Titan Quest

Titan Quest

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Yo The Conquerer
There weren't a lot of class guides so I thought I'd archive my character in a guide! This is for Yo The Conquerer. A dual-wielding sword user that is a conquerer (Warfare and Defense mastery) and just looks crazy but it's a bunch of fun to play!
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The basic idea of this class was to make something that just looked as ridiculous as possible. The immediate idea that jumped out at me was a dual wielding weapon user. At this point in time, the only thing that seems like more fun would probably be dual wielding shields but that’s not supported by the game. Dual wielding swords ended up making my character seem something like an Attack on Titan character which fit in some weird way.

As a disclaimer, this only got up to level 40 for me and through Act I on Epic. I got somewhat bored with the game since this would have been the third time through all the content but I still found the character fun. I also don’t have the Immortal Throne expansion so I don’t know what kind of impact that content has on this character. This is a solo character but it could probably fit in groups. This class is just about damage but it has almost nothing to offer a group haha. Whoops.
Skill Tree
This class had no active skills to use other than Onslaught which replaces the default attack. All other points on the skill tree built off of Onslaught so that my character just walked up and attacked until things died. My other skills were passives or random procs; Adrenaline and Battle Rage which proc on getting attacked and a couple Dual Wield abilities, Cross Cut and Tumult, that happen randomly when attacking that I mainly got to thin out groups faster since I have no active skills.

In terms of skill tree progression, I went for Warfare to get the first point in dual wield first so I get as much damage out as possible. If you feel unsafe, a shield is still fine and you can instead get Onslaught first. Once you can spec into Defense, I immediately went for Adrenaline and Resilience mainly for sustainability. At low levels, Adrenaline practically replaced a potion and continued to be useful to top of my HP instead of using potions. After that, I stopped putting any points into Defence and picked up Warfare points for damage. From there, you can really pick up passive things as you’d like. They’re all pretty helpful. The one that I decided to skip, though, is Dodge Attack which seemed to potentially work against my character. While dodging is good, of course, I figured it would be smarter to get hit more frequently and proc Adrenaline or Battle Rage. I didn’t test this so I could be wrong on it.

Here’s how I do skill points in list form.

1 point in Dual Wielding then all points in Onslaught until you unlock Defense. THEN

  • Adrenaline (HP over time)
  • Resilience (more frequent Adrenaline)
  • Onslaught (primary skill)
  • Dual Wield (damage)
  • Ignore Pain (defense)
  • Weapon Training (attack speed)
  • Battle Rage (damage)
  • Ardor (attack speed)
  • Tumult (AOE)
  • Cross Cut (AOE)
  • Hamstring (reduce target defense)

That was all my points pretty much at level 40 but from there, I’d get:

  • Hew (damage)
  • Counter Attack (damage)
  • Crushing Blow (damage)
  • Defensive Reaction (damage)

When making this character, I got Counter Attack but if given the chance, I would get Hamstring first. Then I don’t know how many skill points are after that but I’d probably fudge it around. Sorry.

In terms of core stats, I got enough dexterity to use at-level swords then all the rest of the points into strength. HP would probably have helped but I thought strength was more fun. To throw out a number I remember, you want 158 dex when you get Act III to use swords there. It might be worth it to make sure you have that much dex before gear so you’re more flexible.

In terms of other stats, resistances are obviously important but the most important thing is attack speed. You have a couple defensive procs but once you get Tumult and Cross Cut, those are important to your damage and proc randomly on attacks. Onslaught also charges on attack so you want it capped quickly. The cap for attack speed is 171% so between your tree skills and gear, you want to shoot for that or just under. For Onslaught, it’s worth noting that the attack speed bonus applies the full bonus once you get one Onslaught stack so when you’re checking your stats, be sure to check with Onslaught on. You can stand to be capped WITH Onslaught because all you do is attack and once you attack, you’ll have all the bonuses.

For gear, I’d use swords if possible. As you level and swords are harder to come by, a good combination to work with would be a sword or dagger and a mace or axe. You get a big number increase with the mace and the attack speed from the sword or dagger until you can get two. Strength% is a good stat for you because you are basically putting all your points into strength. The build didn’t really click until Act III where you can get a Green sword called the Sabertooth. The Tigermen carry them and they dropped reliably enough for me to get two of them. One stat on them seems to just be Attack Speed so one of these will really bump up your attack speed and two will probably cap your attack speed.

Here is both of the Sabertooth I got along with the sword I was using when I stopped. I happened to pick it up in a random tomb as I was making my way through Epic. My attack speed was high enough for me to feel good about using it instead of two Sabertooths.
That’s basically it. Bosses might be kind of rough but I think that’s just a fact of life for melee characters. I only got part way through Epic so I don’t fully know how the class pans out but I had fun while I played. I hope this helps if you’re looking for a build! I’ll come back and complete it if there’s demand for it!
2 kommentarer
Prec1sioN 23. apr. 2023 kl. 2.36 
very good :ACODC_Group:
Riki 3. juli 2021 kl. 21.49 
sick guide