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[2025.1] DeepLeaks
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2024年12月13日 12時48分
1月30日 9時11分
13 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[2025.1] DeepLeaks

The mod adds a sensitive dynamic to the hull. Diving in dangerous depths will cause leaks. It starts with exploding bolts, continue with pipes failing, then with hatches leaking and eventually there will be holes in the hull. It also adds sounds for bolts exploding, leak and repair noises which all are detectable by enemies. The mod is set for arcade game play by default but can be set to realistic or custom via provided dataheets. The mod wants to enhance the game play and removes the vanilla hull crush mechanism. With the mod you will have to fight leaks every now and then but also gives you the chance to fix it. With the vanilla version there are no leaks at all caused by dangerous depths, just a message after random time below a certain depth that your boat imploded and the game ends. This is what the mod changes.

"Die Bolzen, sie... sie platzen weg!!"
While depth increases you suddenly will hear bolts exploding which ultimately leads to failing pipes if you don't stop the dive. Once a leak appears take immediate action against it ("Boot nicht weiter fallen lassen!"). Stop further diving, the leaks react on even more pressure and only start leaking when depth increases. Adjust balance tanks (pump air in it) to further stop the dive. Close central bilge hatches to keep it as dry as possible (TrimPump fails if it is under water). Activate trim pump to get the water out of the boat. Activate compressors to have more air available. Leaks under water will need a rebreather to get fixed, so keep that in mind when diving deep. A repaired leak is stronger than before and chances to leak again are reduced(this bonus sums up for each repair). If you can't hold the dive ("Boot ist nicht zu halten"), pray for ground to stop the dive, it is most probably your last chance. With the boat sitting on the ground of the ocean you have a good chance to get back to the surface.

  • The mod is a pure runtime modification and works with any savegame. The mod does not store any value and can be removed safely without any risk.
  • You can specify own values for any relevant function of the mod in the datasheet from the mod. Default is an arcade preset which is less realistic but more action play. You can easily switch it to a realistic preset or change individual values for each sub available in the game. See how to adjust the values here: How to configure
  • Removes random defeat message when boat "implodes" and the game does not end instantly. You now can fight until you don't see any more chance to get up to the surface or until everyone really died.
  • TrimpPump displays its potential performance in m3/min and if water in compartments the estimated time to remove it from the boat. The mod does not change the trim pump performance (values are taken from the game or a mod you may have in place for this).
  • TrimpPump works up to specific value (arcade around 300m, realistic around 160m). After this depth the trim pump will be operated manually (not animated but indicated by "Manual" tooltip text) and provides an almost stable small performance (also configurable).
  • Rebreather holds about 3x times longer
  • Leaks: There are three types of leaks (numbers displayed are variable depending on config arcade / realistic / custom and submarine type):
    Pipes (yellow leaks) : Do fail more often (from roughly 160m on), leak a bit water and can be fixed without any replacement parts.
    Exterior Hatches (red leaks): Do fail rarely (from roughly 240m on), leak a stronger amount of water and need replacement parts to fix.
    Holes (red leaks): Do fail in very deep water (from roughly 300m on) and are most probably your end. Does need replacement parts for fixing.
  • Respect reload of the game. Since a reload is kind of a cheat, I added a mechanism to protect the boat from more leaks (about 20minutes game time (fades linerar)) by adding a much weaker probability leaks appear. That way the rage reload does not do any harm.
  • Respect Uboat Type and its hull crush depth. All subs in the game can be configured via mod DataSheet.
  • Repairs respect progress and the value is displayed in the tooltip. The more progress a repair has, the smaller the leak. This effect is applied on all leaks (not only DeepLeaks leaks). You'll see an information "DeepLeaks (Being repaired): ..." on hover over the leak when repairs are carried out.
  • Progress on repairs are not lost when a sailor leaves the leak. Vanilla game does loose the progress once the position is left and start from scratch.
  • Leaks and Repairs generate new sounds (like bolts exploding, repair noises, water noises). Sounds also add detectablitly which also can be configured via mod DataSheet.
  • Dismantel Equipment: You have now again the possibility to dismantel equipment / hatches for building spare parts (this feature is also recovered from Iron Coffins Mod). After dismanteling is done, the associated quipment becomes damaged. Only Engineers can do this kind of work, also one of them will need the skill to transform scrap to spare parts.
  • All blowing balast actions come with new sounds.
  • Translations added: English German Polish French Italian Spanish Russian Chinese Korean Turkish Portuguese Czech Japanese
    Interior Hatches
    The following features can be disabled or enabled by setting the 'featurePressureHatches' config (by default enabled in 'realistic' / disabled in 'arcade' preset).

  • Interior Hatches: They can't be damaged by water anymore, instead they will start leaking once their pressure limit is reached. Interior hatches can't be opened when pressure reaches (> 500 Newton of force or 0.005 atmospheres), this happens quite fast if water is inside the boat. Therefore you now are able to equalize pressure to be able to open the hatch again and NPC's will not automatically cross locked hatches, you'll need to give order to equalize pressure first (so think twice before you close a hatch). This is feature is an extension of the Iron Coffins Mod.
  • Waterflow: I adapted (from IronCoffins) and extended the waterflow calculation based on Bernoulli's Equation.
  • All Pressure Equalizations come with new sounds.

Mods I use and tested with

The mod interacts with Rebreathers, Trimpump, Hatches, Leaks, Water and Air Flow and Hullcrush behaviour. Any other mod which is interacting with those parts of the game may cause problems.

Version 0.6.4
Latest changes 2025-01-30
Please report bugs by describe the behaviour as detailed as possible.I am happy to improve the mod and implement even more features related. Also I would like to takeover some features from the famous Iron Coffins Mod and bring it partially back to live.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
58 分前
16 時間前
Configure Mod
112 件のコメント
Rudi Mentär 2 時間前 
@katamshut, thanks for answering. Yes, I thought so too. We do not know what UBOAT game does with the xlsx file. So I will go with my working solution. Thanks for this great mod.

BTW, I tested a bit with the mod and I want to ask you aomething about it. When diving @160-180m, leaks are appearing. But often when two leaks appear at this depth, I have to go surface in order not to loose the boat. Two leaks are doing such a lot of water, that my crew cannot handle it repairing and two much water gets into the boat.
Is this a correct behavior or do I something wrong. One or two leaks are a real problem @160-180m so you habe to go up as soon as possible.
Is there a workaround, the boat can stay at @160m-180m for a longer timer than 2-5mins?
katamshut  [作成者] 4 時間前 
@Rudi, you found a nice solution for the problem you have. I use LibreOffice and (so far) it always works.

This whole configuration with xls sheets I never saw in any application and is always a problem maker. I can't do anything. If your spreadsheet app saves the file in a way uboat cannot read it, it is like it is and it is practically impossible to know why.
Rudi Mentär 8 時間前 
Double checked it... when I change Value to "Realistic" on Sttings Tab, message pops up ingame. When I do not change this value and copy and paste all values from Realistic Tab to Arcade Tab, message does not come up ingame
Rudi Mentär 8 時間前 
Always got a message when loading the game with this mod "blabla... the mod runs in default config".
This always happens when I only change config file to "realistic".. after deleting and downloading mod again, message does not come up with default xls-file. Cannot change it to realitic cause message pops up every time I changed it
Bowfin 23 時間前 
I really like the addition this mod brings to the game. Well done ,thank you
Subcomfreak 2月1日 7時24分 
I've yet to do a major dive with deep leaks and device maintenance on as my main game is in a night convoy attack. I probably won't be able to fully test it until Monday when I have a day off.

urseus 1月31日 11時38分 
Thank you so much for bringing back parts dismantling option.

And what a nice surprise the extra sound effects are. The new must have mod.
Drexack 1月30日 23時48分 
I have been using both mods since this one released, and I've not come across anything that I could attribute to a conflict.
So in my anecdotal experience, using both Device Maintenance and DeepLeaks is safe.
katamshut  [作成者] 1月30日 20時31分 
I did not test it, but worth a try. I just read the description of it and I do not see a direct conflict since DeepLeaks does not do much with devices (other than the trim pump and the valves). If you see something looking wrong tell me, I can have a closer look on the code.
Subcomfreak 1月30日 19時50分 
I would be correct in assuming that this mod will NOT work with the device maintenance mod... right?