Day of Dragons

Day of Dragons

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Guide to The Current Eldering System (WIP)
By 2WatchWolves
Here is the new system of eldering your dragon in the current version of D.o.D! (1.1.7 at the making of this guide.)
The guide will when completed inculde the following:
-How to activate crystals correctly with the/an elder group
-All known crystal locations with cords
-Crystal color basics
-Eldering basics
Eldering Introduction
Welcome to this WIP guide on the way to elder in D.o.D (currently 1.1.7 at the making of this)

Since this a very early version of this guide there may be errors! Please copy and paste the sentence in quotes, what section, how far in the section and then the answer in {}/()/[], I will change and update this as soon as I can! Images will be added and the colors might take a while but I have all the screenshots/locations with cords in the corner ready to be added very soon!

Eventually I will also include other mechanics in the game such as nesting, "mut" (mutation) points and more but for now lets focus on eldering!
Eldering Groups and Crystal Activation
If you are playing in Sanctuary (A PvE Server that most people play in) you have probably heard of this taking over half the server "Elder group", you know the people who spam "Elder inv" whenever there happens to be a crystal?

Welp, if want to get to elder, this is your best bet.

The Elder group has an average of 10-30 (20) people, max ever being that I have seen about 50. Just know that even though they are in the elder group they aren't always searching! Some people are nesting, pearl hunting, or just enjoying their newly eldered dragon! I have heard some hate about this of course, but they join for access to crystals if required and tend to stay at ET or BR so if the Crystal(s) there go off its a quick fresh response-although try not to sit around the whole time, maybe look for a couple chill and do it again from here and there.

Now: Crystal activation

1. Searching for crystals is your first go to, its best to memorize land marks and make routes and pathways from each crystal to get the quickest finds.
2. If a crystal is not active, it will be a dull grayish blue-purple color. When finding an inactive crystal say where and clear, at some locations its best to search all in the nearby radius then say the whole area is clear such as br, falls, river, ef cliffs, arch, rockies and tp (this rarely happens though as each crystal has its own name at tp)
3. *When* you find a crystal, give "cords" or coordinates, name and color.
4. After this people will switch, if you need the color go ahead and switch too!
5. Set a 5-6 minute timer generally, unless it is a far off location even 8-9 can be good! If an asd is coming wait about 9-11 minutes if it happens to be a far off location such as 77/edge, Lime, Tp, or cliffs.
6. Activating a crystal is called "popping" the crystal, this happens after several dragons use the 1 call with aim repeatably until the color fades and a disk of energy "pops", you must be in this circle while the crystal is activating to get the tick along with the restraints in the following sections of the guide.

Crystals for asd:
There are several crystals asd have no access too or have an extremely hard time using, the hard to use ones are as following:
Arch Cave: This is one of the three crystals at Arch, as an asd you either must jump repeatedly to gain the pop or run the side section near the pool in an attempt to get on the ledge, at least one asd must do this for greens at that location. Its better if you get three or more due to the difficulty of activating it from the ledge.
Falls (Bottom): You must jump from above falls too reach the crystal; you won't die as damage can never truly kill you but its still hard to do.
*Goes for ALL DRAGONS* Falls (Top): As before you must run up to falls but this one is even harder, as you must jump last second to grab the pop and try to do so with a little force as possible so that you hit the water and not the shore.
Any location in EF: Extremely far distances.
Bacon & Big Snowy: Extremely rugged terrain and distance, Big snowy's elevation is also hard to reach
Small Snowy: Possible but hard to reach.
Lime: The distance and the mountain don't help.
River Falls: Simply annoying to locate as an asd without someone at the crystal
Impossible to reach for asd:
Ramp: To high
Arch Ledge: On a ledge
Bio: On a ledge
River Under Cliff "uc": On a ledge *might be possible?*
Ravine "Rav": You can get in but its impossible to get out and admins wont help you, it has been tested don't try it.

Eldering basics
Each dragon class has a different progress amount per "tick". Some dragons such as the bio don't even elder at all, as all class 2 and class 1 creatures will not experience eldering most likely.\

Class 6+ is currently unknown, 6 might be 0.75 and 7 might be 0.5?

Class 5: 0.9% per tick (the IR has some broken things with its ticks and therefore hits 99.9% at the end and requires extra crystals before hitting the next one.)

Class 4: either 1.3% or 1.25% as the bs and ss have a small difference in eldering.

Class 3: around 2.3% (anyone know the actual % per tick?)

Class 2-1: Non-Eldering
Crystal Colors
There are seven different colors of crystal that may appear on the crystals at any given time, however there happens to be only 1-4 on the map at a time, most commonly it may appear there are none active-this *can* be caused by randoms (players who search for crystals outside of elder group) popping or (correct me if I'm wrong!) in my experience no crystals can activate in succession if multiple are popped close to each other which can happen when say maybe four appear in a row yet thirty minutes after there are none to be found.

Crystals are as followed:
-Magenta "Mag"

Day Crystals act differently then Night Crystals, meaning knowing the time is *very* important, especially when its night close to dawn or dusk close to night because if you wait too long your chance is gone.

Day Crystals are triggered by current elder percent (%) and go as followed:
-Green: [0-15%]
-Cyan: [15-30]
-Blue: [30-45]
-Magenta: [45-60]
-Red: [60-75]
-Yellow: [75-100]
-White: [Everyone/0-100]

Night Crystals are triggered by your dragon's bile type and go as followed:
-Green: [Acid]
-Cyan: [Ice *Currently not in game and therefore useless*]
-Blue: [Plasma]
-Magenta: [Electricity/Lightning]
-Red: [Fire]
-Yellow: *I don't care about controversy, venom as a "bile" makes no sense I'm sorry-also Bw?* [N/A | No Bile *Currently not in game and therefore useless, until the Bw comes out.*]

Day and Night (Correct me if I'm wrong) are each 1 hour and 40 minutes
-Note Dawn/Dusk count as DAY not night!

Crystal colors:

Green: N/A



Magenta: N/A

Red: N/A

Yellow: N/A

White: N/A
Crystal Locations
Here are all the crystals and Cords for them! The cords can be found in the upper right corner of most screenshots, ones without them are because it is in a popular area and therefore I didn't want anyone's name tag.

Big Rock*s* "BR" (5) *One is currently in need of getting a screenshot but its in the grassy cave*

Arch (3)

Falls (2)

Twin Peaks "TP" (2)

*I need to get it, i forgot to press F12 for this one*

Bio Island "Bio"

Ramp *I need to grab this one*

Ravine "Rav"

*Sorry Ravine is dark, I'll get a better Screen Shot soon!*

Small/Lonley Snowy "Sml Snowy"

Elder Forest Cliffs ["EF cliffs" or "Cliffs"] (4)

Elder Tree "ET"


Stupid Rock "SR"

Rockies (2)

River (7) -Lotus is considered a part of river, however some players will single it out-
"River Falls"
"River Pillar"
"River Rock"
"Valley Cliff"
"Under Cliff"
"Snapper Pond"

Lime -also called "Liam" sometimes but its almost always called Lime for clarity

Crystal Cave "CC"

Pride Rock "PR"

*Sorry Pr is in NV I'll get a better Screenshot for it soon!*

Besrodik 20 Jan @ 2:25pm 
Hello. I think, another topic that could be unclear but interesting and useful for new or returning players is about how the skin system works. How to get one, whether the skin becomes lost forever if its carrier dies or it is added to some sort of a roaster on the screen where we choose a dragon etc. This also concerns pearls: which ones are available, how to get etc.
2WatchWolves  [author] 25 Nov, 2024 @ 3:25pm 
Hey there! Please use comments as a way of telling me is there are any issues or mechanics I should cover, there is a way shown at the top of the guide for how to report guide issues, thank you! ^^