Swarm Grinder

Swarm Grinder

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[ENG] Swarm Grinder │ 100% Achievements Guide
By Nietbern and 1 collaborators
Guide on how to obtain the 100% achievements with little advice so as to make it a bit easier (Remember to use ctrl+F to search your achiev).
Give it a thumbs up so others who may need it can see it or just fav it for easy access, tyvm!

〛Info and tips
  • Total achievs: 31
  • Hidden achievs: 0
  • Bugged/unobtainable achievs: 0*
  • Missable achievs: 0

No rush, experiment and unlock as you see fit.
*Plateau map is the safest option for unlocking achievements
Upgrading your rank helps in the achievements since you can equip useful items
Dash CD is reduced the more cells you clear
Items have different rarities being epic the best one
Peacemaker option is a safe option with "heal on kill" in every build
You only need 1 item of each, no need to stack same item. So any time you get a higher rarity item, you can delete the previous one

There is no absolute build, this guide shows the build used to obtain it but is in no way the best or more efficient that could exist.
〛Spoiler alert
Even though we try to give just the info, it is possible that we slip some information in the other achievs that may refer to something that you didn't yet unlock or it might have been unknown to you.
〛Valiant Glory

"Win the game with the "Evolution 5" difficulty is on."

How to obtain: Win any map on Evolution 5
Tips: First of all you need to put points in the Workshop since it will greatly help in the dmg and survavility. We recommend Bulletstom but again, you choose.
We found that minimum you would need your gun + crits + peacemaker to make it easily. Gun and crits for the synergy and the massive destruction but peacemaker with the ultimate upgrade of to infinity and beyond allows an easy pick up of fuel and life that helps the survavility a lot.

〛Highway to Hell

"Lose the game in under 7 seconds."

How to obtain: Die before 7 seconds
Tips: Make sure to remove all workshop points that involve high dmg (crown) and survavility such as health regen and plain health, then pick Butcher since its the one with lowest base HP. Pick lv5 evolution or the highest you can and dash towards the most alien-cells you see.

For it to count it has to be under 7, in 7 secs it doesn't count.


"Activate 50 explosions in under 3 seconds."

How to obtain: Do 50 explosions in 3 secs
Tips: The trick here is to pick the passive detonator since it helps with the explosive % chance. Since Bulletstorm fires at a higher speed rate and it can ricochet it makes it easier to proc the explosions.
Remember that higher evolution maps allows for more upgrades and therefore more ultimate upgrades, making this easier.

〛All for one

"Win the game with only one Active skill."

How to obtain: Win any map with only one active skill
Tips: Any map would work but to keep it short plateau lv0 is enough. Just make sure to pick only passives since the one active skills is the one you start with. Peacemaker will make survi easier and the crits will help with dealing with the aliens. We prefer Bulletstorm since the dmg input is more realiable than Bombard, you could try Butcher but care with the close combat.


"Win the game with 5 active skills."

How to obtain: win any map with just active skills
Tips: Bulletstorm allows for blades actives to randomly appear, same for Bombard and Butcher, that they can get some blades, bullets or explosives.
If you are using Bulletstorm as we did and you dont get other actives after picking your main bullet ones just reroll until you get lucky. Use plateau lv0 since as the achiev name says this build is quite inefficient.

〛Devil's Eye

"Deal more than 2000 damage to an enemy in one hit."

How to obtain: Crit for 2000 dmg to a single enemy in one hit
Tips: Easily done with Butcher or Bulletstorm. Make sure to get many lucky charms as possible since this will increment the dmg of the crits. Also playing in high evolution maps help for the purple upgrades.
If you still are unable to get them, search for a x2 dmg antenna but with these builds you shouldn't need it.

〛Doom from Heaver

"Deal the final blow to a boss by landing a Drilling Station on it."

How to obtain: Last hit the boss with a falling drill
Tips: This one is a bit tricky since you need to calculate when he will spawn and when the drill will fall, keep dash equiped to lure him below the drill and then dash. Take in mind that the drill deals like 1/4 or 1/3 of its life.

〛Blood, Sweat and Missiles

"Win the game with only Launcher skills as active skills."

How to obtain: Take only brownish-redish active skills
Tips: Sames as the other ones, as long as you only pick launcher skills you are good. Either pick all passives, 2 actives and 3 passives or 3 actives and 2 passives. Whatever floats your boat.

〛Critical Roll

"Deal more than 500 damage to an enemy in one hit."

How to obtain: Crit for 500 dmg to a single enemy in one hit
Tips: Easily done with Butcher or Bulletstorm. Make sure to get many lucky charms as possible since this will increment the dmg of the crits, focus on getting the ultimate upgrade of your weapon and the lucky charm.
If you still are unable to get them, search for a x2 dmg antenna but with these builds you shouldn't need it.

〛Treasure Hunter

"Win the game after collecting over 100 Bio Shards in a single run."

How to obtain: Beat the boss after collecting 100 bioshards in a single run
Tips: This gets easier the higher the evolution map you play since they spawn more. The trick is to have peacemaker with to infinity and beyond so you will always get the shard no matter how far it is from you once you break it.
As you can see below you can get them no matter the build (even with no peacemaker fully upgraded)

〛Mass Destruction

"Win the game by only taking Blade skills as Active Skills."

How to obtain: take 3 blade active skills and 2 passives
Tips: Use Butcher. In this case the build doesn't really matter since you will have to pick the blades (pinkish-redish color active skills), you can always only pick your default weapon and the rest passives but it doesn't hurt to have all the blades either. Make sure to upgrade your main weapon all the way and then you can focus on more dmg as crits or whatever you feel like.

〛Bullet Heaven

"Win the game by using only Rapid Fire skills as Active skills."

How to obtain: take 3 bullet active skills and 2 passives
Tips: Use Bulletstorm. In this case the build doesn't really matter since you will have to pick the rapid fire active skills (yellow color active skills), you can always only pick your default weapon and the rest passives but it doesn't hurt to have all the bullet skills either. Make sure to upgrade your main weapon all the way and then you can focus on more dmg as crits or whatever you feel like.


"Kill 200 enemies with Drilling Station in one run."

How to obtain: kill 200 enemies with the fall of the drilling stations in one run
Tips: This one is a bit tricky, if you get it randomly then fine but if you are hunting for it is a bit annoying. You need to balance enough dmg to kill when needed but not a lot of dmg so you kill them before they get under the drilling station.
We suggest Bombard for this matter with the dash in plateau lv0, upgrade the peacemaker to get more survy and dash away when you pile them under the drilling station. The point is not to upgrade your damage too much and focus more on the peacemaker side.

Other option is using the gadget that calls drilling stations so you can get extra kills.

The picture below shows the moment we got the achievement, as you can see we didn't even need to call all the drilling stations

〛Lone Wolf

"Win the game without distributing any points to Workshop upgrades."

How to obtain: Remove manually the Workshop points and win a game
Tips: If you are new in the game and want this eachievement go for plateau lv0 and get away with it. If you have been playing the game for a while go for Lone Wolf+Ace Pilot. Below is my first win with no workshop points in plateau lv0 map and no items.

〛Ace Pilot

"Win the game at level above "Evolution 3" without distributing any points towards Workshop upgrades."

How to obtain: Win any map at evolution 4 or higher without having any points in the Workshop
Tips: There is multiple ways to achieve is but the easier build we found was with Bulletstorm with 3 actives and 2 passives just as the image below with focused bullets and devastating strikes for the purple upgrades.
Having a higher rank Bulletstorm helps because of the items you can equip that will help you out.
Please note that you need to manually take away the points of the Workshop, otherwise it won't count.

〛Kill enemies

Hive Hunter
"Kill 2.000 enemies in one run."

"Kill 5.000 enemies in one run."

New Recruit
"Kill total of 10.000 enemies."

"Kill total of 50.000 enemies."

How to obtain: Kill X enemies
Tips: The first two is in the same run that it will be easily done just by completing the runs in maps lv0 and low evolutions. The other 2 is acumulated so dont stress it out since doing the other achievements you will get them eventually. For the record, trying the survive 35min we killed 30k enemies in one run. The counter appears in game on the right and when you press ESC menu


More Than Just Walls
"Complete the Cave map with Evolution 2."

Tamed Sector
"Complete the Plateu map with Evolution 2."

How to obtain: Unlock ev2 maps
Tips: So as to get to evolution 2 you must first clear evolution 1, pick a build shown in this guide and roll with it, just remember that the enemies deal a bit more dmg and last a little bit more, nothing else. Best part is the higher the evolution the more upgrades you can get, therefore the more dmg output.


A Warm Welcome
"Survive for 10 minutes."

"Survive for 25 minutes." 

"Survive for 35 minutes."

How to obtain: Don't die for X minutes.
Tips: The faster you upgrade your main weapon and peacemaker the easier it will get. Higher evolutions help with more upgrades but you can do it even in plateau 0, doesn't matter. Below you have 2 builds for 35min with Bulletstorm and Butcher.

〛Win games

This One Works
"Win the game."

The Colonizer
"Win the game 10 times."

The Grinder
"Win the game 25 times."

How to obtain: Kill the boss X times
Tips: Once you get used to the game it becomes more easier to beat the game with whatever you feel like, for example my first win was with the build below which is in no way very efficient but got the job done.


Deep Dive
"Win the game in under 8 minutes."

Fast Feet
"Win the game in under 15 minutes."

How to obtain: Beat the boss in under X minutes.
Tips: There are many options but Butcher and Bulletstorm make it easier. Once you have some points in the Workshop such as dmg passives or crown with +40% dmg, you can easily dash all your way in plateau lv0 and finish before 8min. With Bulletstorm just focus on your main gun and take arsenal if possible for the boss dmg. Remember to dash like a maniac and that dash cd is reduced each cell you clear, thats the trick.


"Take a Special Upgrade."

"Take 3 special Upgrades in a run."

How to obtain: Pick the ultimate upgrades
Tips: You need to level 6 times your skills in order to the special upgrade to appear in your next roll.
Keep in mind that bronze is 1 level, silver is 2 levels and golden is 3 levels, the total has to be 6. Do NOT reroll the special upgrades, they will be gone.




This is the Workshop that we were rocking, however you should put the points depending on your playstyle. For example, if you love bombard you could use the explosive upgrade in Lute.
〛Other useful guides
You might find the next guides helpful and interesting

ENG | Upgrades overview

ENG | A nice build to win

ENG | Further explanation of 3 achievs

ENG | Further explanation of survive 35min
13/01/25 - Added Bombard base rank banner SS in "〚〛Bombard " (Leveling)
11/01/25 - Added Bombard base build SS in "〚〛Bombard " (Leveling)
05/01/25 - Added Bombard leveling SS of builds in "〚〛Bombard " (Leveling)
20/12/24 - Added Workshop SS in "〚〛Workshop " (Final notes)