Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Canberra, ACT, Australia
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3 avr. 2015 à 1h33
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Canberra, ACT, Australia

Designed by American architect Walter Burley Griffin, Canberra is the capital of Australia, roughly equidistant from Sydney and Melbourne.

Canberra is unique in that it is a city designed from the very beginning to function as a capital city, and its most central districts incorporate a wheel-and-spoke design rather than a grid system, which radiates from Capital Hill on the south bank of Lake Burley Griffin, and City Hill on the north bank. Of his plan, Burley Griffin said; "I have planned a city that is not like any other in the world. I have planned it not in a way that I expected any government authorities in the world would accept. I have planned an ideal city – a city that meets my ideal of the city of the future." However, Burley Griffin encountered many setbacks including planning disputes, insubordination and negative press, and eventually left the Canberra design project.

So, do you think you can make a better capital city for Australia than Wally?
10 commentaires
mrdo2000 27 sept. 2023 à 1h43 
i was born here uhhhhhhhh
Grovers1 3 nov. 2016 à 18h19 
My Favorite City! :)
Hazey 12 oct. 2016 à 22h40 
Thank you for putting in the effort to map canberra onto this game! It's actually so amazing that I can play around with the place I live in and design my own version :)

Really well done, +1, favourited, etc etc. Amazing work.
iced coffee 30 juil. 2016 à 5h32 
Thank you for making my Home Town :) Now I get to live Canberra again, but in a game. But if i want to travel, it is a 1200km journey! Downloaded this!
Death of Rats 17 juil. 2016 à 5h41 
This is a really nice map to play on. Thank you.
Ienkoron 16 janv. 2016 à 11h51 
Hexagonal grids here I come :D (And Walter's plan got evicserated by the silly Public Service... :( )
Quetzacchi 27 mai 2015 à 2h54 
It would be interesting to have a pre-Lake Burley-Griffin Canberra to play with, so we can flood the lake ourselves...
Gean 26 avr. 2015 à 12h14 
There are so many things that anger me as a planner when looking at real world Canberra. Shame that the true vision isnt there. However we can make sure that happens ;)
Spectra 25 avr. 2015 à 18h17 
Very nice! I tried to do a Canberra map myself, but sadly my skills exist very much on the programming end of the spectrum. This is infinitely better than my attempt :)
The pedant in my wants to take issue with a couple of things, though: It's nowhere near equidistant between Sydney and Melbourne, and it's not unique in being a purpose-built, designed capital - other good modern examples are Brasilia and Washington DC, but there's a bunch of others throughout history.
Sausage 9 avr. 2015 à 11h33 
Maybe in a round-about way. Perhaps I could ask him a thing or two in way of advice, but he might be a bit hard to find.