Zeno Clash

Zeno Clash

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Zeno Clash FOV fix !
By skibidi groilet
Here's a fix for the fov in Zeno Clash !
Headaches begone !
The fix is very simple.
Go to \Your steam directory\SteamApps\common\ZenoClash\zenozoik\scripts

Now you're going to modify the FOV for each individual weapon, including the fists.

These are the files you'll need to modify, except weapon_zeno_noweapon.txt, which doesn't have any FOV settings. Instead you'll need to add something to it.

Paste this :

"min_pitch" -90 // up limit
"max_pitch" 45 // down limit
"FOV" 100
"zoom_FOV" 100
"motion_blur_ammount" 5
"jitter_strength" 2
"jitter_duration" 0.3

"melee_impact_fx" "impact_strong"

to weapon_zeno_noweapon and you should be good to go !
NOTE : Here is my file in case you're having issues :

// Crowbar

// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#HL2_Crowbar"
"viewmodel" "models/cutscenes/empty.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/cutscenes/empty.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "crowbar"
"bucket" "0"
"bucket_position" "0"

"clip_size" "-1"
"primary_ammo" "None"
"secondary_ammo" "None"

"weight" "0"
"item_flags" "0"

"run_speed" 100 // normal, walking speed
"sprint_speed" 360 // run speed, jogging

// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
"single_shot" ""
"melee_hit" ""
"melee_hit_world" ""

"min_pitch" -90 // up limit
"max_pitch" 45 // down limit
"FOV" 100
"zoom_FOV" 100
"motion_blur_ammount" 5
"jitter_strength" 2
"jitter_duration" 0.3

"melee_impact_fx" "impact_strong"

// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "WeaponIcons"
"character" "c"
"font" "WeaponIconsSelected"
"character" "c"
"font" "WeaponIcons"
"character" "c"
"file" "sprites/640hud7"
"x" "48"
"y" "72"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"font" "ZenoCreditsTitleText"
"character" " "
"font" "ZenoCreditsTitleText"
"character" " "
"font" "ZenoCreditsTitleText"
"character" " "

Paste the VisualData where I put it and it should work.

For the other weapon files, just hit ctrl+f and search for "FOV" , modify the value of the FOV and zoom_FOV (The zoom_FOV of weapon_zeno_melee.txt is the FOV value for when you're locked onto an enemy) to whatever you want, save the file, and your game's fixed !

I hope this helped you, feel free to comment if you have any questions/suggestions.
JoesGuy 14 Mar, 2016 @ 12:56am 
Yep, only fov. Restoring the old values restores the crosshairs again.
skibidi groilet  [author] 13 Mar, 2016 @ 1:14am 
It didn't on my end, is this the only thing you've done to your game ?
JoesGuy 12 Mar, 2016 @ 3:01pm 
It does indeed work, though I've encountered a problem - Namely altering these files removes weapon crosshairs.