Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Arknights: Rules of Kazimierz
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Arknights: Rules of Kazimierz

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Need DLC:
Gathering Storm, Rise and Fall

This mod add a new civilization, the Kazimierz Empire, to the game, along with 5 leaders: Młynar Nearl, Maria Nearl, Margaret Nearl, Sona, Justyna Valentine
The images and music materials are taken from Wiki-PRTS, Wiki | Fandom
This mod may performs poorly when used as an AI

It's recommended to use

Civilization: Kazimierz Empire
Ability: Nation of Neon and Knights Can spend Gold to unlock policies, or discard policies to grant Gold. All Military policy slots are converted to Wildcard slots. Land combat units can convert to stronger cavalry units by spending Gold. Each type of cavalry unit gives +10% gold from discarding policies. Each time you receive a new type cavalry, it will adjust your Trade Route's gold equal to 10% of its Combat Strength.
Unique Unit: Silverlance Pegasi
Kazimierz's Medieval Unique Units. Each of the player's Cavalry class units gives it +2 Strength (limit 40). Upon killing an enemy by it, units in 2 adjacent plots gain 15 EXP and restore movement.
Unique District: Wuthering Arena
Kazimierz's unique district replaces Entertainment Complex with lower cost. +1 Trade Route Capacity. For every 1 city's Amenity, +1 Strength for trained units (limit 10), and +2% Culture for this city(limit 40%). Each type of cavalry gives it +1 Amenity. When this district and buildings in it are constructed, receive a melee combat unit.
Unique Building: Chamber of Commerce
Kazimierz's unique bank with lower cost. Allows the city to purchase production with gold. Each such building gives gives -5% to the cost of buying policies and upgrading cavalry, also return Science (equal to 3% of spent) and Culture (equal to 1% of spent) when spending gold. (Limit 10) For every 3 of these buildings built, +1 wildcard slot.

Leader: Młynar Nearl
Ability: Unbrilliant Glory Begin with 300 Gold. Grant non food and faith yields from each idle policy per turn. When in peace, units receive+1 Strength per turn (up to 20, -2 for every enemy killed during war, reset to 0 when in peace again). Yields of idle policy are tripled during war.
Leader: Maria Nearl
Ability: Echo of Craftsman's Guild Begin with revealing all strategic resources, these resources receive +1 Production and 3 Gold. Units in need of strategic resources can use corresponding resources to heal. Improved strategic resources +1 corresponding yield for city's districts, and accumulate 1 more resources per turn. Unlocking corresponding preTech allows you to explore strategic resources (limited to 4 times per city).
Leader: Margaret Nearl
Ability: Night-scouring Gleam Cavalry units that kill enemys gain Faith and Gold as multiples of their combat strength, and ignoring movement penalties for 2 turns. Cavalries and land civilian units can be deployed directly next to your units. Cavalries with full health can retreat in the city-state, gaining different envoys and gold depending on their combat strength.
Leader: Sona
Ability: Pinus Sylvestris Receive 1 ploicy slot for each of the first 4 Wuthering Arena. Receive +1 Influence and Diplomacy favor for cavalry units, Wuthering Arena and inside buildings. Units have a probability of dodging enemy attacks (can't dodge seckilling) and +15% Strength for 1 turn after dodging. After entering a new era, allows you to unlock a purchasable policy without cost.
Leader: Justyna Valentine
Ability: Homecoming Units in Neutral or Foreign Territory heal 15 per turn, and units with full health receive +4 Strength and 1 Movement. Builders can build Encampment directly in cities which has Wuthering Arena(doesn't require citizens) with +4 Gold bonus to them. After entering a new era, allows you to unlock a purchasable policy without cost.

If you find some problems or bugs, please leave a message in the comments section.
20 comentarios
zxjnxh 4 MAR a las 6:56 
Feng0126 3 MAR a las 1:39 
Really nice mod, and really overpower as well, I would probably add some constraints to the civ ability, like maybe limit policies and unit to current and earlier era, as it is kinda just easy to get a tank in classical era.
Kotyrda 12 FEB a las 3:39 
There is no way they added Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą empire to civ
Ascension  [autor] 29 ENE a las 10:21 
@leo18128 当您未研究单位可下水的科技时,单位无法部署至水域。另一种情况是,非己方军营和市中心也是无法部署于其中。若非上述两种情况,您可以选择加入上述群聊详细说明,非常欢迎您能反馈问题
leo18128 28 ENE a las 20:26 
Ascension  [autor] 10 ENE a las 9:51 
@赵苏卢 非常感谢您反馈的问题,该能力以文字描述为准,现已修复该bug
赵苏卢 10 ENE a las 8:29 
ChrisQ 7 ENE a las 23:08 
Ascension  [autor] 7 ENE a las 4:01 
@ChrisQ 感谢您的问题反馈,音频问题现已修复
@烤大鸡腿 加力是每个单位独立计算,可以将单位拉到其他文明的单位上查看战斗预览,预览中会标明加力数值,每个单位上限20
ChrisQ 7 ENE a las 3:26 