Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

27 人が評価
Templates for self-made signboards
作者: stmSantana
This is a simple square model, for who doesn't have 3D graphic software.
You can download source files from following URL, Repaint and share it.
Please feel free to use this.

(Google Translate)
Japanese language ver. guide
Download and Repaint
Download Source files


Reversed flip side.
Download Link[]

Face with both sides.
Download Link[]




* ".fbx" - 3D Polygon model file. *required*
  • Square polygon 1m x 1m (resizeable).

* textures (PNG or JPEG)
  • "_d" suffix stands for the diffuse texture (RGB) - 3 color channels texture defining the albedo. *required*
  • "_a" suffix stands for the alpha texture (Mask) - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel transparency.
  • "_c" suffix stands for the color texture (Mask) - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel where the color variations can be applied.
  • "_i" suffix stands for the illumination texture (Mask) - 1 color channel mask specifying per pixel if the diffuse color should be considered emissive.
  • "_n" suffix stands for the normal map texture (RGB) - 3 color channels tangent space normal map.
  • "_s" suffix stands for the specular texture (Mask) - 1 color channel mask to specifying per pixel specularity.

Repaint texture files.
All main model textures have to have the same resolution.
You can change resolution. (Use square resolution, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024...)

100SqB has only 2 textures (_d,_a). If you need other textures, create yourself.(same resolution)
Import and Save
Copy files
  • Copy all files (*.fbx , *.png) to the Import folder.

The model import user folder is located at: *On Windows C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Import *On Mac /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Addons/Import *On Linux /home/<username>/.local/share/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines/Addons/Import

  • Main menu > TOOLS > ASSET EDITOR > NEW
  • Select Theme > (Temperate) > SELECT
  • Asset importer > Prop

  • "Scale": default Polygon is 1m x 1m, Scale 8 = 8m width and height.

  • "Max,Min scale": multiplied by imported scale. (e.g. import scale 8 & Min scale 0.5 = 4)
  • Menu (ESC key) > Save asset

  • Input save asset file name, asset title(ingame), Short description(ingame toolbar).
  • You can change images, click small folder icon.

  • Replace snapshot.png (same resolution) .
Tips of Props
Use mods to place props in-game

Texture resolution

*Use square resolution for my 1m square asset template. (Other assets may be different designs)

*"_i" (illumination), works different from Prop , Tree, Vehicle, and Building.
Tree non-illumination, Buildings illumination value changed at After Dark DLC.

Large Prop will be displayed farther than small Prop.
(Even so, the prop will not be displayed before other asset types.)

LOD is important, Because a model is displayed far distance.
Copy *.png to *_lod_*.png (abc_d.png to abc_lod_d.png, abc_i.png to abc_lod_i.png)
Copy *.fbx to *_lod.fbx (abc.fbx to abc_lod.fbx)
More Paintable assets
A Template for self-made Billboards (by Morsh)
7 件のコメント
Himmelslinien 2019年5月5日 6時51分 
stmSantana  [作成者] 2019年1月7日 0時10分 
MrMiyagi 2019年1月6日 14時27分 
Thanks simSantana!!!!
stmSantana  [作成者] 2019年1月5日 4時19分 
Update - Today, I fixed download links.
Ideal 2017年8月28日 2時32分 
Is there any other link where I can download the templates?
MrMiyagi 2017年4月27日 15時39分 
Steam removed all of your source file links. Steam says its automatic filters removed them. :/
MrMiyagi 2015年10月19日 16時50分 
What a cool idea!!