Retro City Rampage™ DX
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100% weapon Guide
От Mj Farquhar
Hey guys, ever wanted a weapon guide? no?

well TOO BAD

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hey guys, i have played this game for only 10 hours.... but like the pro-est of pro gamers once said 'if you can beat a level in 5 minutes, you can complete a game in less than a day'

so follow this guide to insure what weapons are avalible and how to get them.
Map + weapon locations
•NOTE: this information is based on after-game completion

1. sword and sheild
-Walk into the cave/tunnel and you'll be met by an intresting guy, after afew lines, he will give you the sword and shield, but attempting to enter while you have the weapon, he will say some thing, then you'll be forcefully kicked out

2. light gun
- after leaving a zone or dying, the light gun will respawn in front of doc choc's house. this is an insta-kill weapon, and mainly mimics the NES blaster/gun thingy :P

3. Sub-machine gun
*can be bought from ammunition store or weapon truck. to save money, just kill the guard from the truck, kill the rocketeers (rocket launcher guards) then take the truck, you will be instantly rewarded with this weapon with 99 ammo

4. shotgun

5. Bionic arm

6. Bomb

7. TNT

8. Flamethrower

9. grenade

10. baton

11. pistol

12. jumping bomb thingy
defeat ms. bates, then it will be avalible in free play

13. proton gun
-complete all mission for the go-go busters, then enter the house where you can grab the gun along with a special vehicle

14. all melee weapons
-all melee weapons are found during missions and free roam. once you have equiped a melee weapon, it will be permanently availble for free roam.

15. fists
-this is the hardest of them all. you have to quickly press play game, then open inventory and it will magically be there