Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Aerodynamic Wings - blocks for planet atmosphere
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script
3.487 MB
2.7.2015 klo 0.59
29.3.2020 klo 21.51
23 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Aerodynamic Wings - blocks for planet atmosphere

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Digi
Digi's Space Engineers mods
46 luomusta
This mod adds 3 wing blocks for small ships.

They're all slightly different wing variations, a straight, a slightly angled and a more angled one, all of which are 5 blocks wide, 1 block tall and 1 to 3 blocks in length.

These blocks apply lift when moved against their large area sides while also moving forward in an atmosphere, like a wing.

The higher you go the less efficient the wings will get all the way to no resistance when in space.

Survival ready, colorable.

Internal behavior
The wing blocks resist movement on their large surface sides if they go fast enough, which causes gliding/lift.

Minimum speed is 5m/s where the lift starts and stops increasing at 100m/s.

Force is applied at the grid-group center of mass (can be set to current grid only in the terminal, blocks are hidden in terminal by default).

They require planets with air density (not oxygen) similar to atmospheric thrusters.

On top of that, the different visual styles also come with different force scales, the angle 1 (2x1x5) has the regular (100%) force, the angled 2 (3x1x5) has 125% force and the straight one (1x1x5) has 75% force.

Simply place the block on a small ship pointed forwards and you're done, you have a glider!

Give it a rear thruster and you have a plane, also some gyros, since flaps are really hard to control with rotors and stuff but it IS possible to do it that way too, just mind that you need to point the wing forward even on the flaps :P

And maybe a forward facing thruster for slowing down easier but that's about it.

Visual debugging / seeing when they actually work
If you're unsure if the design you're making takes advantage of the wings, you can enable the debug mode that visualizes when the wing is in effect.

It only works in creative mode and to enable it you have to go to the ship's control panel, show hidden blocks then select the wing blocks you want to debug and enable "Show in Toolbar Config".

That will paint the wing green if it's working or red if it's not and show a green or red message with information to anyone controlling the ship and anyone within 30m from the wing.

To disable debug mode just turn off that "Show in Toolbar Config" checkbox and the messages will stop showing and the wings will be painted back to their original color.

Worlds, blueprints, etc
I published a world which has that plane from the screenshot and some other stuff, including a really huge flat gravity field provided by my Enhanced Gravity Generators mod, have a go at it: (World) Aerodynamics Playground

Well the main problem is that it's easy to abuse it, you can place wings inside the ship and it'll still work, adding checks for such things is complicated and not really worth it, especially since the game itself doesn't do that with thrusters either xD

Programmable block API
With a PB you can read the currently applied force and the world position where that force is applied.

"Wings.AppliedForce" of type Nullable<Vector3> which returns null if the block is not actually a wing.
"Wings.AppliedForceAt" of type Nullable<Vector3D> which returns null if no force is being applied.
"Wings.UseGridCOM" of type bool which is the toggle in the "Use center of mass of:" button in terminal, true is "Grid", false is "Ship".

You can test if the mod is available (or updated) by using GetProperty("name") and nullcheck.

Related mods
Improved Thrusters - Reverse thrust, spinning fans, better jet flame
Enhanced Gravity Generators - pulling ships together, literally

This mod is quite simple, there are more advanced aerodynamic mods out there:
Aerodynamic Physics (Deadly Reentry + Drag + Flight)
Planetary Dynamics - Re-Entry Heat, Drag, and Wings

Known issues
- Fixed in SE v01.164 Since v01.157 wings on rotors with safetylock will behave weirdly after a while (applying forces in seemingly random directions) as well as detecting atmosphere while in space at seemingly random times, these issues are with the game and have been reported to devs.

mod io?
Please read[]
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (7)
13.6.2023 klo 17.17
13.7.2021 klo 4.51
Wing Size
|U.B.C.S| LoneWolf
3.6.2016 klo 20.42
Merge Block Compatibabilty
675 kommenttia
Takeshi 2.7.2024 klo 11.42 
Sounds like a known problem in combination with wheels. Remove them and check again. If this work, try to place the wheels on another position.
DartTimeTime 12.6.2024 klo 11.09 
Is anyone having an issue causing all of their crafts to sharply nose-up while accelerating? Thruster placement doesn't seem to matter. Nor does having center of mass and the grid pivot being the same point.

Does the mod just turn thrust into random torque?
RiverC 14.4.2024 klo 15.25 
each kg at 1g is going to put 10N of force downward on your vehicle. so the most angled wing at full speed is going to *carry* 1.25t, You of course need excess because you need to be able to get lift and not just negate gravity, want to be able to generate positive lift before you hit top speed, and/or don't have 100% atmosphere effect. Rather than unhelpful comments saying you're trying to fly an "over-PCU'd tank [wink wink]" you could offer them a point of reference to do the math.
MARRA92 13.4.2024 klo 1.56 
Hey sir im big big fan of your mod, it literally changed my way of moving inside atmosphere!
I would like to invite you on my game when you can, to check my builds, im putting huge effort to maximize the functionality of my jets and I recently made a "second gen" flyer that has great performance! id really love have your feedback! adding you
Digi  [tekijä] 23.2.2024 klo 22.11 
Yes but only as "decorations", that mod has a setting to turn off this mod's logic (which I provide via API) otherwise they'd both apply forces and would become weird.
Kasolin 23.2.2024 klo 8.37 
Can this mod be used together with the Aerodynamic Physics Mod?
e1k3 25.1.2024 klo 5.43 
E: also works without any speed mod of course.
e1k3 25.1.2024 klo 5.43 
done, it works fine with a standard speed mod of 200m/s. my suspicion is that due to how this works, some number the speed mod uses to calculate the max speed doesnt check out and it tries to aggressively slow down a grid it thinks moves too fast.
Digi  [tekijä] 24.1.2024 klo 22.35 
Can you try the same ship without relative top speed, and normal max speed mod for 200 or more? Trying to see if it's some quirk of the ship or the relative top speed mod itself :lunar2020thinkingtiger:
e1k3 24.1.2024 klo 11.51 
So, i encountered a somewhat unique issue with these, when paired with the relative top speed mod (grid mass determines max speed).

When approaching ~160-170m/s (with a max speed of 200m/s) the ship constantly experiences intense downward drag, virtually impossible to counteract. Flying slower works perfectly fine.

Is there a way to make these two work together?