Space Engineers
ArrowHead-Class medium cruiser
Type: Blueprint
482.054 KB
7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 4: 46am
7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 8: 06am
2 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

ArrowHead-Class medium cruiser

A well armored and armed Medium cruiser that can be used as a patrol our as a support craft. Very fast but with a low turning rate. It is equiped with 4 small hangar bays with one fighter each ( the default fighter is the ARSC-74 : )
The ship has 3 levels, the lower one is a fire control and hangar control area that can operate as the control station if the command tower is damaged; the second level, the largest in the ship, has the hangar bays, 2 medical rooms, a storage room, a gyroscope room and the reactors; the 3 and last level is the command tower.

the ship is armed with 4 proton torpedo lauchers, 3 turbolaser canons and 4 point defense miniguns
( mod for the first two:

other mods required (force fields):

check out the ARSC-74, the light fighter in the ship hangars:

check out the Blockader-class Star Destroyer:

7 ความเห็น
Thiccus Meatus  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 3: 28am 
thank you for the effort you are putting into my ship, i will delete the ships from the blueprint, to smooth the ship even more and add extra mods for the windowns and add some intirior defences
about the weapons i may add some extra proton torpedos, since this are kind of overpowered, they can destroy everything ( you should test fire them )
Wilder 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 11: 01am 
Also I should point out that the prowler is a attack cruiser, designed to get up in your face and hit hard so take that into consideration as well.
Wilder 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 11: 00am 
Last thing is the bridge. It looks goofy and it's a total death trap. I would recommend you get the bridge windows mod and maybe the Diamond bonded hex glass, those should help with survivability quite a bit.
Wilder 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 11: 00am 
So a few more recommendations, Ill post a link that should show a bit better what I ment by smoothing it out. The front nose is a bit to... spikey. (Note, a lot of ship building is personal taste, so not all of these may be important,matter,pertain ect to you.) Next to your ship I put a cruiser of mine that is smaller than yours and nearly all the conveyor ports you see should have guns on them (I didn't have the mods on), so It seems a bit lightly armed. It is kinda a carrier but the armament still seems skimpy. I would recommend Mexplex to fix all your weapons needs. Also I don't like the vanilla thrusters much so I like to use sectans alot among others (I added his modular thrusters to the top in one of the pictures). Also, blueprints jacked up your fighters pretty bad, the rotors had fallen off and screw with some stuff.
Thiccus Meatus  [ผู้สร้าง] 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 8: 07am 
the new version is now live:
-added blast doors to the hangars (control panel in the flight control area)
-smoothed a bit the extirior
Thiccus Meatus  [ผู้สร้าง] 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 6: 51am 
Thanks for your opinion, i will try to bring a updated version soon
Wilder 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 6: 50am 
I gonna bet this is based of the Acclimator XD My only advice to you is to smooth out some of the edges, like the front raised portion, and all along the outside edges as well. Also you could probably fit hangar doors into the hangars as well for that extra protection.