Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

168 ratings
[Spoiler] All endings and how to get them
By Barezi
Hello everybody. I'm gonna describe every possible ending I managed to got and what is required to do so. I'm gonna apologize for any grammar mistakes I do because everybody makes mistakes. I'll also describe how to get some story ending achievements which you get thoughtout Prosperity Tower and Walled City.
"Bad" ending - It's Just One City
I'm gonna call this ending "bad" because to get the achievement you have to make a deal with Qian Ya, so-called Queen With a Thousand Teeth. There's nothing special you have to do before final boss to do it, just going though the mission. After second fight, you just have to agree with her in the dialogue. She will offer 14 years of luck in the city and you have to accept that. So what happens?

Firstly, you have to kill Duncan, Gobbet, Is0bel and Raymond. They don't like your deal with the Quenn and they try to stop you. After that, Queen remains in control of Walled City, holding her end of the deal giving you 14 years to enjoy. You're left with Ractor (if he joined you in start) and Gaichu (if you recruited him). This will earn you It's Just One City achievement. Below is the end game text.
Making Amends ending
For this ending you also don't have to do anything in story. It's the basic ending, just like the "bad" ending.

This time, after second fight, you chose to attack the Queen. It doesn't matter what you do, you just have to disagree with her or start a fight at start of the conversation. You can try to make a counterdeal, but it won't work. She will attack you back unless you did some things in story (I'll come back to it in next ending). You're whole crew will fight with you against Queen. After you defeat her, she will fade. Now you have to press button and after some chit-chat, Raymond will sacrifice himself to shut down the Fortune Engine. After you come back to city, your team will celebrate on ship. You will continue to live in Hong Kong and you'll be no longer wanted. This will unlock Making Amends achievement.
Good Fortune ending
Last two endings are most confusing. Mostly because nobody sleeps. There are few requirements for those endings.
  1. You have to sleep 5 times before you go for Raymond (I think there's 7 or 8 times you can sleep after missions). Last nightmare will be when you wake up rested without one tooth and a vision.
  2. You have to finish Is0bel's side story. After talking with her 2-3 times she'll give you side quest. It will apear in your computer under new messages. I suggest you do that mission as soon as you get it because after that, you'll need to do 3 more talks with her. She needs to tell you a story about the kid who tricked the Yama Kings.
  3. You need to learn line which Raymond used to break up family fights (you learn it by talking with Duncan after missions). This breaks Raymond out of the trace and you learn that the rift can be used to turn the tables on the Queen.
  4. The last part plays the merchant who sells magic stuff. Her name is Crafty and her store is right next to the ship. After talking with her few times, she'll send you 2 mails. You need to open them on your computer. You'll learn that Yama Kings are bound to their deals and can deny Queen's request to take her thralls back with herself.

After you're done with all that, advance with missions (go rescue Raymond). Again you'll have to beat the Queen 2 times. After second fight, don't attack her. Say you earned your audience. She'll offer you a deal, but say you have a counterproposal. Select first available option, that she returns to her realm and close the door behind. Something about Yama Kings will apear as first option. Select it. If you did all things corectly, she won't be able to refuse your deal though conversation and she will have to take a deal. She will return alone in the realm.

[Update] I'll add pictures of conversations below (basicly you can press first thing every time expect for "No, but I have a counterproposal for you")

Ending is same as in Making Amends, but only you have Raymond with you. He stays alive, but we don't find out for how long. This unlocks Good Fortune achievement
Pyrrhic Victory ending
This ending is basicly the same as Good Fotune. You have to do everything I wrote up there. But the only difference is that you have to convince Queen to take Raymond with her. There's one option in conversation that says she can take Raymond with her. Just press that and basicly agree on that to the ending.

Ending is the same as the Making Amends. This unlocks Pyrrhic Victory achievement.
Story decisions in the end
There are few things that affect certain things in the endings. I'm gonna write those that I know, besides which ending you chose.
  • If you haven't sold more than 3 metadata's to the Maximus Law, he will survive. Otherwise, you'll either kill him or convince him to leave (one of those two things will earn you achievement) or Bao will kill him himself. If he dies, tech shop dies with him (bug)
  • If you killed Gaichu, he won't be with you in the end (logic)
  • If you haven't speak with Racter, he won't be with you (logic)
  • If you chose any other ending besides "bad" one, and if you completed Is0bel's storyline before (mission and talks), you'll unlock Memory Lane achievement after you talk with her on the ship (it's optional mission in the end, don't forget it!)
  • You can give data you found in Prosperity Tower to Auntie and she'll give you 5000 nuyen
  • You'll get message from Bao threatening you in the mission computer
  • You'll get Posthuman achievement by talking with Racter after the last fight
Some missable achievements in the end game
I'm gonna write some of the achievements you get doing last missions. There are:
  • You can earn God Puncher achievement by punching the Queen in either fights
  • You can eanr Monster Squad achievement if you bring Gaichu with you into Walled City and you let Ku Feng live
  • When you're saving Raymond, in the prosperity tower you'll have to hack all three matrixes on all three floor to hit data stores. That earns you No Stone Unturned achievement (mission in bugged currently and that's hard to do).
  • I got Wouldn't Want to be That Guy achievement (Have an enemy that is bleeding, on fire and infecter) by attacking him with Ku Feng (he was on fire and bleading, I just added a poison)
First of all, I would like to thank Henne and Zetor because their comments led me though last 2 endings. All credits for those goes to them.

[Update] I Feel Great and Posthuman are now available to get

This is my first guide, I think it wasn't so bad as I think. I passed the game twice with second run being quick run just to get the endings.

I hope you enjoyed and got your questions answered.

One note I forgot: If I wrote anything wrong, I'll ask you to help me and correct those mistakes. If I forgot something you know, I'll add it right away.
63 Comments 16 Jul, 2022 @ 11:03pm 
For the Good Fortune ending, it's not "learning the line that Raymond used" - it's the line YOU (your character) used to break up fights between Raymond and Duncan.
jemym 15 Oct, 2020 @ 11:36am 

As it was said in the comments section. To get the best ending "Good Fortunes" you NEED to do all 4 steps mentioned, AND use the dialogue option "Listen to what you know instead of what you fear" in the dialogue between yourself, Raymond and Duncan" in the "Raymond Black" chapter. This conversation happen before you leave to Walled City.

Kinda sucks I had to replay over an hour of combat for that, but at least I got the good ending now.
Жора 31 May, 2020 @ 3:52pm 
that Raymond vs Duncan requirement for best ending is full of crap. i hate how they did it. I should ve been getting this ending because i had all the other [logical] things acomplished
Dux 21 Oct, 2019 @ 4:19am 
I gotta replay the whole game to get the achievement "God Puncher" lol
My Wizard Orbs 24 Sep, 2019 @ 9:29pm 
Hey thanks for making this!
Karanshade 7 Apr, 2019 @ 10:20am 
for the good ending , I did exactly the same for the first 6 pictures. But then it failed , I reloaded and never had your 7th dialogue option , not exactly. I had something along the line 'she wants it for herself' and that lead me to fight her . Dunno what I missed .
Batman 16 Dec, 2017 @ 1:59am 
hey guys can you add the following into the guide? Here:

During conversation with Raymond in Heoi there will come a time you have these 4 choices:
1) Stopping that Fortune Engine is what counts.
2) Okay boys...
3) You two need...
4) THIS IS THE LINE YOU PICK FOR THE GOOD ENDING. Its probably different for everyone since mine is the exact line I picked during one conversation. But no matter what the 4th choice is the one you pick.

There you go.
Mobile Doll Cordelia 12 Feb, 2017 @ 11:28am 
I checked this guide after I beat the game. I now realize just how close I was to getting the Good Fortune ending. I even tried the counter offer option, thinking back to all the info I had gathered. I must have missed on using that one line to break up the argument between Raymond and Duncan previously. Shame!
Roast Beef 6 Jan, 2017 @ 4:15pm 
yes that pyrric was a pain to me since the guide didnt explain i had to click that option. the convo will only go that way if u make a counterproposal and then allow her to keep the "crazies you fought on the way".
perhaps 5 Jan, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
For the Pyrrhic Victory you dont need to talk to Crafty at all (I didn't). You need to allow the Queen to take her "slave-things" with her (bottom left screenshot), THEN she'll ask to take Raymond with her. On a side note, you can still sell all the metadata to Law and keep him alive if you have the Shadowrunner etiquette, with no need for him to leave.