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Expanded Hero Skill Lines | UPDATE: Empire / Dwarfs | BETA: Bretonnia / Wood Elves / Kislev
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17. Jan. um 7:48
27. Jan. um 12:06
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Expanded Hero Skill Lines | UPDATE: Empire / Dwarfs | BETA: Bretonnia / Wood Elves / Kislev

In 6 Kollektionen von ChopChop
The Dwarfs: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0
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The Empire: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0
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The Bretonnia: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0
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ChopChop's Workshop: All Released Mods
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Expanded Skills
37 Inhalte
Core: Skills, Mounts & Traits | Immortal Empires Expanded
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This mod is moving whole skill lines from the base game and huge number of mods. Because of that - it is recommended to only new campaigns or to re-spec all characters before subscribing.

This mod is expanding the heroes basic skill lines, by adding new skills at the end of chains:
  • Melee (Combat)
  • Magic (or Runic)
  • Blue (Campaign)

This mod is also expanding the generic hero abilities, related gods dedications & "missing" skills.

All custom skills are balanced for vanilla. Check out currently supported factions & mods below.

  1. This mod is compatible with a big number of mods by Expanded Still Trees Overhaul (required). Check description of the mod for more info on supported skills mods.

  2. Expanded Skills: Melee Lines - adds combat skills to all wizards, runesmiths, cultists etc.

  3. Expanded Hero Skill Trees Compilation Submod (by Maffers) - adds variety of custom skills, hero specializations & gods dedications skills.

As this mod will be updated with more factions added - I will be updating the description until I will run out of space. Then I will move this section to a linked discussion. Until then this is the list of currently supported heroes:

      COMPLETE (need flavour descriptions - no ETA):
  • EMPIRE - total number of generic skills: 272

  • DWARFS - total number of generic skills: 184

      BETA (currently only expanded lines):


    • Damsel
    • Paladin

    • Henri le Massif


    • Patriarch
    • Hag Witch
    • Frost Maiden

    • Ulrika Magdova


    • Glade Captain
    • Branchwraith
    • Malevolent Branchwraith
    • Spellsinger
    • Waystalker

All current updates will be focused on vanilla factions generic and legendary heroes. Thanks!

24 Kommentare
ChopChop  [Autor] 27. Jan. um 13:34 

Additional blue line expansions
Added personal unique skills to generic heroes with new total of skills:
Dragon Slayer - 26 skills
Thane + all 3 ghost variants - 24 skills (96 total)
Master Engineer + ghost - 16 skills (total 32)
Runesmith + ghost - 15 skills (total 30)

Expanded skills for Garagrim and Gotrek (update)

Also updated the mod Runes of The Ancestor Gods that now contains supplementary skills for Dwarfs in form of gods dedications.
The mod supports modded heroes:
The mod adds 7 skills to each lord and hero with special rune skill line for Runesmiths and Runelords adding another 50+ skills just to vanilla Dwarf heroes :oathgold:

Total number of generic Dwarfs skills: 184 (with Runes mod: 230+)
ChopChop  [Autor] 24. Jan. um 8:48 

1. Additional blue line expansions with hero type specific skills + hero cap skill at the end
2. Added personal unique skills to generic heroes with new total of skills:
- Captain - 36 skills
- Engineer - 33 skills
- Warrior Priest - 26 skills
- Witch Hunter - 25 skills
- Wizard - 19 skills (total 152 new skills for all 8 lores)

Total number of generic Empire skills: 272

3. Added almost all empire captain skills to Theodore Bruckner
4. Added 3 empire captain skills to Felix (working multifaction)
5. Added unique personal-only blue skill to legendary Markus Wulfhart heroes: Kalara, Jorek, Hertwig, Rodrik & also Gotrek, Felix, Theodore Bruckner and Ulrika Magdova - still need to add 4 more blue skills to match the generic heroes (TO DO).
ChopChop  [Autor] 23. Jan. um 18:37 
Mod updated please resub :steamthumbsup:
ChopChop  [Autor] 23. Jan. um 7:36 
Additional info:

I am not adding AI values to any skills yet for the balance. I will only do this when all factions will be complete. until then none of the enemies will be pushed towards the new custom skills, so there will be no advantage or disadvantage of keeping this mod enabled - even if you dont play any of the supported factions from the list.
ChopChop  [Autor] 23. Jan. um 7:33 
I am currently revisiting the Empire, so after update and enabling all mods i will add to description as "complementary" to make the full skill line - it will be actually the first fully 100% completed faction for vanilla. Then i will revisit all remaining already listed factions in description, including Wood Elves, so this is not is final form. I hope it makes sense :steamthumbsup:
ChopChop  [Autor] 23. Jan. um 7:30 
Thanks Ushabti :WH3_clasp: I guess i can give a little info on incoming update:

After releasing the initial mod i went back to drawing board, as i got some important information in regards to mod by Maffers: Expanded Hero Skill Trees Compilation. They informed me that the works are done on the mod and there will be currently no more skill additions (beside fix & tweaks). This is great news as I can now proceed to finalize my own project - completing the skill trees with copmplementary skills that will fit Maffers mod + all other supported mod.

It will also actually mean a lot of work for me, therefore i will be integrating some of my other skills mod in here. This mod will finally become what i always wanted to do with skills - now possibe :WH3_skragHapp:
Ushabti 23. Jan. um 7:19 
Chop, popping in here to say thanks! Great addition to the wood elves!
ChopChop  [Autor] 20. Jan. um 16:26 
Thank you :WH3_clasp: i do not plan to mod traits in near future
Gleen Cross 20. Jan. um 14:09 
Great job as always. Skill/traits mods are the best thing about this "trilogy" imo Have you wonder about modding unique traits?
ChopChop  [Autor] 20. Jan. um 12:31 
yes :WH3_skragHapp: