Dota 2
125 rating
The Art of Enigma 6.87 (New Small Section Added)
Oleh 6789998212
This is my in-depth guide on Enigma, my absolute favourite and most played hero. I do have an in-game guide ready but who does that ♥♥♥♥. Enigma is a Ranged / Intelligence / Support / Disabler / Initiator / Jungler / Pusher who is best known for his infamous Black Hole. Notable players as : PGG, LightOfHeaven, Puppey, Fly, Aui_2000, and Zai.
Batalkan favorit
"Chaos hunts the spark of endless suns, whose light will die in my crushing grasp."

Nothing is known of Enigma’s background. There are only stories and legends, most of them apocryphal, passed down through the ages. In truth, Enigma is a mystery for whom the only true biography is description: he is a universal force, a consumer of worlds. He is a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. A beast between the planes.
There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance. Other legends tell that he is an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss personified—a twisted voice from out the original darkness, before the first light in the universe. And there are older legends that say he is the first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient—his motivations unknowable, his power inexorable, a force of destruction unleashed upon existence itself.

[previewicon=5070111;sizeThumb,inline;Enigma.JPG][/previewicon] [previewicon=3795741;sizeOriginal,inline;cyka.JPG][/previewicon] [table] [tr] [th][b]Level[/b][/th] [th][b]Base[/b][/th] [th][b]1[/b][/th] [th][b]16[/b][/th] [th][b]25[/b][/th] [tr] [tr] [td][b]HP[/b][/td] [td]150[/td] [td]473[/td] [td]1109[/td] [td]1801[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Mana[/b][/td] [td]0[/td] [td]260[/td] [td]949[/td] [td]1580[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Damage[b] [td]22-28[/td] [td]42-48[/td] [td]95-101[/td] [td]143-149[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Armor[/b][/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3.96[/td] [td]6.34[/td] [td]10.12[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Attacks / Second[/b] [td]0.58[/td] [td]0.67[/td] [td]0.77[/td] [td]0.92[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Movement Speed [td]300 [tr] [td][b]Turn Rate [td]0.5[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Sight Range [td]1800/800[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Attack Range [td]500[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Missile Speed [td]500[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Attack Duration [td]0.4+0.77[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Base Attack Time [td]1.7[/td] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Collision Size [td]24[/td] [tr] [table]
[previewicon=3795873;sizeOriginal,inline;malefice.jpg][/previewicon] [i]Focuses Enigma's power on a target, causing it to take damage and become repeatedly stunned for multiple instances. An instance strikes every 2 seconds.[/i] [table] [th]Malefice[/th] [th]Target Unit[/th] [th]Targets : Enemies[/th] [th]Damage : Magical[/th] [tr] [tr] [td][b]Mana[/b] [b]110/130/150/160 Cooldown 15/15/15/15[/b][/td] [td] [b]Cast Time: 0.3+0.6 Cast Range: 600 Number of Instances: 3 Damage per Instance: 30/50/70/90 Stun Duration per Instance: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 Malefice Duration: 4[/b] [/td] [td] [list] [*]The first of the three stuns occurs upon cast. [*] Can deal up to 75/120/165/210 damage (before reductions). [/td] [td] [i]Strange gravities pull at the core of those who would oppose you, holding them in place.[/i] [/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Blocked by Spell Immunity[/td] [td]Blocked by Linkin's Sphere[/td] [td]Cannot be dispelled[/td] [td] Q / F [/td] [table] [previewyoutube=y0u1c81JqM0;full][/previewyoutube] Malefice is quite the bread and butter skill. It stuns every few seconds for 3 stuns. This is an amazing ability for ganking and stopping channeled spells. Due to the time period between each stuns, enemies can still use spells and items and can escape. Try to use this every time when you see a small opportunity to get a kill.
Demonic Conversion
[previewicon=3800422;sizeOriginal,inline;Demonic_Conversion_icon.jpg][/previewicon][i]Transforms a creep into three fragments of Enigma himself. These eidolons are all under Enigma's control, and repeated successful attacks cause them to multiply. When this happens, the eidolons have their health restored.[/i] [table] [th]Demonic Conversion[/th] [th]Target Unit[/th] [th]Targets : Units[/th] [tr] [tr] [th]Mana 170/170/170/170 Cooldown 35/35/35/35[/th] [th]Cast Time: 0.3+0.7 Cast Range: 700 Number of Eidolons: 3 Attacks to Multiply: 6 Duration: 35[/th] [th] [list] [*] Demonic Conversion kills the target unit, granting the gold and experience bounty, or resulting in a deny when cast on allied units. [*] Eidolons multiply when they release their 7th attack regardless of successfully hitting their target. [*] Attacking buildings or allied units does not count, but attacking wards does. [*] When multiplying, the Eidolon's health is refreshed. Their duration is not refreshed. [*] Eidolons can only multiply once. [*] Eidolons that have multiplied will last about a second longer than those that have not. [*] This allows Enigma to convert his own Eidolons once they have multiplied. [*] Cannot be cast on ancient creeps, Roshan, couriers, wards, Lone Druid's Spirit Bear, Visage's Familiars, Warlock's Golems, the Primal Split spirits, Beastmaster Beastmaster's Hawks and Boars, Necronomicon warriors and archers, Centaur Conquerors, Satyr Tormenters, Wildwing Rippers, Dark Troll Summoners, and Hellbear Smashers. [*] Can be cast on siege creeps. [/list][/th] [th] [i]Enigma is capable of drawing aspects of himself from other dimensions - the result is a trio of dark eidolons that hunt the corporeal plane.[/i] [/th] [tr] [tr] [th] Can be cast on spell immune allied units, but not on spell immune enemy units. [/th] [th] Eidolons take Purge damage. [/th] [th] Eidolon's ability to split is not disabled by Break. [/th] [th] W / C [/th] [tr] [table] [previewyoutube=9gj20AVAwE4;full][/previewyoutube] This is how you are allowed to jungle and push efficiently. When used on enemies or neutrals, you will gain the experience and gold like a normal creep and you will get a deny when used on allies. Early game we can use these during ganks because of their immense damage. Consider waiting at your mid or offlanes tower to deny one of their creeps (highly recommended the ranged creep) this will give the lane a little bit of an edge because the tower will be pushed and the enemy will have 1 less creep to take, 6.87 also gave ranged creep a buff so therefore you will have less damage on your creeps to help you farm. Once taken, run back to fountain and then proceed to the jungle. Neutrals don't spawn until 30 seconds so you have time. You can cast these on any 'lower class' neutral and all big creeps in the easy camp and medium camps except the blue Centaur. You cannot cast this on any big creep in the Hard Camps. Be sure to micro every single Eidolon to prevent them from dying by moving the almost dead Eidolon away so that another one can tank and then the near death one will split and regain health.
[previewicon=3801508;sizeOriginal,inline;eido.jpg][/previewicon] [b][table] [th] Level[/th] [th]1[/th] [th]2[/th] [th]3[/th] [th]4[/th] [tr] [tr] [td]HP[/td] [td]180[/td] [td]200[/td] [td]220[/td] [td]240[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Movement Speed[/td] [td]260[/td] [td]280[/td] [td]300[/td] [td]320[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Damage[/td] [td]16-24[/td] [td]24-32[/td] [td]34-42[/td] [td]43-51[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Armor[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]5[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Duration[/td] [td]35[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]HP Regen[/td] [td]0.25[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Collision Size[/td] [td]8[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Sight Range[/td] [td]1200/800[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Attack Range[/td] [td]450[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Missile Speed[/td] [td]900[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Attack Duration[/td] [td]0.4+0.77[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Base Attack Time[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Bounty[/td] [td]22-36[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Experience[/td] [td]12[/td] [tr] [tr] [table][b] [list] [*] 50% Magic Resistance [/list] Name Progress: [list] [*] Lesser Eidolon [*] Eidolon [*] Greater Eidolon [*] Dire Eidolon [/list]
Midnight Pulse
[previewicon=3801480;sizeOriginal,inline;might.jpg][/previewicon] [i]Steeps an area in dark resonance, damaging enemy units based on their max HP. [/i] [b][table] [th]Malefice[/th] [th]Target Area[/th] [th]Affects : Enemies[/th] [th]Damage : Pure [/th] [tr] [tr] [td]Mana 95/110/125/140 Cooldown 35/35/35/35 [td] Cast Time: 0.1+0 Cast Range: 700 Radius: 550 Max Health as Damage: 3%/3.75%/4.5%/5.25% Duration: 11 [/td] [td] [list] [*] Midnight Pulse deals damage in 1 second instances, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 11 instances. [*] Can deal up to 33%/41.25%/49.5%/57.75% of the affected units' maximum health as damage (before reductions). [*] Does not affect ancient creeps, Roshan, couriers, Warlock's Golem, or Brewmaster's Primal Split spirits. [*] Successive casts of Midnight Pulse work fully independent from each other. [*] Destroys trees within 600 radius at the target location upon cast. [/list] [/td] [td] A section of the world slowly descends into the void. [/td] [tr] [tr] [td] Not blocked by Spell Immunity [/td] [td] Not blocked by Linkin's Sphere [/td] [td] E / D [/td] [table][b] [previewyoutube=qrhVMKaO0NA;full][/previewyoutube] Midnight Pulse is known as the forgotten skill, because it is hard to take use of its full power. It does pure damage so therefore its a maximum of 57.75% health lost if they are in ir for the whole 11 seconds and is maxed. A way to take advantage of this is to drop it before your Black Hole. The damage is great and since the Black Hole is 4 seconds it means you deal some good damage. Midnight Pulse + Aghs Black Hole + Refresher + Aghs Black Hole will kill a very fed enemy team just by yourself. Midnight Pulse also has a massive radius to destroy a bunch of trees. This is powerful against heavy jukers or heroes who take advantage of trees around them such as Treant Protector or Timberaw. A very useful skill but also one of the worst if not used properly. Take into fact that it is also 140 Mana so don't go around spamming it like Malefice. Your mana pool is precious for those Black Holes. [previewicon=3837657;sizeOriginal,inline;mid.jpg][/previewicon] [previewicon=3837659;sizeOriginal,inline;midni.jpg][/previewicon] Remember to use Midnight Pulse to break trees in the jungle so you don't have to walk around them. Don't worry, the creeps will still spawn.
Black Hole
[previewicon=3801678;sizeOriginal,inline;blackhole.jpg][/previewicon] [i]Summons a vortex that sucks in nearby enemy units. Enemies affected by Black Hole cannot move, attack, or cast spells.[/i] [b][table] [th]Black Hole[/th] [th]Target Area / Channeled[/th] [th]Targets : Enemies[/th] [th]Damage : Magical[/th] [tr] [tr] [td]Mana 275/325/375 Cooldown 200/180/160 [/td] [td] Cast Time: 0.3+0 Cast Range: 275 Max Channel Time: 4 Effect Radius: 420 Damage per Second: 55/110/165 (+ Midnight Pulse damage*)[/td] [td] Disables all caught enemies. Pulls affected units towards the center at a speed of 40, resulting in a maximum possible distance of 160. Can pull affected units over impassable terrain and through trees without destroying them. Caught enemies cannot be pulled out by Force Staff or Geomagnetic Grip. Other position changing spells like Meat Hook and Nether Swap can push or pull units out of Black Hole. The pull and disable are provided by an aura, which lingers for 0.5 seconds, or until the channeling stops, whichever is shorter. Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 4 instances. Can deal up to 220/440/660 (+12%/15%/18%/21% of max health*) damage before reductions. Does not affect wards, buildings, or siege creeps. The Aghanim's Scepter does not actually cause Midnight Pulse to be cast when using Black Hole, it just adds its damage to Black Hole. Traits of Midnight Pulse damage added by Aghanim's Scepter: The extra damage is equal to the current level of Midnight Pulse. The extra damage is dealt in separate instances, in the same intervals as Black Hole's damage, resulting in 8 total instances together with Black Hole's regular damage. The extra damage is dealt across the whole radius of Black Hole. The extra damage only lasts the duration of Black Hole. The extra damage stacks with any previously cast Midnight Pulse. Unlike the Midnight Pulse skill, the upgrade's pulse damage hits ancient creeps, couriers, Warlock's Golem and the Brewmaster's Primal Split spirits. Also unlike Midnight Pulse, it does not destroy trees in the area upon cast. Provides 800 range ground vision at the targeted point for 4 seconds upon cast.[/td] [td]The ground trembles as Enigma channels his ultimate vortex of destruction, a singularity with the power to end worlds.[/td] [tr] [tr] [td]Not blocked by Spell Immunity[/td] [td]Not blocked by Linkin's Sphere[/td] [td]Cannot be dispelled[/td] [td] R / B[/td] [tr][b] [table] [previewyoutube=FOKIcPeAYPw;full][/previewyoutube] GDFSIDFSOIDGFJSPIFJSUOFJSLKF[b]LIGHTOFHEAVENWITHTHEHUGESTBLACKHOLEEEEEE[/b] This is the bane of any enemy teams existance. You really really want to use this as soon as you hit level 6. Go to your side lane and use it, try and at least get 1 enemy hero, it is worth it. Any kill early game is worth it. Another 3 minutes of farming comes after it, giving it enough time to recharge. The disable is absolutely massive so don't be scared that they must fully be inside the radius circle. People can still walk into your Black Hole during your cast, so let it go for its full period if you know you're safe from Rubick or such other. Mistakes everyone makes and even me is when you try to cancel it but you end up cancelling it right after you cast it. Wasting that massive mana cost and cooldown. Magic immune heroes and invis are still effected by Black Hole, and don't forget that BKB won't protect you from everything.
Please note that
[list] [*] When jungling/farming with Eidolons, if you read the Demonic Conversation, that the upgraded eidolons (only) will have almost a second duration buff, this means if you are efficient enough, you can actually make 3 eidolons out of a refreshed eidolon. Alot like how if a spiderling denies another spiderling another spiderling will spring out. [*] You can kill the whole enemy team regardless of their health and resistance and without any spell damage buffs this can only be done through this step-by-step action: Have Aghs and Refrehser -> Midnight Pulse -> Black Hole -> Midnight Pulse -> Black Hole. This will do a pure damage of 105% or 115% ( I forgot, too lazy to recalculate). This cannot be done without the 2nd Midnight Pulse as It will only deal 84% pure damage, however this still has the best kill potential without that other action, as all enemy team members must have around 5000+ hp in order to survive it. [*] Eidolons have the same aggro rights as your hero does verses a tower. [*] Midnight Pulse is literally the ultimate lumberjacking tool, who needs Timbersaw? Remember that. [*] Midnight Pulse has a cast time. [*] also they are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ not eidolons fk u [/list]
Skill Builds
[previewicon=3801652;sizeOriginal,inline;build1.JPG][/previewicon] [previewicon=3801657;sizeOriginal,inline;build2.JPG][/previewicon] [previewicon=3801658;sizeOriginal,inline;build3.JPG][/previewicon] These are the ones I go, more commonly the 2nd one. Just to destroy trees and farm jungle just a bit fast. Malefice can be picked 2nd if you might expect a fight during the very early stages. You can even skip the 2nd and 3rd level of Black Hole if your team is well coordinated and have nice damage AoE's. Plus the mana cost upgrade is insane for an Enigma along with your Mekansm. You do have Soul Ring but its only 150 mana. However we still take levels into it, simply for the upgrades.
Starting Items
THE FOLLOWING BUILD IS BASED ON MY BUILD [previewicon=3801755;sizeOriginal,inline;starting2.JPG][/previewicon] You're jungling and you farm extremely fast and you are a support. Courier, ward, 2 clarities and a sages mask will do you.
Early Game Items
[previewicon=3801763;sizeOriginal,inline;earlygame.JPG][/previewicon] Soul Ring to help with your mana problems and will keep you up to date with your mana. Only Brown Boots are needed because you want to rush your next core item.
Core Items
[previewicon=3795721;sizeOriginal,inline;Capture.JPG][/previewicon] 6.86 Introduced a new item, called Aether Lens, and in my opinion. Is an extremely powerful item for Enigma. The boosts are great, more mana and can give some good health regen for Enigma, even a damage boost which acts like a mini Aghanims. The cast range is also a great extra and eliminates any worry of not getting there fast enough for a good black hole. With Mekansm you have no real initiation, that is why Blink is also a core. But with Aether Lens you don't need to worry about it that much. Mekansm over Blink is a small rule that I follow, or even as Purge said. Come on, you don't need that dream black hole. Even a 1 man black hole can be game changing. Also gives great buffs to Enigma for pushing and saving teammates and is another step towards Guardian Greaves! get it , step boots feet walk up stairs eh eh Black King Bar is obviously there to ensure that you don't get interrupted during your moments of glory. [previewicon=3837650;sizeOriginal,inline;handofmidas.jpg][/previewicon] You can ever consider getting a Hand of Midas early game even though you are supporting. This helps with your farm.
Situational Items
[previewimg=3801765;sizeOriginal,floatLeft;situational.JPG][/previewimg] Pipe of Insight gives great stats and also immense resistance against high spell casters such as Zeus. Necronomicon is also a popular core item but can be reduced to Situational. Buy this if you really need that pushing power or the True Sight. Aghanims is there if you really can't afford that time to cast Midnight Pulse or if your teams cannot deal damage during your Black Hole.
Boots of Choice
[previewimg=3818620;sizeOriginal,floatLeft;boots.JPG][/previewimg] Greaves for that amazing heal and mana regen. It costs no mana and has a very short cooldown. Probably my favourite boots on Enigma. Note that Greaves also removes most debuffs and is a great item when against your enemy, Silencer. BoTs for that awesome pushing power and mobility to travel around places. That speed is also amazing for landing a Black Hole. Treads and Tranquils aren't that uncommon. Treads can help if you find yourself dying and need a bit of tankiness. Tranquils are there to regen your health or for that armour and speed. As rare as you see them, Phase Boots can come in handy if you really have a bad early game and cannot afford that Blink. You get extra speed and go through units which can land another Black Hole. But i'll say, this is a very rare item to get but can prove to be useful.
Luxury Items
[previewimg=4206112;sizeOriginal,floatLeft;extension.JPG][/previewimg] Refresher after my boots is what I usually go for, that double Black Hole can prove to be useful if you've got that far into the game. Scythe of Vyse for some of those pesky carries and gives amazing regen and goes towards your Intelligence role. Bloodstone can be useful if you find yourself getting killed or damaged. You regen that all back and you also have that suicide. Shiva's for more of that tankiness and goes well after a Black Hole to slow down enemies and finish them off. Lotus Orb was introduced and immediately became a very good item on Enigma, even with BKB if you pop Lotus before Black Hole. The enemy will hesitiate to use spells on you. Radiance because well, it's good.
Enemies of Enigma is anyone who can shut down Black Hole really or anyone who can really disrupt his farming and survivability. [list] [*] Silencer with his silence [*] Rubick with Spell Steal [*] Enchantress and Chen who can disrupt your Jungling [*] Vengeful Spirit with Nether Swap [*] Beastmaster with Roar [*] Riki, Bounty Hunter, Sniper, Bane anyone who can kill Enigma quickly. [*] Anti-Mage is a weird hero when fighting Enigma, both of them counter each other in a specific way. Anti-Mage counters Enigma with his mana stealing which threatens Enigma's large mana pool, leading to a strong Mana Void. Also Mana Void is a BKB Piercing mini-stun. So if Anti-Mage isn't caught in the Black Hole, that is still a threat to a BKB'd Black Hole. Enigma counters Anti-Mage by providing Pure Damage to get rid of his Mana Shield, Anti-Mages blink is just enough between Malefice, but slow reactions can perma-stun an Anti-Mage. Also Black Hole is a 4 second disable, perfect for any escape hero. [*] Another enemy of Enigma are his teammates and the enemy team. Enigma relies on a safe jungling tactic. If constantly disrupted and even killed (which is fun to stalk Enigma and kill him lol) can really make Enigma some easy farm. But remember his Black Hole can still be a threat even if the Enigma is level 6 and your team is level 25. A problem I find in ♥♥♥ Games which leads me to his teammates being the enemy themselves. Is if they are solo safe lane which can lead to some chases, causing the enemy to run into the jungle and then steal your experience and perhaps even farm or take Enigma's life himself. [*] Wards pose an annoyance to Enigma, by blocking jungle camps. The enemy team will need to spend their money on Sentry wards, which is a pain. Also you can place wards around the map to find an Enigma who may be hiding, waiting for the right time to blink in and Black Hole. [/list]
[list] [*] Many of Enigma's responses are references to Friedrich Nietzsche's works; the line, "I stare also into you." references a passage in Beyond Good and Evil, where it is stated that "And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you" [*] Enigma's rival line towards Faceless Void Play "Even time may fail in the face of gravity.'" is a reference to the time dilating effect of gravity. [*] Many of Enigma's responses are also references to concepts in cosmology (the Big Bang, gravity wells, redshifts, and black holes) or particle physics (path integrals, universal constants). [*] In DotA, Enigma's hero name was Darchrow. In transition to Dota 2, his name was removed, most likely to emphasize his hero title. [*] Enigma, Io, Keeper of the Light and Chaos Knight together represent the four fundamental forces of the universe with Enigma representing the gravitational force. This is reflected in several of Enigma's responses to these heroes. "The Fundamentals unite." [*] The term "eidolon" comes from ancient greek literature, where it refers to a human-like phantom, the shade of one who died. [/list]
Thanks for taking your time to read this. I've really invested alot of my study into making this guide for people. vulture Other helpful videos v [previewyoutube=SX3ztTK_WAs;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=iQlFRmVouIA;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=FKvd07Jpxv4;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=cTxVJQzxJ8Y;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=0ul9XZGlOjc;full][/previewyoutube] tobiwan pls
82 Komentar
SLAIN 26 Des 2021 @ 3:51am 
can u fix the formatting please? its really hard to read
6789998212  [pembuat] 22 Okt 2019 @ 11:52pm 
SLAIN 22 Okt 2019 @ 10:08pm 
this is dope
♟️🏝️Fersigal🏝️♟ 10 Okt 2015 @ 2:47am 
Please not that Greaves and Manta remove silencer his ult, also bkb i guess
NerM 13 Agu 2015 @ 4:31pm 
im gonna try and learn enigma now, nice guide. +rep
♟️🏝️Fersigal🏝️♟ 10 Agu 2015 @ 6:32am 
Manta style can remove silencer his ult worth mentioning though and linken's orb is actually good if you're up against a single target hero like winter
@rtStore 9 Agu 2015 @ 5:41pm 
@rtStore 9 Agu 2015 @ 5:41pm 
RuineR 9 Agu 2015 @ 7:56am 
Кто напишет +rep, отвечу тем же.
RuineR 9 Agu 2015 @ 7:56am 
Кто напишет +rep, отвечу тем же.