Cities: Skylines
1,940 คะแนน
One-Way Street Arrows
56.109 KB
11 เม.ย. 2015 @ 5: 46pm
17 ก.พ. 2017 @ 5: 18pm
15 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
Adds togglable green arrows over one-way streets so it's easier to see which way they go.
Updates in real-time as you build one-way roads and change road directions. Also available in the Asset Editor.
Arrows can be round (default) or flat. See Configuration section below.

A toggle button to turn the arrows on and off is located in the roads panel to the left of the "Toggle Snapping" button. The arrows can also be toggled using the period key.

Arrows appearing in magenta indicate "suspicious" one-way streets. These are one-way streets which connect directly to two-way streets, which block half the lanes for the two-way street. This makes it easier to find streets which may have been accidentally changed into one-way streets.

Arrows for tunnels are drawn when in "underground mode". There might be a slight delay in drawing the arrows or hiding the arrows when going in or out of underground mode.

Right click the arrow toggle button to open the options panel for the mod.

The arrows can also be configured by editing one_way_street_arrows_options.xml found in the game's folder. The arrows are automatically updated when the file is changed.

The following options are supported:
- arrowColor: The color of the regular arrows. Default is green. Alpha is not supported.
- errorArrowColor: The color of the arrows for suspicious one way roads. Default is magenta. Alpha is not supported.
- arrowOffset: Where to position round arrows relative to the center of the road. Default is 6 units above the center.
- flatArrowOffset: Where to position flat arrows relative to the center of the road. Default is 2 units above the center.
- arrowType: The type of arrow to use. Possible values are "Round" and "Flat". Default is "Round".
- arrowDimensions: Size of round arrows.
- flatArrowDimensions: Size of flat arrows.
- hideWithRoadsPanel: Whether to turn off the arrows when the roads panel is closed. Either "true" or "false". Default is true.
- arrowToggleButtonPositionInGame, arrowToggleButtonPositionInEditor: The position of the button in the game or in the editor relative to the Toggle Snapping button. Defaults to (-38, 0) in the game and (0, 46) in the editor.
- arrowToggleButtonSizeInGame, arrowToggleButtonSizeEditor: The size of the button in the game or editor. Defaults to 36x36 in both.
- arrowToggleShortcutKey: The shortcut key to use to toggle the arrows (e.g. ".", "o", "backspace", "f8", etc). Defaults to period (".").

Known issues:
- Arrows not showing for tunnels Arrows should show for tunnels.
- Arrows point in the opposite direction for left-hand drive maps. Works correctly with left-hand drive maps.
- Removing roads by clicking and dragging with the bulldozer sometimes doesn't update the arrows. Turn the arrows off and back on to update.
- Arrows appear for harbors and airports. Arrows no longer appear for airports or harbors. Arrows appear again for aiport roads.
- Slight delay in drawing or hiding arrows for tunnels.

Crashes / Issues:
If your game crashes or has other issues with this mod, please send an email to [email protected] with:
- Your save game that has the crash / issue. On Windows, saves are in
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Saves
- output_log.txt, located in (for example)
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data on Windows.
- The list of mods you have enabled.
- Any instructions to reproduce the problem.

Also try disabling all other mods and see if the issue goes away.

Source code is available at:
กระดานสนทนายอดนิยม ดูทั้งหมด (2)
12 มี.ค. 2022 @ 6: 42am
Error Upon Opening Road Menu
29 ก.ค. 2016 @ 9: 34am
Button gets removed from UI with 'Ploppable RICO' mod.
355 ความเห็น
simmerlella 20 ก.พ. @ 2: 57pm 
Svis is so wrong, if you accidentally mix-and-match one-way and two-way, it's so hard to spot the gap in subtle white arrows. This mod shows a bright purple error arrow over the connecting one-way road. The sheer speed of how that helps is a god send! It helps tremendously! It can take SECONDS! :D
MaZamette 25 พ.ย. 2023 @ 7: 37am 
This mod saving our life.
Skylingale 19 ต.ค. 2023 @ 5: 51am 
Shut the fuck up svis.
CreatorOfWorlds 29 ส.ค. 2023 @ 10: 40pm 
I agree, this mod is still relevant to increase visibility of one ways.
Sasquatch 27 ส.ค. 2023 @ 3: 24pm 
Svis seems to be triggered by people pointing out a mistake. How about mind your own business instead of attacking me for making a comment. I sit 10 feet from the screen, so things don't look the same as on a laptop. And not all the networks I use even have the default arrows. Don't attack people when you don't know what's going on.
Svis 9 ส.ค. 2023 @ 5: 54am 
I mean if you need this mod then you really have vision problems or something
Svis 9 ส.ค. 2023 @ 5: 54am 
Sasquatch seems to be triggered by a mod being obsolete lmao
Sasquatch 23 เม.ย. 2023 @ 4: 23am 
I'm adding this comment because I see this mod is still on the "mods to unsubscribe" list. The author of that list is convinced this mod needs to be unsubscribed because it is old and obsolete. Being old is irrelevant. This is a QoL mod that doesn't modify gameplay in any way, so it doesn't need regular updates to keep working and it isn't likely to break anything. There are older mods still in use. And it isn't obsolete because the basegame functionality is inadequate.

I highly recommend this mod if you do a lot of tricky things with 1-way roads. It makes it so easy to find that one backwards segment that has broken your epic industrial layout. Or even just to scroll way out to see if the logic of your layout is good.
Shado ᴥ 20 ม.ค. 2023 @ 9: 54pm 
this mod works for me
荔枝烤鱼! 19 พ.ค. 2022 @ 9: 35pm 