Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Blockader-class Star Destroyer
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Type: Blueprint
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11 Thg04, 2015 @ 9:30am
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Blockader-class Star Destroyer

Mô tả
A medium-large size star destroyer that matches good firepower and and armor, but lacks speed.
It can also perform the role of a small carrier, having a main hangar in the central hull (can carry around 16 medium fighters) and secondary one in the back for shuttles and larger fighters.
the ship is not survival ready, but it can be presurized if oxigen generator and some vents are added ( I may work on that in the future)

In the front of the ship we can found the crew quarters, the gyroscopes room and the cargo room. In the center we can find the hangar and in top of it the weapon control rooms. in the back we can find a genarator room, the engine bay, the secondary hangar and the control tower.

battleship cannon mk1
main battleship cannon mk3
OKI 23mm Defence Gun http/
OKI 50mm Support Gun Set
OKI 122mm Assault Gun Set
OKI 230mm Battlecannon
OKI 230mm Heavy Battery
KOLT-command console pack
ShaoCorp Force Fields
Titan engine
(special thanks to the mod creators for their amazing work)

Please give your opinion and sugestions about the ship

check out the ARSC-74:

check out the ArrowHead-class medium cruiser: