Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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TFK Freya MK.1 Gunship
즐겨찾기 해제
Type: Blueprint
태그: ship, large_grid, safe
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1.436 MB
2025년 1월 12일 오전 5시 32분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)
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TFK Freya MK.1 Gunship

ArchSlime님의 1 모음집
Triton Kolonie Fleet ship collection
아이템 4개
The Freya class gunship, small but hits hard for it's size.
This ship can fly in 1.2g but is designed for space.

Build for vanilla+DLC survival and the blueprint is survival ready, all weapons loaded, reactors got fuel and the tanks are full.

The Freya class gunship is build for scouting and escort missions.
It got a jumprange of 2000km.

Toolbar setup.
1 - Canera front
2 - Artillery Turret on/off
3 - Assault Turrets on/off
4 - Gatling Turrets on/off
5 - Cruise On/Off (backwards Thrusters)
6 - Jump drive
7 - Batteries Recharge
8 - Thrusters On/Off
9 - Refuel H2

Weapons are automatically loaded by sorters, The ship is build for 1x storage (standard), higher x storage can make the ship too heavy.
댓글 1
Grebanton1234 2025년 1월 14일 오전 9시 57분 
That bridge design is genius. I'm definitely gonna try that one out