Cat Quest II
Roarecipe For Destruction!
โดย CaptainKoLa
Hard time Dealing with high lvl enemies? This Premium Recipe will help you to Pawrish them all!!!
Secret Roarecipe
For High level Enemies (Lonely cave, Infinity Tomb, Wolf Tomb)

Powers you need:
  • Mana Regeneration
  • Health Regeneration
  • Celestail
  • Gravi-ruff (If the enemy is a not moving type, use trap instead)

Give Mana and Health regeneration to da Dawg. and Celestail and Gravi-ruff to little kitty.Cat-Dog or Dog-Cat however you like. One hero will be the Attack while other one will be the support.

Celestail and Gravi- ruff requires almost all of your mana. choose a place where you won't be cornered or stuck. Lay the Celestaile first. after few sec lay the Gravi-ruff at the same place. This will make sure enemies will trap there until celestail do it's full damage. For Un-moving type enemies like Jester head and mother cactus, use the trap power.Correct timing is your best allie.
while they trapped there use mana regeneration then health (if you got hit). just do this until they die. Higher your power skill levels are, sooner they will fall.
This works for all kind of enemies. Are they Trying to gang up on you? All of them will Pawarish!
-Approved by HotDog-

p.s Spies of The Dark being are everywhere. Keep this confidential. Only tell your Bewstfriend!