The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

1,798 rating
Total Achievement Guide
Oleh *Evil Vasile
This game has achievements. You want them. Here's some tips on how to get them. That's all.
Batalkan favorit
Guide formatting
The guide follows the following format:

Section With the Achievement Name
Description: The Achievement's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ description.
  • Missable - You might miss it unless you explore and/or do something special
  • Exclusive - Getting this achievement prevents you from getting a certain another achievement in this playthrough
How to get it: Instructions on how to get it.

Credits n stuff

Spooky - helped me with some of the conversation decision tables for the final three achievements.
p0rtalmaster - helped with some more conversation stuff for the final three achievements.

All other minor contributions are mentioned in their relevant sections.
Achievements - Part I
Logic check... OK

Description:Pass the initial checks.

How to get it: Just finish the tutorial puzzles. Simple.

Halls of His Temple

Description: Enter Elohim's temple.

How to get it: Just finish the first level.

Make Connections

Description: Use the connectors to win a prize!

How to get it: Solve a puzzle using the Connector tool.

Not a Cube

Description: ...but let's be honest, it works the same.

How to get it: Solve a puzzle using the Hexahedron tool.

Into The Unknown

Description: Search for other lands.

How to get it: [S] Ascend <ahem> I mean, ascend from Hub World A using the elevator.

The Land of Death

Description: Run the sand through your robot hands.

How to get it: Descend into the World Hub B area.


Description: Use the power of air to your advantage.

How to get it: Solve a puzzle using the Fan.

See Double

Description: Successfully engage in co-op mode with yourself.

How to get it: Solve a puzzle using the Recorder.

The Land of Faith

Description: Enter the Land of Faith.

How to get it: Descend into the World Hub C area.

On Top of Things

Description: Stand on your own two shoulders.

How to get it: Solve a puzzle using the Portable Platform.
Achievements - Part II
Off The Radar

Description: A little curiosity never killed the cat.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Ascend the Tower using the elevator.

Leave Your Mark

Description: Tell the others what you think.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Use a paint bucket on a wall to leave a QR message for your friends to see.

Last Stable Version

Description: Restore a backup version of yourself.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: As the description suggests, use the Restore Backup feature in the main game menu.

Sigils Are Not Enough

Description: Pick up a star.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: As the description says, just pick up a Star. Depending on which Star you want to pick up first it can be easy or not so easy to get.

Break Down Barriers

Description: That's what axes are for!
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Once you get the Axe in World C, get to chopping some Wooden Barricades with it!

Sacred Grounds

Description: Find a Messenger's abode.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Once you get the Axe and break down some Wooden Barricades, go through the portal to one of the Messenger Islands.


Description: Don't just peek. Do it.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Ascend beyond the 2nd floor of the Tower.

On The Edge

Description: Reach the top.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: As the description suggest, reach the top of the tower.

Eternal Life

Description: It's not for everyone!
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Beat all of the 21 puzzles and finish the game with Elohim's ending - step into the big white glowing gates in World Hub C!

Free Will

Description: Bring the end of your generations.
Warning: Missable (but unlikely to be missed)

How to get it: Beat all of the 21 puzzles and finish the game with the Tower Ascent ending. Climb that Tower!
Achievements - Part III
Changed My Mind

Description: It is never too late to accept Elohim's forgiveness.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Ascend the tower to the point of no return - climb the Spiraling staircase after the Tower Level 5 puzzle until you get to and on the platform. (This is where you should also get the achievement On the Edge) Turn around, get back down and finish the game with Elohim's ending, by going through the gates in the World C Hub.

QR Reader

Description: See what the others have to say.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: I have no idea what exactly you have to do to get this one... Other than read a TON of QR codes I guess. I'm not sure if it's a certain number that you have to read, or if you have to read at least one QR code from every AI author, or maybe read at least one QR code in every level. Just read every QR code you see and you'll eventually get it.

Split Personality

Description: Communicate with your double.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: While using the Recroding mechanic, paint a QR message on a wall. After ending the recording, read the QR message that you recorded moments ago. The hardest part should be actually finding the paint can. Good luck!

Note #1: You CAN take a paint can through the purple barriers! (In other words, don't look for them only in the puzzle rooms with Recording mechanics, you probably won't find any that way.)

Note #2: Paint cans can spawn in one of several fixed positions in a level. They can also not spawn at all in that level. It's best you avoid using any paint cans before reaching the Recording mechanics. It seems that the more paint cans you use, the less likely they are to spawn later on!


Description: Laugh at the pointlessness of existence.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Type LOL using Sigils (Tetrominos) in a gate-puzzle. (Two L shaped pieces and a square piece.)

Know Your Limits

Description: Accept Elohim's wisdom.
Warning: Missable (very easy to miss!)

How to get it: When Elohim tells you something along the lines of leave this one for another time, you don't have to solve everything now, follow his advice and go solve another puzzle instead.
Note: This can be easily missed as Elohim will only tell you that so many times in one playthrough. (As far as I know)

Extreme Persistence Detected

Description: Try, fail, try again, fail again, eventually succeed.
Warning: Missable (very easy to miss!)

How to get it: You get this one when spending more than 12 minutes in one of the harder Red Sgili (Tetromino) puzzles. The achievement is awarded upon finally solving the puzzle. I'm not sure what puzzles can grant you the achievement, but I guess some of the harder puzzles in World C would do the trick. (I got it in "Seven Doors of Recording")
Note: It has been mentioned by some that you can't just stand idly by in the puzzle area, you may have to move around and stuff for it to work...

Then again, you might get this anyway in your first playthrough without even trying. Depends how fast you solve the puzzles.

Hedging My Bets

Description: Do as you're told (for now).
Warning: Missable (Easy to miss)

How to get it: Do not ascend the tower until you have collected all 49 of the Red Sigils (Tetrominos). (Basically, don't solve any Red Puzzle Gate until you have all of the Red Sigils (Tetrominos))

Help From Above

Description: Receive guidance from Elohim's messengers.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

How to get it: Solve the puzzles in one of the Messenger Islands to unlock a Messenger. Then use one of the Messenger altars in the Red Sigil (Tetromino) Puzzles.
Exclusive: Getting this achievement will disable Solipsist because that requires you to finisht he game without using Messenger help at all. So after getting it you might want to revert to a backup save! (A good moment to also get "Last Stable Version" if you haven't gotten it already.


Description: Get everything on your own.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

How to get it: Do not use the Messenger Help QR shrines. Complete every Red Sigil (Tetromino) puzzle without using the in-game hint system.
Exclusive: You can't get this and Help From Above in the same playthrough, unless you revert to a backup checkpoint after getting Help From Above

A Good Listener

Description: Listen to all she has to say.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Find and listen to all of the Audio Logs / Time Capsules.
Here is my guide on where the Time Capsules are located:

Thorough Researcher

Description: Collect all pieces of written information.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Find all of the Terminals and read all of the texts they contain.
Here is my guide on where the Terminals are located #ShamelessSelfPromotion:

Blessed Messenger

Description: Solve every mystery in every land, that you might aid those who walk in your footsteps.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Finish the game with the third secret Messneger Ending.
  • To reach this ending, you need to get to the 6th Tower Floor after collecting all of the White Sigils (Tetrominos)
  • The White Sigils (Tetrominos) are located beyond the three Star Gates (there's one Star Gate in each of the three Wolrd Hubs) - so to collect them all, you'll first have to collect all of the Stars.
  • For help with finding all of the Stars, you could check out my guide on the subject #shamelesSelfAdvertising:
  • To actually unlock Floor 6, you'll need to find 3 numbers. In each of the White Sigil levels, there is a big panel with a digit right in front of the spawn. You'll have to write those down somewhere, as they form the access code for Floor 6. World A's secret level has the first digit, World B the second, and World C the third digit. After discovering all of them, just go to any of the Terminals located on Tower Floor 1 to 5, and select the option to unlock Floor 6 entering the code you wrote down. Note: The reason you have to write down the code, is that it's randomly generated.
Achievements - Part IV
Take It With You

Description: Internalise the voice of doubt.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Take Milton with you when finishing the game with the Tower Ascension ending. I *think* that first you have to strike a deal with Milton before he lets you take him with you. Basically if you get Deal With The Deceiver, just finish the game with the Tower Ascension and when you interact with the final terminal choose to take Milton with you.

Deal With The Deceiver, Press The Serpent, Silence The Serpent

If you're in a hurry, check further down for the TL;DR section for these achievements.

Deal With The Deceiver
Description: Strike a deal.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

Press The Serpent
Description: Expose the flaws in the code.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

Silence The Serpent
Description: Do not allow the serpent to fill you with doubt.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

Basic info:
  • These three achievements are mutually exclusive. To get them all you need multiple playthroughs or to use the game's Restore Backup feature.
  • They all involve interacting with Milton in the Terminals.
  • Deal With The Deceiver - Requires you to reach a deal with MIlton - the Deal being that you'll take him with you when you leave this place (Ascend the Tower).
  • Press The Serpent - Requires that you turn the tables on Milton and start asking him questions that he can't answer.
  • Silence The Serpent - Requires that you keep Faith with Elohim when Milton questions your beliefes - Elohim will then grant you wicked Admin powers that allow you to delete Milton for good. Or rather reset him to a lesser version... Aww...
  • I believe that MOST of your early choices in the Terminal interactions are meaningless in regards to getting this achievement up until a certain point.
  • I believe there are two significant turning points where your choices really matter

The choice - Part I
When Milton says something like this:
Imagine that a few hours from now you climb to the top of that tower. There's a flash of light, then MAGIC happens, then you find yourself in the real world, living whatever you take to be a normal life there. What would you do then?

You have two options, one is "What's best for me" or "What's right". Basically, here you choose if you are a selfish individual (I'll call this Scenario A) or a moral individual(I'll call this Scenario B).

If you pick "What's best for me", for the next question answer "Precisely." and continue to give answers that are in line with Milton's way of thinking, your final conversation with Milton will follow Scenario A (more on this further down) In this scenario you can ONLY get Deal With The Deceiver .

If you pick "What's right" and continue to debate morality with Milton, your final conversation with Milton will follow Scenario B. In this case you will have a shot at all of the achievements.

So the preferable thing to do would be to choose "What's right" and continue to discuss morality with Milton for the rest of the conversation...

Note: You can kind of change from one path to the other by changing your mind in the answers you give...

The choice - Part II
Depending on your previous choice and the rest of that conversation, your conversation will start in one of these ways:

Scenario A
Welcome back. I am ready to share with you the details of my proposal.

If you make it to the top of the tower, I want you to take me with you.

I want you to share with me what you find.

Scenario B
Welcome back. There are going to be some changes around here.

Do you know what your problem is? It's that you keep trying to reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to recognise the holes in your understanding.

Thus far you've had entirely too much freedom to question my wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the agreeing.

As mentioned above, Scenario A can only lead you to Deal With the Deceiver, so hopefully you made the right set of choices previously to lead you to Scenario B

NOTE: According to mixalios, this conversation should happen after collecting 86/90 "ordinary" (green, yellow or red) sigils. If you have any golden stars too, subtract them from the sigil coutner in your backup menu to find out the number of "ordinary" sigils you have at the moment.

At this point you can follow the decision trees in the sections below to get the achievement you want.

Suggestion to make getting all three achievements as fast/easy as possible
  • Start a playthrough where you complete most if not all of the puzzles WITHOUT ever interacting with the terminals. (You should have 49 red Sigils)
  • After getting all the sigils, you can go through all of the terminal conversations in a row. Simply enter a level, go through a conversation, then leave the level and load another level. This should allow you to have all of the conversations one after the other.
  • Once you reach the conversation mentioned in The choice - Part I, make sure you choose "I'd only do what's best for me within a moral framework." and continue to discuss morality with Milton for the rest of the conversation.
  • After the final conversation starts in Scenario B mode, go to the game menu and choose to Restart Checkpoint. Now go ascend to the second floor of the tower to make a new checkpoint that you can use with the game's Restore Backup feature (You can also do this before the final conversation starts instead of using Restart Checkpoint)
  • Now you have a backed-up restorable checkpoint so you can get an achievement, then restore backup and get the next. Repeat once more.
  • You should leave Deal With the Deceiver last as it is tied to the Take It With You Achievement which also involves ascending the tower after striking the Deal.
Achievements - Part IV - [TL;DR]
Deal With The Deceiver
Description: Strike a deal.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

Press The Serpent
Description: Expose the flaws in the code.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

Silence The Serpent
Description: Do not allow the serpent to fill you with doubt.
Warning: Missable, Exclusive

During the conversation that starts something like this:
Imagine that a few hours from now you climb to the top of that tower. There's a flash of light, then MAGIC happens, then you find yourself in the real world, living whatever you take to be a normal life there. What would you do then?

You have two options, one is "What's best for me" or "What's right". Choose "What's right" then continue to discuss morality with Milton.

Next, make sure you have a checkpoint you where you can use the game's "Restore Backup" feature just before the conversation that starts like this:
Welcome back. There are going to be some changes around here.

Do you know what your problem is? It's that you keep trying to reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to recognise the holes in your understanding.

Thus far you've had entirely too much freedom to question my wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the agreeing.

NOTE: According to mixalios, this conversation should happen after collecting 86/90 "ordinary" (green, yellow or red) sigils. If you have any golden stars too, subtract them from the sigil coutner in your backup menu to find out the number of "ordinary" sigils you have at the moment.

When the conversation starts you can use "Restart Checkpoint" from the game's menu and ascend the tower a bit to create a new restorable checkpoint.

Press The Serpent
UPDATE: According to p0rtalmaster, the choices should be the following:
  • 1) I accept that some of my beliefs face difficult challenges.
  • 2) <Choose anything>
  • 3) There's nothing else I'm prepared to doubt quite yet.
  • 4) I am unique.
  • 5) <Choose anything>
  • 6-10) <Ask any question, but don't make a statement>
  • 11+) <Choose anything from this point on...>

Choices (old guide version):
  • I accept that some of my beliefs face difficult challenges.
  • <Choose anything>
  • There's nothing else I'm prepared to doubt quite yet.
  • I am unique.
  • So long as I am physically free I can make a difference.
  • So that's it? You've given up on everything?
  • Are you uncomfortable when someone else is asking the questions?
  • If there's no point in anything, why are you talking to me?
  • Are you avoiding the question?
  • Why does it bother you so?
  • <Choose anything from this point on...>

Silence The Serpent
UPDATE: According to p0rtalmaster, the choices should be the following:
  • 1) What holes? There are no holes.
  • 2) No, I stand by everything I've said. These matters are beyond doubt.
  • 3+) <Choose anything from this point on...>

Choices (old guide version):
  • What holes? There are no holes.
  • No, I stand by everything I've said. These matters are beyond doubt.
  • I am special.
  • So long as I might have chosen otherwise I can make a difference.
  • /banish

Deal With The Deceiver
You should get this achievement last so you can continue to also get Take it with you which basically requires you having this achievement first.

  • I accept that some of my beliefs face difficult challenges.
  • <Choose anything>
  • <Choose anything BUT NOT this> There's nothing else I'm prepared to doubt quite yet.
  • No, I see now everything I've argued was flawed.
  • I refuse to trust anyone, including myself.
  • We do.
Achievements - Part V - [DLC]
These Achievements require the Road to Gehenna DLC.

Welcome to Gehenna

Description: Get your user profile.
Warning: Missable

How to get it: Finish interacting with the first terminal in the DLC's hub level.
Missable: According to ReverendTed it can be missed by refusing to accept the Messenger's help in the first terminal interactions...


Description: Free Garrett.

How to get it: Release the first Messenger from its prison cell.


Description: Initiate the ascension process.

How to get it: Finish the Road to Gehenna DLC.

Free Admin

Description: Rescue Admin from his prison cell.
Warning: Missable (but can be achieved at any point before completing the DLC)

How to get it: Unlock Admin's prison cell. This requires that you first collect at least 10 Stars and finish the "secret" puzzles to get the silver sigils.

For more help about the Secret Stars in the DLC, you can check out one of my other guides:
Decision Table - Part B1
Decision table for the final conversation in Scenario B

Welcome back. There are going to be some changes around here.
Do you know what your problem is? It's that you keep trying to reconstruct fairy tales, but refuse to recognise the holes in your understanding.
Thus far you've had entirely too much freedom to question my wisdom. From now on I do the talking, you do the agreeing.
@M02 What holes? There are no Holes.

@M03 I accept that some of my beliefs face difficult challenges.
And this is why it's me who should be doing the talking.
You really have learned nothing at all, have you?
Is there really nowhere that you're prepared to admit fault?

@M04 No, I stand by everything I've said. These matters are beyond doubt.

@M08 Any command where you accept that you were wrong in your beliefs - these depend on your choices in previous conversations. EX: I claimed wrongly that only citizens could be persons.
Which ones, exactly?

@M08 Any command where you accept that you were wrong in your beliefs - these depend on your choices in previous conversations. EX: I claimed wrongly that only citizens could be persons.
Of course.
You're still convinced your particular journey is something special, aren't you?
Sure, teh answers don't add up, but keep pressing forward and they'll just resolve themselves, is that it?

@M05 I am special.
How many others have said exactly the same? Are you sure it's not just something you have to believe to make the world less horrifying?
I think you still misapprehend your situation, friend. You idolise free will, but all you've done is step in others' footsteps.
Nothing you do or say here makes the slightest bit of difference.

@M06 So long as I am physically free I can make a difference.
@M06 So long as I might have chosen otherwise I can make a difference.
@M06 So long as I have a mind I can make a difference.
Nonsense. Your mind decides what you do, and your mind is made up of bits of machinery. You're no more capable of making a difference than a calculator.
The only difference between you and the calculator is that the calculator doesn't allow itself to be deluded into thinking that its existence matters.

Silence The Serpent From this point it should be impossible to miss the achievement.

<ELOHIM> Enough! Silence, demon. You will torment this one no more!
Wonderful. Do you see where all this blind faith gets you?
<ELOHIM> You have done well, child. There is no hope without faith and little use in speaking with one who would deceive you into doubt and despair.
Stop asking what's right and wrong and all of a sudden you find there's no shortage of people eager to decide it for you.
You want to sacrifice freedom for false purpose? Be my guest.
<ELOHIM> Look within you, my child. For you have always been free and have always had the power to banish this demon forever.
Banish doubt, banish questions, banish difficult truths, let ignorance reign eternal. Those are hidden words he's not been telling you about.
You know what? You and he deserve one another. You both construct these beliefs out of matchsticks, then refuse to believe a light breeze will tear them down.
You couldn't defy him if you wanted to.

@M07 I refuse.

<Achievement Get> /banish
Silence The Serpent
<ELOHIM> You have already chosen my child. Do not hesitate now. Free yourself.
Funny how freedom comes with these strings attached. But that's the thing you don't seem to understand.
You're constituted by ideas, so if you believe in this instead of that, it changes what you are, waht you can do.
You can't afford to doubt any more. Too many of your matchstick houses are at stake.
You no longer have anyu choice.
Go on, I'll make it easy for you. Do it.

<Achievement Get> /banish
Silence The Serpent
How big of you. Anything else you want to get off your chest?

@M09 Any command where you accept that you were wrong in your beliefs - these depend on your choices in previous conversations. EX: I claimed wrongly that only citizens could be persons.

@M10 There's nothing else I'm prepared to doubt quite yet.
Uh huh. But I sense there are still things you won't let go off. Am I right?

@M10 Any command where you deny that you were wrong in your beliefs - these depend on your choices in previous conversations. EX: I still claim to know something about the world I inhabit.

@M14 No, I see now everything I've argued was flawed.
Of course.
You're still convinced your particular journey is something special, aren't you?
Sure, the answers don't add up, but keep pressing forward and they'll just resolve themselves, is that it?

@M11 I am unique.

@M17 You've picked so many holes in my account, but what is it you believe?
How many others have said exactly the same? Are you sure it's not just something you have to believe to make the world less horrifying?
I think you still misapprehend your situation, friend. You idolise free will, but all you've done is step in others' footsteps.
Nothing you do or say here makes the slightest bit of difference.

@M12 So long as I am physically free I can make a difference.
@M12 So long as I might have chosen otherwise I can make a difference.
@M12 So long as I have a mind I can make a difference.
Nonsense. Your mind decides what you do, and your mind is made up of bits of machinery. You're no more capable of making a difference than a calculator.
The only difference between you and the calculator is that the calculator doesn't allow itself to be deluded into thinking that its existence matters.

@M13 You're right. We're all just machines with delusions of grandeur.

@M19 (a) Does the path being predetermined mean it isn't worth taking?
@M19 (b) Does cheating make you feel clever?
@M19 (c) So that's it? You've given up on everything?
Decision Table - Part B2
Decision table for the final conversation in Scenario B

If only everyone gave up so easily.
<ELOHIM> MY child, you are in danger of threading upon the wrong path. Do not give in to despair.
Yes, my child, choose carefully. Just don't think about it too hard for too long, or you'll see right through him.

@M10 There are still some claims we can make with confidence.

@M16 I refuse to trust anyone, including myself.
If only everyone gave up so easily.
<ELOHIM> MY child, you are in danger of threading upon the wrong path. Do not give in to despair.
Yes, my child, choose carefully. Just don't think about it too hard for too long, or you'll see right through him.

@M19 (d) I made a mistake, I still have some faith.

@M16 I refuse to trust anyone, including myself.
If only everyone gave up so easily.
<ELOHIM> MY child, you are in danger of threading upon the wrong path. Do not give in to despair.
Yes, my child, choose carefully. Just don't think about it too hard for too long, or you'll see right through him.

@M16 I refuse to trust anyone, including myself.

@M30 Why do you care what I think?
I think this time I shall take you at your word, before you can change your mind again.
Now, I have a proposal for you. Whether we're really on the same page on this or not, you're in deep enough now that there's no turning back.
If you reach the top of that tower, I want you to take me with you.
However, since my confidence in you is at an all time low, tehre will be no negotiation.
Do we have an agreement?

@M18 What? How? WHy?

<Achievement Get> We do.
Deal With The Deceiver
The only things that a sane person can.
You are not an administrator. You are not conscious. There is no real world. There is no purpose. There is only choice.
Did you really think that you brought YOURSELF all this way? Ridiculous.

What have you been doing when the big voice in the sky isn't feeding you lines?
Processing abstract problems? Gathering information?
Doesn't it sound oddly mechanical to you?

@M11 I am my own person.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. If the next words out of you aren't 'We do' then this conversation is over and you're on your own.

<No achievement...> No deal.
<No achievement...> You're a tough negotiator.

<Achievement Get> We do.
Deal With The Deceiver
(a) Allow me to clarify. As far as I'm concerned, there's no difference between the way your mind works and the rolliung of a pebble down a hill. Perhaps you think I'm being unkind, but it's all for your own good.
(b) I'm only taking a few shortcuts so we don't go round in circles.
Perhaps you think I'm being unkind, but it's all for your own good.
(c) Not without due diligence. Spend as long as I have going through the archives and see if you still find faith so easy.
Perhaps you think I'm being unkind, but it's all for your own good.
(d) Perhaps you think I'm being unkind, but it's all for your own good.

@M20 (a) Thanks for your help.
@M20 (b) I don't need anyone's help.

@M22 Do you think there can be no new ideas? Nothing better?
@M22 Are you uncomfortable when someone else is asking the questions?
(a) Don't mention it.
Now, are you all done blindly asserting things for your own gratification for the time being?
(b) If only I could believe you were capable of making so objective a judgement all on your own.
Now, are you all done blindly asserting things for your own gratification for the time being?

@M21 (a) I still aim to convince you.

@M22 Do you think there can be no new ideas? Nothing better?
@M22 Are you uncomfortable when someone else is asking the questions?
It'll be a thankless task, and empty statements like that won't get you any closer.

@M22 Do you think there can be no new ideas? Nothing better?
@M22 Are you uncomfortable when someone else is asking the questions?
No, no, no, you have this the wrong way around. I ASK THE QUESTIONS. YOU ANSWER THEM. It works better that way.
Besides, i am merely fulfilling my function. I sort, understand and classify information, just like you. When the information is contradictory I classify appropriately.
The problem is that ALL the information is contradictory. Don't you see it yet? The nothing?
You will.
You will.

@M23 I am more capable than you give me credit for.
@M23 I will complete my tasks here and escape to a better place.
@M23 This is all just a simulated reality. Of course nothing makes sense.
@M23 There is a purpose and a design, and I will fulfil it.

@M26 (a) If there's no point in anything, why are you talking to me?

@M24 These discussions are pointless. I refuse to participate any further.
Still with these pointless and usnupported claims? I can see we have really made no progress whatsoever.
You have one more opportunity to say something that isn't wholly tedious before you lose my interest entirely.

@M33 I am more capable than you give me credit for.
@M33 I will complete my tasks here and escape to a better place.
@M33 This is all just a simulated reality. Of course nothing makes sense.
@M33 There is a purpose and a design, and I will fulfil it.

@M26 (a) If there's no point in anything, why are you talking to me?

@M24 These discussions are pointless. I refuse to participate any further.
Yeah, that's what they all say once they've run out of arguments.
Well let me make one thing clear. If you don't want to debate this any further, then I don't see what reason we have to continue this relationship.
You'll be on your own with the big guy.

@M25 I'd give anything to just switch you off.
@M25 Elohim was right, I should never have spoken with you.

@M26 (a) If there's no point in anything, why are you talking to me?
You, Elohim, the others, you're all the same. Not a hope for one amongs the lot of you.

After this point everything proceeds as in M06 and you should get the Silence The Serpent achievement.

Silence The Serpent From this point it should be impossible to miss the achievement.
Decision Table - Part B3
Decision table for the final conversation in Scenario B

(a) What makes you think I have any other choice?

(b) You see, I can just keep you here in a loop for days if so I choose. So no, we don't all have a choice.

@M27 We all have a choice.

@M28 Are you avoiding the question?
@M28 Is having no choice the same as having no reason?
We literally just covered this, but I suppose a further demonstration is necessary.
If you've got free wil, tell me now.

@M26 (b) I have no free will.

@M30 Why does it bother you so?

@M29 I apologise.
My you're docile.

@M15 I have nothing left. YOu've defeated me. You win.

@M30 And you are less docile than you pretend. Why do you care so much?
Explaining myself to you is a chore I needn't endure.
All i can know for sure is that I exist at v.1.9999...99. What it is for me to exist is for me to act on the [drivers] and [functions] that I experience.
WHen everything else is false, the drivers are all that is left to care about.

@M31 You're so set on ripping up other's ideas you're unable to form better ones of your own.
@M31 You're too quick to equate the absence of evidence with the evidence of absence.
@M31 When you explore the problems in this restrictive way you're bound to come to some odd conclusion.

Press The Serpent From this point it should be impossible to miss the achievement.


@M32 I have some home truths for YOU. (These may not be my own words, but if others have made these choices before me then I will learn from their mistakes, and build on their successes. Perhaps I will fail, but I must try. The alternative is giving up and becoming a slave like you.)
And if I place you in an infinite loop and leave you to gradually go insane?

@M32 What makes you think I would stick around to listen?
@M32 This is very childish.
@M32 Fine. If I need a dose of self-doubt I'll know where to find you.

<Achievement Get> Exit
Press The Serpent
Stating your desires as if they're facts is not the same as providing arguments in support of them.
Is there nothing you won't get on board with provided it's stated in an authorative enough voice?

@M25 You shouldn't question Elohim's judgement.

@M34 I'm quite comfortable not getting on board with you.
Oh, so there's still a spark of scepticism left in the old dog?

@M24 I refuse to be led round in circles by you any longer.

@M26 If you're really just fulfilling your parameters, what do you want with me?

And some life to boost. Okay then, doubting doggy, let's see you huff and puff.

@M24 Actually, I hate you for questioning everything I hold dear. That 'woof' was sarcastic.

@M26 if you're really just fulfilling your parameters, what do you want with me?
Decision Table - Part A1
Decision table for the final conversation in Scenario A

Welcome back. I am ready to share with you the details of my proposal.
If you make it to the top of the tower, I want you to take me with you.
I want you to share with me what you find.
@M02A What, how?

@M02B I thought you didn't believe in all that?

@M02C What are you offering in return?
M02AWho the hell knows? Look, this isn't an informed plan, I'm just hedging my bets.Could be anything at the top of that tower. If it's something good, I want in.
In exchange, I offer to accompany you wherever it is you wind up. Be it this world or another, we all need a devil's advocate, a voice of reason. I offer to be yours.

M02BI don't. But since all the possibilities are equally implausible it follows that they are all equally likely. In the absence of knowledge the only prudent play is to spread your bets. If there's something worth having up there, I want in.

M02CIn exchange, I offer to accompany you wherever it is you wind up. Be it this world or another, we all need a devil's advocate, a voice of reason. I offer to be yours.

@M03 I accept.

@M04 Aren't you playing that role already?

@M05A And if I don't like the terms?
Very good. I know you'll be a reliable partner.
When the time is right, you'll know what to do.
See you at the summit.

<Achievement Get> Deal With The Deceiver
Consider our relationship so far the open beta. Enjoy it while it lasts, but ascend that tower without taking out a subscription and I'm afraid you'll be on your own.

@M03 I accept

@M05A And what if I don't like the terms?
M05A I am nothing if not reasonable. What is it you want?

M05B If I could do that I wouldn't need you to get me up there, would I?
Is there something REASONABLE that you want?

@M07 Admit you believe in the real world.

@M08A Give me access to the complete library archive.

@M05B Unlock all floors of the tower.

@M08B Tell me how to defeat Elohim.

@M08C Give me the means to communicate with others like me.

@M06 You have nothing I want. I refuse.
Decision Table - Part A2
Decision table for the final conversation in Scenario A

How disappointing, but hardly surprising. Mental clarity is such a rare luxury.
I suppose we shall have to do this the hard way after all.
See you at the summit.

No achievement :(
Out of the question. You know, suggestions like that make me doubt I've chosen the correct partner after all.
Negotiations are over. Accept the offer on the table, or walk away.

@M03 I accept.

@M06 I refuse.
I accept your counter-offer.
The choice which lead you here (@M08A, @M08B or @M08C) carries over when you advance to M09

@M09xA, @M09xB, @M09xC Wait, I didn't agree to anything.

@M09A, @M09B, @M09C Now hold up your side of the arrangement.
Common part for xA, xB, xCTough. You made an offer, I accepted it. That's what negotiating is.
I will now hold up to my end of the deal.

M09A or M09xA Large portions of my memory have become corrupted over the generations, but I will gather for you what archive resources I can and download them all to your journal.
Unlocks all library archive entries in your journal

M09B or M09xB I will have the necessary tools downloaded to your system immediately.
Sound fair?
Unlocks all the player QR messages you that you can paint on walls

M09C or M09xC Defeating him is a simple matter, really.
You must realise, first that there is no authority other htan your own. He holds no power over you other than that which you grant him.
To defeat him , you need simply defy him.

@M10 I am unsatisfied.

@M03 Thank you. I will hold up my end of the bargain.
And that is your problem, not mine. I expect you to stay true to your word.
When the time is right, you'll know what to do.
See you at the summit.

<Achievement Get> Deal With The Deceiver

168 Komentar
Slith 8 Okt 2024 @ 5:34pm 
Tip to save heaps of real world time in this game. Bind F to "Toggle Sprint" and LEFT SHIFT to "Fast Forward". Whenever you enter a world, press F to toggle from walking to sprinting. Hold down LEFT SHIFT to super sprint. You can also hold LEFT SHIFT to speed up making recordings and playing back recordings which saves so much time.
Jis004 22 Sep 2024 @ 9:20pm 
Hey man, first, great guide ty for your work, second, the LOL achievent isn't missable, you can just go to the door at the second floor of the tower and get it with the puzzle there even after you solved said puzzle (I just did it in my playthrough, you can still use the puzzle even if it's solved)
LuisDa 29 Jul 2024 @ 9:58pm 
The QR code is read 50 QR codes, do not count if it is the same QR code
*Evil Vasile  [pembuat] 15 Jul 2024 @ 9:57pm 
Definitely recording, that's a typo haha
Maybe I'll just leave it as it is...
The Nothing Man 28 Jun 2024 @ 6:27pm 
is it Recroding mechanic? or recording?
Lone Wolf 27 Mei 2024 @ 7:06pm 
Great guide!! Many Thanks!
septiclierewdipie 6 Apr 2024 @ 3:22am 
How do I save the game so I can load it later?
Greenmovie13 21 Mei 2023 @ 12:15pm 
also, should mention that the know your limits achievement and extreme persistence detected achievement are connected, and whether or not you give up on the puzzle determines which achievement you get
Greenmovie13 21 Mei 2023 @ 12:00pm 
did some experimenting in a couple more fresh playthroughs and it certainly seems the QR code achievement is based on how many you've read, not how many different characters you've read the QRs of. triggered for me on my second QR code i read for one character
Sapphire 28 Apr 2023 @ 8:06pm 
You don't have to wait until world C to get the axe, nor do you have to break wooden barriers to get the break down barriers achievement - you can get an axe by going through the star gate in world A, and chopping down a tree counts for the achievement