41 ratings
The Laura Bodewig-Build (Fun-Build)
By ∫ Tubbs Fat
Ever wanted to be that cute little girl who can become a big problem for every enemy? Then you are here at the right place! Because you can become this little girl now! :3
Hey there Heisters,
and welcome to my first Skillbuild-Guide. We will take a look now on a pretty funny skillbuild which I call the Laura Bodewig-Build. Please note that this is my complete first guide, so please excuse my first misttakes and bad descriptions. I do as best as I can. Besides that Im a german guy so please excuse wrong formulations and bad writing. Feedback and criticism is wished. :)

Thank you for your attention,
let's get started!
Who is Laura Bodewig?
Well at first let me introduce you to a great anime I recently have seen: Infinite Stratos!

It tells you the story of the student Ichika Orimura, who is however be able to operate the powered exoskeleton called "Infinite Stratos" but normally females are the only species who are able to operate the IS.

That is the story very shortened and I want to avoid spoilers, so watch the anime by yourself if you are interested. Now we come to Laura.

Laura Bodewig is the result of a failed nanomachine experiment from the german military that was meant to help her become a better soldier and IS pilot. She is trained in melee fights, close quarters fights and know how to operate many guns.

I cut this here again to avoid spoilers.
What is the skillbuild about?
Her skillbuild is based arround basedodging, melee skills, pistol skills and rifle skills. It also features aced medic-bags and Inspire ace so you can support your time while its only meant to be a fun-build. I played with this build on several maps on Overkill and I would say I would approve it for Overkill and lower difficulties.

Please mind that you need to be a little bit experienced for this because you dont have Low Blow and Sneaky Bas7ard from the Fugitive-Tree. So the maximum dodge you can get is 45% while standing or walk, 60% while crouched and 70% while sprinting.

Also be aware that you have Med-Kits as consumeable on you, not ♥♥♥'s. So don't think you can go full rambo on a bulldozer, lose almost all your health and then dropping a ♥♥♥ for replenishing your health. My advice is to be a little bit defensive but hard hitting. Your weaponry is allowing that.
Pro's, Neutral's and Con's
Please note that I only write down the Pro's and the Con's for the skillbuild I used. Of course you can change the skills how you want.

  • Big lethality with pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles and melee weapons
  • Highest mobility
  • Good for moving bags
  • Aced medicbags
  • Aced Inspire
  • Reload while sprinting
  • No need for ammobags
  • Many weapons avialable even for people who don't own any DLC!


  • Dodgeskill needed
  • Could use a man with First Aid-Kits
  • Pistols are essential as secondary's


  • Very fragile if played wrong
  • No armor
  • No way to get "Low Blow" and "Sneaky Bas7ard" either aced or based
  • No aced ammobags, trip mines (C4), ECM's and First Aid-Kits
  • Useless for stealth heists
The Build itself: The Mastermind
In this tree are going the most of the points because we have here many points to improve our lethality with pistols, assault rifles and sniper rifles. Especially the pistol skills are very essential for our build. I will explain by every skill why I dropped the skillpoints in it.

Tier 1:

Unlocking the Matermind:
Should be obvious. ;)

Tier 2:

Cable Guy ace:
The more hostages you have the higher are the standards for you and the longer you have the time to prepare yourself for the assaults. 6 cable ties are a great thing.

Endurance ace:
It helps you alot out. Besides that you are trained at being fast. And that for a long time. 150% more stamina can be the difference between a living teammember and a teammember who is in custody. You can sprint more than twice times longer.

Tier 3:

Leadership ace:
Since you are shooting with guns since you are born you know how to tame even the most unstable weapon platform on this earth. Reduces the recoil significantly on all weapons.

Tier 4:

Spotter base:
You know how to hit an special enemy at their critical points. Mark them ("F" on default) and you and your team deal 15% more damage on specials.

Equilibrium ace:
The first skill to improve our trustworthy sidearm. More accuracy, shorter pull and put away-time and doubled rate of fire are golden.

Dominator base:
You need a hostage but you are out of cable ties or all civilians are gone? Intimidate ("F" on default) a non-special as hostage.

Tier 5:

Combat Doctor ace:
Need some medical supplies? Fast in high doses? Here are 8 charges to set your Down-Rate back to zero. Your comrades will thank you.

Tier 6:

Kilmer ace:
You know your guns so good that you know how to reload them faster. Besides that you have through your training much more accuracy while you are moving. And the ability to reload while running can save you if you are in a tight spot.

Gunslinger ace:
You reload your pistols in no time and dealing a sick amount of damage. Great for every soldier who seem not so dangerous to the foes. Because a unsuspected target is an easy target.

Tier 6:

Inspire ace:
Germans have this ability to scream on you and you run faster or even forget your pain and get back up in the fight. This is a great asset you should use everytime and as much as possible.
The Build itself: The Enforcer
Now we come to the second skilltree. Here is one important skill to improve our melee fighting skills. So let's go there!

Tier 1:

Unlocking the Enforcer:
Should be obvious. ;)

Tier 2:

Transporter ace:
A real german soldier have to run while they are carrying 10 kg weapons and at least a 20 kg heavy backpack. You are trained to carry such stuff and you will be faster than the normal carrier. You can even throw them further.

Tier 3:

Die hard base:
If you are go down you can still fight like an eagle. It works even better when you can fire your strong primary weapon on foes instead of your pistol.

Pumping Iron ace:
For your love to knifes and other sharp weapons you know how to handle them even more deadlier. Your melee weapons get a damage buff which can save you when it comes to a fight soldier vs. cop.

Tier 4:

Stun Resistance ace:
A flashbang is just a short tickling for a soldier and everyone who gets blind for more than 5 seconds is a small fish. A clear sight means you can cover your blind team earlier than they even know that there was a bunch of enemies.

Tough Guy base:
A man who shakes on the field is a dead man. Reducing the shake effect when you are get hit is a great advantage aganist your enemy.

Small side note: Here are some spare points invested like the 4 points in "Stun Resistance" and 1 point in "Tough Guy". If you want you can spend them elsewhere.
The Build itself: The Technician
The Technician offers us three skills which are very good for such a build. The focus on Technician is on improving our Assault Rifle even more.

Tier 1:

Unlocking the Technician:
Should be obvious. ;)

Tier 2:

Rifleman ace:
The faster you can look through your sight the earlier is the target down. Besides that you have more zoom while you are looking through your sight which means your accuracy is better.

Nerves of Steel ace:
Well the base version is kind of meh the stronger you get when you ace it. Looking trough your iron sight compared with the bonus from "Rifleman" means while you are downed you are still able to kill your target and protect your comrades while they are helping you.

Tier 3:

Sharpshooter ace:
You learned with every weapon. Even with single shot rifles. This means more accuracy. Besides that you are getting with the Ace more stable with Assault Rifles.
The build itself: The Ghost
Actually this build isnt so ghosty... But you still need some more movement speed, damage reducement and the last skill for your melee's. So here we go!

Tier 1:

Unlocking the Ghost:
Should be obvious. ;)

Tier 2:

Sprinter ace:
You are trained at being as fast as possible. You come faster to your breath and even sprint faster. This also increase your chance to dodge bullets 25% more.

Cat Burglar base:
Some people are don't know how to unroll. But you know it. Reduce the fall damage is a significant feature you ever want.

Tier 3:

Fast Hands ace:
A soldier has to grab all his stuff in shorter than 90 seconds after he woke up. You are trained in that and reduce the time to interact with a bag in no time!

Tier 4:

Shinobi base:
You are good in running but you need to be fast while walking and crouching, too. And you are trained in it.

Marital Arts:
Your life is marital arts. You are specialized in it and you taught your comrades your moves. More knockdown with your melee attacks aganist your enemy and less damage from melee attacks aganist you.
The Build itself: The Fugitive
Now you are almost perfect. The only thing what is missing on you is the last movement increase and the last dodge increase.

Tier 1:

Unlocking the Fugitive:
Should be obvious. ;)

Tier 2:

Thick skin ace:
Through your military experience you are tough as hell. More steadiness is your reward. But also your ballistic armors get a small addition of armor but that is uninteresting.

Tier 3:

Run and Gun base:
You are the fastest man of your crew. 10% more movement speed is a big advantage you should ever use!

Duck and Cover ace:
If the situation gets to hot just duck yourself and the possibility to dodge is increased by 15%.
The weapons! The Gewehr 3.
Like I said this is a DLC-less skillbuild. I will only use this weapons because they are coming from the same country like Laura so that we have the pure feeling to play as her. However im sure all the vanilla assault rifles are good or even better than stick with the Gewehr 3.

The stats are:
  • Magazine: 20 rounds
  • Total ammo: 100 rounds (5 magazines)
  • Rate of fire: 650 rounds per minute
  • Damage: 50
  • Accuracy: 18
  • Stability: 35
  • Concealment: 6
  • Threat: 43

The mods I used and what they affect:

  • Barrel: Assault Kit (gives +20 total ammo, +7 stability, +4 concealment, -3 damage, -4 accuracy)
  • Barrel Extension: Firebreather (gives +7 damage, +4 stability, +17 threat, -2 concealment)
  • Custom: None
  • Foregrip: Tactical Foregrip (+7 stability, -2 concealment)
  • Gadget: Military Laser Module (+4 stability, -2 concealment)
  • Grip: Precision Grip (+4 accuracy, -2 stability, -1 concealment)
  • Sight: User preference (+4 stability, -1,2,3 concealment)
  • Stock: Precesion Stock (+4 accuracy, -2 stability, -1 concealment)

Take the LED Combo if you have it. It gives you a proud +7 stability bonus.

I tested this weapon on several maps on many ranges. The Gewehr 3 do the job and it does it quite well even when the rifle is jumping arround like a fleeing bunny when you shoot it in full-auto. You can use this weapon as a multifunction-tool like taking down a Bulldozer with full-auto (and good aim) or kill the sniper which annoys you and the team with single-fire. However, reload will take some time, even when we have "Kilmer" aced you need 1,95 seconds for a tactical reload and proud 3,15 seconds for a complete reload with re-chambering the weapon. But that dosen't hurt so much since you can run and reload.

In short the G3 is a weapon which should be used as a special-killer or a crowd-control weapon.

The weapons! The Gruber Kurz
James Bond can kill with it and Laura too. Accurate, stable and deadly. This gun comes in handy when you realize that you emptied your primary.

The stats are following:

  • Magazine: 14 rounds
  • Total ammo: 154 rounds (11 magazines)
  • Rate of fire: 1340 rounds per minute
  • Damage: 41
  • Accuracy: 23
  • Stability: 37
  • Concealment: 25
  • Threat: 4

The mods I used and what they affect:

  • Barrel Extension: Facepunch Compensator (+5 damage, +1 stability, -2 accuracy, -1 concealment)
  • Gadget: Polymer Flashlight (-1 concealment)
  • Grip: Laser Grip (+2 accuracy with a laser gadget included)
  • Sight: Pistol Red Dot Sight (+2 accuracy, -1 concealment)
  • Slide: Long Slide (+2 damage, +2 accuracy, -2 concealment)

Save yourself the Polymer Flashlight and mount a Tactical Pistol Flashlight on it since it don't increase your stability like it does on various other pistols.

This gun is wicked. Nobody is feared when you have it in your hand but then you pop one head after the other. 41 damage is totally enough for such a weapon. Besides that if you are not abusing the high rate of fire you run NEVER out of ammo. Sure, 14 rounds are just a bit but you can still kick ass even when you need to reload and rechamber your weapon in the fight. This gun is a saver in all points.
The weapons! The JP36 Rifle (without any DLC's)
Oh yeah, this is a good one. When you don't owned any DLC's then you should take this german piece. It features good accuracy and stability in exchange for damage.

The stats are following:

  • Magazine: 30 rounds
  • Total ammo: 180 rounds (6 magazines)
  • Rate of fire: 710 rounds per minute
  • Damage: 35
  • Accuracy: 16
  • Stability: 42
  • Concealment: 9
  • Threat: 26

The mods I used and what they affect:

  • Barrel Extension: Firebreather (+8 damage, +1 stability, +13 threat, -2 concealment)
  • Custom: None
  • Foregrip: Polizei Special Foregrip (+2 accuracy, +1 stability, -2 concealment)
  • Gadget: Tactical Laser Module (-1 concealment)
  • Sight: User Preference (+1 stability, -1,2,3 concealment)
  • Stock: Sniper Stock (+2 accuracy, +1 stability, -3 concealment)

Well at all this weapon looks more like Laura's training weapon but it's still accurate and stable even on full-auto. Besides that the high rate of fire compensate the low damage good enough that you think you hit the 40 damage-mark. The big ammo pool with his high pick-up rate is also a great advantage of this weapon. I would say it's competitive to the Gewehr 3, thats for sure.
The weapons: The Chimano Custom (without any DLC's)
Now we taking a look at a austrian weapon. The Chimano Custom. It features, compared to the Gruber Kurz, a lager magazine and stability but less total ammo.

The stats are following:
  • Magzine: 28 rounds
  • Total ammo: 128 rounds (4,5 magazines)
  • Rate of Fire: 1500 rounds per minute
  • Damage: 41
  • Accuracy: 21
  • Stability: 42
  • Concealment: 24
  • Threat: 11

Here are the mods I used and what they affect:
  • Barrel Extension: IPSC Compensator (+6 accuracy, -1 stability, -1 concealment)
  • Gadget: Polymer Flashlight (+1 stability, -1 concealment)
  • Grip: Laser Grip (+2 accuracy, -1 concealment)
  • Magazine: Extended Mag. (+12 magazine, -2 concealment)
  • Sight: No sight
  • Slide: Long Slide (+2 damage, +1 stablility, +2 threat, -2 accuracy)

Well, exchange total ammo for stability and a bigger magazine can be a problem but this gun know's how to compensate this weakness. You get 5-6 rounds per ammo box dropped by dead cops so in theory you will never run dry as long as you aim for the head and dont make use of your insane rate of fire. Compared to the Gruber it features the same damage, lower accuracy and higher stability. At all this weapon is a small competitor to the Gruber Kurz Pistol.
What else is needed?

For our melee I recommend a knife like the Ursa Tanto Knife.

The stats are following:
  • Damage: 30(120)
  • Knockdown: 36(90)
  • Chargetime: 2,0 seconds
  • Range: 185
  • Concealment: 30

Of course there are many other knifes which are better but I had really fun with this knife.


Since this is a dodge build you wear a Two-piece Suit to your heists.

The stats are following:
  • Armor: 20
  • Concealment: 31
  • Speed: 40
  • Dodge: 45
  • Steadiness: 32
  • Stamina: 52


For our equipment we take the Doctor Bag's.

Perc deck:

I recommend the use of the "Rouge" perc deck since it gives a big bonus (30%) to our dodge ability, faster weapon swap and even the chance to pierce the armor of Tan-FBI-Units.
So... I hope you guys reallly enjoyed this guide. Please leave any feedback, criticism or something like that in the comment section. Also please give a small rate how good I remaked Laura for Payday 2.

Thats it from me.
Happy heisting,
Charvin :)
∫ Tubbs Fat  [author] 12 Dec, 2017 @ 8:13am 
Sure thing... Like to see that in a guide! Keep me posted :)
urinal cheesecake 12 Dec, 2017 @ 8:03am 
Maybe I’ll try to recreate it with the new skills. Shouldn’t be that hard.
∫ Tubbs Fat  [author] 12 Dec, 2017 @ 6:50am 
Wow... someone who actually find the build way after the skill revamp... Yeah... its more than heavily outdated and I probably wont update it... You could downgrade your game to test the build though. And yeah, I agree, Char is really better :D
urinal cheesecake 11 Dec, 2017 @ 1:24pm 
I love the idea. Wish I could use it just to use it, but it looks out of date. Lastly, Charlotte's better.
PluasmRiderOP9 24 Jan, 2016 @ 11:50pm 
this is pretty well done for its purpose and role its great for a good loud build for overkill and lower it can be done on deathwish it just be harder due to mastermind not being good enough for deathwish alone and dodge but still useful for what it fills and to do nice job
Pistol Bobcat 22 Aug, 2015 @ 12:45pm 
This reeks of weebs
∫ Tubbs Fat  [author] 20 Aug, 2015 @ 3:49am 
Doge Goodwoof... well it was supposed to be a fun-build and not a DW-viable all killing OP build. But thanks 4 the comment ;)

Lightning98... Np no need to thank me. Im glad that I was able to help you :3
TsubomiNoko 18 Aug, 2015 @ 3:51pm 
Thought this build was pretty good I used to have a lot of ammo problems but not anymore with this build thanks
Weaverstein 17 Aug, 2015 @ 1:28pm 
How does making this guide not make you a weeaboo
∫ Tubbs Fat  [author] 17 Aug, 2015 @ 11:08am 
Simple... cus this build is made with Dodge-Ability... Either you get damage or not. And when you wear a suit your armor and health is pretty fast 0 when cops are shooting at you and dodge is failing... For me its only very useful when you wielding a 255 armor 414 health build. For me I didnt noticed much from this skill while I wield dodge-builds at all. ;)