

42 ratings
Change Your Steam Skin
By Souljah72
You are bored of your current Steam Skin ? So Mod up your Steam Skin :)

Here is my little Guide to Mod it up ;)

Skins are usually as a ZIP archive before, must be unpacked, are copied to the Steam directory and then activated in the settings of Steam.

Download the ZIP archive for your Steam skin and open it. Unzip the folder , you will find in the zip archive to the subdirectory "Skins" of your Steam folder. Normally you can find it under "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ skins"

If you decide for one of the more exotic skins that affect more buttons and other functions in addition to the surface
the file must be extracted in the Resources folder of Steam (C:/Programme (x86)/Steam/Ressources)

Then Open Steam and click on "Steam> Settings". Move to the "surface" tab. In "Select the skin from ..." you open the selection menu and then click on your skin. Confirm.... Steam restarts and the new skin will be used.

Here are some nice Skins ------>Steam Skins[]

More Skins[]

Skins and more[]

and more[]

Have fun with your new skin
How they look like

Amphetamine 15 Jun, 2018 @ 7:20am 
Will someone please make a PM3HD style skin?
Alexis Saxon 1 May, 2016 @ 6:54am 
thanks, I didn't know you could do this . 10/10
Gina💕 15 Nov, 2015 @ 3:43am 
nice Guide !!
szy-sz 11 Nov, 2015 @ 10:26am 
Valve knows only 2 colours. Additional third=HL3 confirmed :)
[+3z]FUSE 11 Nov, 2015 @ 3:45am 
Nice one. I´ll give some of them a try. Indeed bored of that crappy black. My favourite was always the light blue one, years ago. Dunno why they´re removed them or didn´t offer any Variants. Shouldnt be that big of a Problem to bring in some Colours :)