattered easily, but it's not heavy enough to withstand a full assault. A build that can out-DFM and stay with the build is going to win against this one.

Even with all of the builds that this one counters, it still has weaknesses. That's what's so important about your skillset. You must know your weaknesses before you know your strengths.
Let's work on your build now.


You need two skills in order to have a minimum level of maneuverability. If you're fighting someone that has these two skills, and you don't, you're immediately at a disadvantage because YOU ARE SLOWER THAN THEY ARE.

That is Boost and Turn, and Quick Turn +.

If you do not have Quick Turn+, you can unlock it by A-ranking Dubai in Co-op Mode.

Now you have a minimum level of mobility and this leaves 4 slots left.
Stack it as such.

Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

You can add more mobility by adding Throttle Boost +. This will take up one slot if you need the extra Acceleration.

Throttle Boost +
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

If you're lacking turnfight abilities, throw an Enhanced DFM on there. Let's see.

Enhanced DFM (+)
Throttle Boost +
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

Remember, the difference between the version with the + symbol is that DFM + will add an extra 200 to the DFM range, and allow DFM from the front of the enemy plane during turnfights.

Regular DFM will widen the angles you can DFM an enemy plane at <2000 Range, making it better for close-range dogfighting.

This still leaves you two more abilities for armor, or firepower, should you need it.

Adding Throttle Boost is not worth it, as you already have Throttle Boost + and you do not need even more acceleration, not to mention stacking the abilities makes it so that they suffer massive diminishing returns.

Adding Quick Turn only increases the roll rate of your craft, after adding B&T and QT+. Thus this not a large help.

Let me pre-face this by saying something. Armor is a savior during battles where you're outnumbered. Stacking armor is nooby and something I don't recommend but it is a viable tactic.
Just don't be mad when someone that's a really good offensive player slices right through you.

Pulled from Baek Awk's Final Aces

1.Missile damage tests (Target aircraft : F-22 Use Burst, Defender, Extra armor)

1)Not use the skills
8 MSL or 7 QAAM
2)Use Ehanced Missile
7 MSL or 5 QAAM
3)Use Ehanced Missile+
6 MSL or 4 QAAM
(The number of missiles)

2.Machine gun damage tests (Target aircraft : F-22 Use Burst, Defender, Extra armor)

1)Not use the skills : 8/8/8/8
2)MG+ : 6/6/5.8/6
3)Sharp Shooter : 5.7/3.4/6/4.8
4)Sharp Shooter,MG+ : 3.1/4/3.5/3.2

3.Durability tests (Target aircraft : F-22, Attacker : F-22:Not use the skills.)

1)Not use the skills : 2 MSL or 2 QAAM
2)Defender : 4MSL or 3 QAAM
3)Burst : 4 MSL or 3 QAAM
4)Burst, Defender : 6 MSL or 4 QAAM
5)Burst, Defender, Extra armor : 8 MSL or 6 QAAM
6)Burst, Defender, Extra armor, Extra armor + : 10 MSL or 7 QAAM
(The number of missiles)

*Test participant : BAEK ROK , 사탕

Let's see. We have 4 armor skills and 4 Slots to put Armor Skills. Let's see what we come out with.

Extra Armor +
Extra Armor
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

You have just made the tankiest armor set in the game. Combined with some flash maneuvers you can dodge missiles like a champ, You make a great distraction in a 2v2 or 3v3 scenario.

You can now take a whopping 10 MSSLs or 7 QAAMs

Firepower is a double-edged sword.

You adding additional firepower will increase damage at the cost of your plane's health and armor.

In doing this your plane will gain the ability to level the playing ground against armor stackers by reducing the effectiveness of said armor.

Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

You can add the following:

Enhanced MG (+)
Enhanced Missiles
Homing Missiles
Double Assault
Gun Enthusiast
Sharp Shooter


Depending on your playstyle, being it guns or missiles, or both. Stacking weaponry may or may not be your choice.

For example when using a firepower set, your plane is weaker defensively, but it evens out because armor stacking opponents cannot lord their health and armor over you.

A good way of mitigating the weaker armor, and still maintaining a bit of defensive capability is by using guns.

Example Gun Set

Enhanced MG+
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

MG+ and SS are a deadly combo. SS enables a higher percentage of critical hits, which deal a lot of damage and typically put a full HP F-22 into Heavy Damage (or worse) with a single bullet.

Combining a Critical Hit with the raw damage of a MG+ bullet creates ridiculous combos that saw full 4armor stacked opponents in half in counter-counters, If you're lucky.

Example Missile Set

Enhanced Missiles
Enhaced Direct Shot
Boost and Turn
Quick Turn+

Notice that I did not include homing missiles. Homing missiles are nigh-useless on the PC version for the fact that if you can't hit someone with normal missiles, then homing missiles are going to be worthless as well.

Enhanced Missiles flatly buffs your missile damage, along with Enhanced Direct Shot picking up the damage and homing you may have missed with exluding other skills.

Due to there being no extra gun damage on the set, you're going to have a hard time killing those that can dodge missiles easily.

Enhanced Missiles + is special in that when stacked with Enhanced Missiles, it can oneshot default enemy planes.

As a last piece of advice, try to stay away from those skills that reduce your plane's durablity. While they may seem tempting, it's really frustrating dying really easily. Take care.
Multiroles have a bit more ground attack power than Fighters as in they can engage in ASM.

You can focus on attacking ground targets, or defending against fighters.

If you're planning on defending yourself from fighters, you're going to go need to go back to using a fighter's skillset. Focus on using your multirole to squeeze some damage on the enemy's HQ, with the main idea being that you keep yourself safe.

If you're focusing on DPS, it's special in that you don't need extra maneuverability. You'll just be killed anyways as soon as someone gets behind you, the massive DPS will lighten your plane's armor to the point to where you're flying a paper plane.

Keep in mind that Bombs can attack two targets at once, and LASMs are really strong.
Also, Missile Spam>Bomb Spam for pure DPS.

Now then, I'd recommend a set like so.

Enhanced Missiles
Enhanced Missiles +
Quick Charge
Global ASM
Boost And Turn
Quick Turn +

The gist of the set is to use your massive missile power to rip apart HQs and enemy fighters.
It's a very offensive set because your plane just simple will not have the defensive capability to last vs multiple opponents or a very skilled one.

Attackers cannot escape DFM normally, so they rely upon flares and teammates for almost all of their defensive capabilities.

There is almost no need to stack armor on an attacker, unless you know your team's not going to assist you.

No need to stack Maneuverability, there's no way to endlessly dodge missiles in any attacker.


tl;dr go read firepower man