Salt and Sanctuary
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"I stopped remembering their names."
6 σχόλια
Maggerama  [Δημιουργός] 28 Φεβ, 1:28 
And a great metroidvania nonetheless. Exploration is delightful, I don't care if the bosses suck. At least not to the point of condemning the game. It plays to its strengths.
Quirky Custodian 28 Φεβ, 0:59 
This sounds about right from what I remember. It's truly on the easy side, but hence a good intro for anyone.
Maggerama  [Δημιουργός] 27 Φεβ, 23:40 
Killed 6 today. My personal record when it comes to any game's bosses.
Maggerama  [Δημιουργός] 27 Φεβ, 23:04 
One after another, they pop like bubbles.
The Crusading Burner 27 Φεβ, 22:29 
It's fine, as long as you obliterate them :burnstatus:
The Crusading Burner 27 Φεβ, 22:29 
The resignation :SirCatface: