Security: The Horrible Nights

Security: The Horrible Nights

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The Security Survival Guide
От Boshea
How to survive all 19 nights.
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I strongly recommend at least playing through all the nights once before going through this guide. They are all pretty straight forward to survive if you know the tropes or are cautious. Some of the longer survival ones can be a bit tedious to redo if getting caught off guard a few times late into them. I've also included where achievements can be obtained on the nights where they are available.
Night 1
Wait for a fight to start in the bottom left of floor 1. Break up the fight and return to the camera room. A helicopter should arrive with two people. One will got to floor 1, and the other to the morgue

Wait for a car alarm to start. Hey the car, and then return to the camera room. After some time all of the car alarms will start. Check on the cars and they will stop after a minute or so, then return to the camera room.

After checking the cameras for a bit you will hear a knock on the door, but nobody there after inspecting it. Return to the cameras and after monitoring them for a bit they will static out and be replaced with a film grain. Go to Camera 2 to watch a re-enactment of the car crash for the two people who arrived by helicopter.

Check Camera -1 to see a car on fire. Go inspect the car and run away from the burning victim to avoid a death. After they disappear you will notice the flaming car replaced by one of the car crash cars. Return to the camera room. Pay no attention to the burning face when checking floor 1. Check -2 to see one of the corpses smouldering.

Go to floor -2. Part way to the morgue you will be stopped and hear a ghostly wail again. Once able to move further down check the corpse to now see the revealed burn victim

Return to the Camera room. When reaching the office you will be stopped again and hear the same wail. Go back to checking the cameras. After a bit the corpse will be missing on -2. Check floor 1 to see the corpse attacking the patient. Hey the patient to end the night.
Night 2
Wait for a patient to get an X-ray on floor 2. Pay no attention to the creature climbing on the windows.

Check camera 4 to see the creature waiting by the stares. Go to floor 4 to only find dead birds

Return to the camera room and check floor 1 to see the creature attack a patient. He will then teleport to the cafeteria on floor 0. Go to the cafeteria. Shining your light on the creature will hurt it and cause it to escape to the elevator. You will repeat this process several times

Check floor 3 for another attack. The creature will then teleport to the fridge on this floor.
Check floor 0 for another attack. The creature will then teleport to floor 2.
Check floor 2 for another attack. The creature will then teleport to floor 1.
Check floor 1 for another attack. The creature will then teleport to floor 0.
Check floor 1 for another attack. The creature will then teleport to floor -2. Go to the floor and attack it again. Unfortunately your flashlight has run out of battery. Run towards the elevator, then back to the morgue when he teleports ahead of you, then to the elevator again.

Return to the camera room. After checking cameras for a bit you will be attacked by the creature when checking -1. Exit the camera and run from the creature. Go to the elevator and select any floor to escape, then return to the camera room

Check floor 2 to see the creature attack the doctor in the X-ray room. Head to that room and hit the X-ray button to survive the night.
Night 3
Check the cameras for a bit, mostly noticing there are a lot more patients than normal. Check floor -2 to see some headless cadavers fall over. Go to the floor and Hey them before returning to the camera room.

Check floor 4 to see a small fire and some patients experiencing severe headaches. Hey the fire, then the vomiting patients. Pay no attention to the head explosions. Return to the camera room and watch the same event happen to all the other patients. Then check floor 4 to see one of the zombies knock out the tower.

Your goal is to reach the helicopter on the top floor. Remember that the ascending staircase on the opposite side of where you enter. For example the stairs from floor -1 to 0 is on the left, so the stairs from 0 to 1 will on the right.

The Zombies will not chase you unless you are close to them, so you'll want to be cautious navigating the dark rooms. For floor 0 head directly down, then go through the cafeteria and kitchen up to the stairs. Lead the Zombie guarding the stairs down to the kitchen so you can run around them up to the stairs.

For floor 1 cut through the room on the left and head along to top path. A Zombie will start chasing you near the end of the hallway. Run back and then take the hallway below the washrooms then up to the stairs

For floor 2 head down and go through the room to the bottom hallway, then head all the way to the furthest end before cutting through the maternity rooms. Run to the stairs as a zombie will start chasing you after exiting to the rooms.

For floor 3 cut through the conference room and head to the stairwell. A horde of zombies will start chasing you when you get close. Head back to the conference room to get around the zombies, then head to the stairs again

For floor 4 hey the zombies by the helicopter to get them chasing you. Get around them and get to the helicopter to end the night.
Night 4
Check the cameras. There is a meeting going on floor 3, and a patient with a dog on floor 0. The dog will start barking at the nurse. Head to floor 0 and hey the dog and bring it back to its owner. You may pet the dog

Head back to the camera room. Check floor 4 to see a large wolf. After the cameras go static the dog will be in the camera room. Return it to the owner again, then return to the cameras. You can also go to floor 4 to see the item left by the Wolf. I'm not sure if the item is supposed to be a hat or a first aid kit.

Check floor 3 to see that the meeting has been stopped by a murder. Go to floor 3 to start playing a game of Werewolf. You need to figure out which of the people is the killer before running out of options. There is a stethoscope next to the murder victim as another clue. Pick up the revolver and shoot the person you believe is the werewolf. It is not possible to win this in the first round, so return to the camera room to contemplate killing an innocent person.

Check floor 0 to see the dog missing again, then floor 2 to find the dog in the operating room. Hey the dog and the wolf will run through the hallway dropping items. The first two being the same we have already seen, and the last being a pill bottle. Return to the camera room and see another murder on floor 3. If you shot the nurse in the first round, shoot the doctor, otherwise shoot the nurse. They will then transform into the wolf and run to the boss's office. Go to the office to find the dead wolf and end the night.
Night 5
It is not possible to fail this night.
Night 6
You'll hear some quakes getting louder as the night goes on. Check floor 4 to see a crate. Check some other floors then check 4 again to see a lizard escape the crate. Go to the floor and return the lizard to the crate by shining your light on it

Return to the camera room and sounds will be getting louder. You'll hear some emergency vehicles, then all the car alarms will go off, then some eyes in the windows of floor 1, then a crash and the wall on floor 3 will be broken, then another crash and the power is lost. You need to escape the hospital before it is destroyed.

Take the stairs up to floor 4 avoiding the burning patient on floor 3. Hey the screaming patient and head to the helicopter. The helicopter won't leave until you collect 5 patients. Head down to floor 3 and grab the patient south of the elevator. Head down to floor 2 and grab the patient in the room on the bottom left. They are to the left of the door in front of the lockers. Head to floor 1 and towards the patient to the right of the elevators, we can't save them unfortunately. Head to floor 0 to save the patient in the washroom to the left of the front desk. Head to floor -1 then -2 and save the patient in the janitor closet in the morgue.

Then just head back up to floor 4 again. The only things to watch out for are fireballs in the middle of floor 2, and fireballs on floor 4. Then get to the helicopter to safely escape.
Night 7
Check the cameras and you'll notice the hospital is full of military personnel and a strange plant on floor 4. Check floor 2 to see a patient knocked down. Go help them then return to the camera room.

Check floor 4 to see the janitor killed, and the plant larger. Check the plant and inhale some pollen that is likely totally safe. You'll then become hungry. Follow your cravings until you are full. Donuts are in your office, with the rest in the cafeteria on floor 0. Once full go back to checking the cameras, and then follow your new cravings.

Your goal is to reach the flower on floor 4. Eating people will give you health and maxing out the bar will evolve you. Scanners and patients are safe, but gunners will attack you unless directly behind them. You want to clear out all the people on each floor avoiding as much combat as possible. Below are the layouts of each floor so you can route your path. Once you reach the flower you will have “survived” the night.

Night 8
A crate will shortly arrive on floor 4 and be delivered to the boss's office on floor 3. Check some other floors before checking 3 again to see the crate broken and manure in the washroom. Go to the floor and hey the manure before returning to the camera room. Walking into the manure gives the "You smell like poop" achievement

Check some other floors before checking floor three again to see a Unicorn. Go to the floor and approach the Unicorn. After being kicked back, run into the washroom. Once the unicorn leaves, head back to the camera room.

Check floor 0 to see a Viking enter the hospital. Unfortunately you are trapped in the office by the Unicorn. Check floor 3 to see a doctor leave the break room, and then head to their car on -1. When the Unicorn leaves to attack the doctor, make a run for the elevator and go to floor 0. Hey the viking to get his spear.

Head back to the camera room and check floor -2 to find the Unicorn. Go to the floor and hey the manure before heading back to the camera room. Check floor 2 to find the Unicorn. Head to the floor and follow the blood trail, then turn around and stab the Unicorn when it tries to ambush you.
Night 9
Check the floors and you'll notice the stairways are all blocked, a chest on floor 0 and 1, and a patient with a cage on floor 0. Check around for a bit and the creature will escape and be jumping on a car on floor -1. Hey it and it will start following you and you will gain a health bar. Head back to the camera room and it will attack the knocked over vending machine. Check the floors and you will notice a monster on each floor. Head to the elevator and you will see every floor except 0 disabled.

The goal is to defeat the boss on the roof. After you defeat a monster you will heal to full and it will follow you.The chests can be opened once you have at least 3 monsters

Floor 0-Just run around it in circles
Floor 1-Go to the right top corner then run ahead of it and hide in the 2nd room on the right when it gets too close
Floor 2-Strafe around it avoiding the homing shots
Floor 3-Just run away from it and it will likely die after turning the corner
Floor -2-This is the optional boss for the achievement, and can be accessed by going back to floor -1 after defeating the first monster. Just strafe up and down avoiding the spread shot and large shot. I recommend doing it after the other bosses since it has about the same amount of health as the final boss
Floor 4- It moves from side to side above you and fires all the projectiles as the previous enemies. Avoid its shots as best you can until its defeated.
Night 10
Check the camera for a bit before a truck crashes into the entrance on floor 0 with an arm less patient. Head to the floor and they will run down to -1 after you shine a light on them. They will then morph into a cocoon before hatching a monster. Run to the stairs to escape.

Floor 0-Just run to the stairs. Avoid the grabber in the hall either hugging the bottom of the wall, or going around through the cafeteria/kitchen
Floor 1-Head towards the stairs by taking the hallway below the washrooms, when the monster spawns go back to the office below the washrooms to circle around the monster then head towards the stairs
Floor 2-Head down through the rooms to reach the lower hallway, then head through the maternity room on the right to reach the stairs. Getting too close to the center area will get you killed, and the monster will also start chasing you after exiting the maternity rooms.
Floor 3- Head towards the stairs, you need to lead the monster away from the door, before running towards it to escape.
Floor 4-Runaway from the monster then reach the “helicopter”
Night 11
Check the floors you'll see a body getting dropped in the morgue, a patient with an axe in their head on floor 0, and your boss counting money on floor 3. After a bit check floor 3 to see some glitching monitors. Go hey the monitors then head back to the camera room

Your boss will leave the office and head to the patient on floor 0. Go hey the patient to leave for being too poor for healthcare. Head back to the camera room, then check floor 1. Hey another patient away for being poor, return to the camera room, then check floor 0. You can take the body and place it anywhere for the achievement "This is no place to put a dead body!". The toilet in the washroom to the left of the nurse for example. Take the dead axe patient down to the morgue, return to the camera room, then check floor 2. Hey the pregnant woman to leave for being poor, return to the camera room, then check floor 0. Go to floor 0 to tell your boss to stop harassing the nurse. A loud crash will occur disabling the elevator.

Head back to the camera room and check floor -2 to see the destroyed elevator. Bodies missing, and the doors open. Go down and close the doors, then head back to the camera room. Pay no attention to the body that stood up. Check floor 3 to see the boss's office destroyed. Head to the office, then collect the trail of money.

After collecting the big pile, the monster will be blocking the exit. Use the file cabinets to circle around it, then start heading back to the camera room. It will try to attack you again on floor 1. When back to the camera room. Check floor 0 to see the monster approaching your boss. You can either go to the floor and hey the monster to save your boss, or let it kill the boss.
Night 12
Check the floors and there will be nothing different other than a tree being chainsawed on the roof. After a bit check floor 3 to see something in a trash can. Hey the trash can to get a friend, then head back to the camera room. Check floor 0 for more friends to collect. After grabbing them go back to the camera room to get the ones eating your donuts, then check floor -2 for more friends. Head back to the camera room to check floor 4 and see some friends harassing the janitor. When you reach floor 4 the janitor will be dead and your friends turn evil. Hey the chainsaw to collect it and start killing the gremlins

It is very easy to accidentally get too close to one of the gremlins and die, especially when moving down through an area. Head back to the camera room and you can check the floors for enemies. You need to clear all the gremlins on floors 0, 1, and 2. After you clear the floors a large group will try to ambush you on -1. Clear this group then decide if you want to kill or spare your friend in the camera room.

Night 13
Check around the floors for a bit before going to camera -1 and seeing the water cooler fall over. Stand it back up, then check floor 1 to see the showers all running. Go turn off the showers, then head back and check floor 0 to find a broken toilet. Check floor 1 to see the monster travelling through the washrooms before attacking a patient. Then check floor 3 to see the same thing happen again. Head to floor 3 and shine your light on the out of place toilet. Like night 2 your light will hurt the monster and it will run away to the washroom to escape. Repeat this again with the vending machine on floor 1, then the water cooler on floor 0.

A patient will then head to floor -1 and collapse on a car. Shine your light on the patient to start a boss fight. It is easiest to avoid the monster by strafing left and right, but it is also very easy to get hit multiple times in a row due to the knockdown animations.. Just shine your light until it is defeated.
Night 14
Check around the floors, and there will be nothing out of the ordinary besides a doctor in the maternity ward. After a bit check floor 2 to see the doctor smoking in the baby room. Tell them to stop, then head back to see them now yelling at a pregnant woman. Wait a bit then check floor 2 to see a massacre in the baby room. Inspect the room to find it perfectly fine, then head back to the camera room. After looking at the camera for a bit the music will cut out before you hear a baby crying. Check floor -2 to see a corpse standing up.

Head down to floor -2 and you'll find a bloody trail leading to a secret room. Hey the hand print to open the door. Head into the secret room to find a dead woman giving birth to a zombie fetus. To escape, run into the bathroom then hey the fan to crawl into the vent. Then escape back to the elevator. Head back to the camera room and check floor 2 to see the zombie baby crawl into the pregnant woman, it will then attack the doctor ending the night. Unlike night 11, I don't believe there is a way to save the doctor, but based on the news article I wouldn't want to.
Night 15
It is not possible to fail this night. Take your time exploring since there are some really cool visuals
Night 16
Loot around the cameras for a bit until you see a patient in the meat locker on floor 0. Tell them to get out then head back to the camera room. Pay no attention to the half eaten car. Wait a bit and check floor 0 to see a monster gorging itself in the cafeteria. Go to check on the monster, then follow the trail of food to a half eaten patient on floor 1. Head back to the camera room, after a bit you'll see the monster trying to eat the fuse box on floor 4. Take the elevator to floor 4. Hey them to get them to chase you, then start running down the floors. The power should turn back on at floor 2 to take the elevator back to the camera room. Check floor 3 to find the monster in the break room.

Head to floor 3 and follow the trail to the boss's office. Then run from the monster until you fall through the floor. Go to the left first to see the monster eating a patient in front of the stairs, then to the right to see the same thing again, then head back to the left stairs and he should chase you. Circle around him to go down to floor 1, then down to floor 0. The power should turn back on again so head to the camera room. Check floor 0 and you should see the monster's husk and a patient in the cafeteria. Head towards the patient and they will be eaten by a frog monster. Run into the meat locker to freeze the monster and survive the night.
Night 17
You can't fail this night
Night 18
Check cameras for a bit before a UFO appears on the roof and camera 4 is cut off. Go to floor 4 and you will get teleported back to the camera room. After a bit you'll see aliens attack a doctor on floor -2 before the camera is cut off. Head to the autopsy room on floor -1 and collect the revolver. Then head back to the camera room killing an alien you meet on the way.

Your goal is to defeat all the aliens and shoot the UFO on floor 4. Unlike the other combat stories, you don't have a health bar for this story, so be very careful when approaching aliens. It is best to attack from behind when possible to avoid needing to dodge projectiles. The gun's range is also fairly short and you can't shoot through objects. Aliens also can't shoot through objects, but they can see through walls.

Night 19
You can't fail this night, just be prepared for a jump scare. Fun fact, Orange guy is also hiding on the title screen.
The Hotel
After surviving 12 nights, the door in the back of your office will open. Entering this door will have you control a patient while you view everything through the monitor. Your goal is to get the patient to the mouth on the 4th floor. If you die, you'll start back on floor -1, but entering the stairs will teleport you to where you died. Most of the floors have pretty straight forward patterns to follow. The only ones of note are floor 1 and 3.

With the amount of zombies running around on floor 1 and their fairly random pattern you will likely lose some lives here, mostly to just trying to respawn. It also seems to be random if they will try to run into you if getting too close or not. The best strategy is to head through the hallway with the washrooms, and hide in them when a zombie gets too close, then try to get to the stairs when you get a good chance to make a run for it.

On floor 3 enter the conference room to get Gluttony to run out and head to the break room, then just cut through the room to head to the stairs. This is mostly for setup on the 2nd way through. Once you reach the mouth new monsters will spawn on floors and gunners will appear blocking the paths you can take.

Floor 0 you need to go through the cafeteria and kitchen
Floor 1 you take the same path
Floor 2 you need to go through the operating rooms, then dining area, then maternity ward
Floor 3 you can take the same path. Devil Face doesn't seem to attack you as long as you keep your distance
Floor 4 is basically the same except there are two monsters with a slightly different pattern. Once you reach the 2nd last room on either of the lower hallways the monsters eat the gunners letting you enter the mouth.

After the credits you will be back in the camera room with a new door with 19 lights outside the office and you will loop through any nights you did not survive. Once you survive all 19 nights you can enter this door to learn some events about the previous hotel, and get a smaller trailer for Unsound Love. You can select any night to replay when selecting play.

Miscelaniuos achievements
Too Many Donuts!-Just eat a lot of donuts. They are next to your desk in the camera room. A dozen or so should get the achievement

The Sign-Go to floor 3 and hey the poster in the bottom left room. The one with the guy answering calls.
Expert stories-Manly Badass Hero
Check the cameras until you hear a siren. The receptionist on floor 0 will be floating. Go there and hey her, then return to the camera room. Check cameras for a bit then check floor 3 to see the janitor floating. Go there and hey them. They will fly towards you, but stop before hitting. Return to the camera room and check floors until you see the 4 patients on floor 2 floating. They will slowly fly towards you when going to hey them. It will knock you over but not kill you. You also get a preview of the monster for this story. Return to the camera room and check cameras until you see the corpse on floor -2 moving. After you hey the corpse, the hand will slowly chase you. Run from the hand to the elevator, then back to the camera room. Check cameras until you see two patients being used as puppets on floor 0. If you are going through this at the right pace, it should be when the narrator breaks the 4th wall followed by the scream.

After going to floor 0 you will start the standard escape sequence. You can take the elevator to floor 0, but be careful not to take a step back into the hand. Standard escape sequence strategies.

Floor 0-Just run to the stairs on the right
Floor 1-When getting to the end of the upper or lower hallway in the middle of the floor a hand will spawn. Double back and take the opposite hallway to reach the stairs on the left. Hug the bottom wall when taking the top hallway to avoid the elevator hand
Floor 2-Just cut through the room where the four patients were, then run through the bottom and the maternity wing to the stairs.
Floor 3-Head for the stairs on the left. When getting close, a hand will spawn to chase you. Head back to the conference room and lure the hand until you can loop around it and get to the stairs
Floor 4-Unlike other escape stories, there is nothing to end the story up here. The elevator is unblocked, so take it back to floor -1 and head to the camera room to end the story
Expert Stories-The Mason Scale
I don't believe its possible to fail this night. Just check out the weirdness you see on the cameras until you hear the elevator ding, then head to the top floor.
Expert stories-Alpha Beta Gamer
Check cameras for a bit mostly taking note of the large number of people on later floors in weird patterns. Check floor 0 to see a nurse waving you down. Hey the nurse then take them to the totally normal doctor on floor -2. Grab a cadaver for the doctor to replace the nurse's missing legs. You need to do this with three other people, but you do not need to return to the camera room to have them spawn. They spawn in this order.

-A man with no body on floor 1 in the men's changing room
-Half a woman on floor 1 in the women's shower
-The janitor just being a head on a mop on floor 3

After all three patients are fixed return to the camera room to slip in Chekhov's Puddle. We have now lost our arms, but don't worry, we can still hey without the flashlight. Elevators are also disabled now. Chase your arm down to the doctor on floor -2 who will be requesting a chainsaw. The chainsaw and all other items will be on floor 0 near we first got the nurse. You you just need to walk into the chainsaw to pick it up since we no longer have a flashlight to target our hey's. Bring this to the doctor to receive a chainsaw arm and our flashlight back. About half way back to the elevator you will lose your legs. Head back to the doctor who now wants a wheelchair. If you hit patients with your chainsaw, this will kill them and take a bit of your health, so be careful while navigating through the floors. The wheelchair is being used by a patient above where the nurse was. This is the only patient you need to kill as you can't hey the wheelchair while it is being used This will not take your health away. Bring it back to the doctor for a nice speed boost, then head back to the elevator. We have now lost our head, but don't worry, we can still hey. The doctor is now requesting a jack o lantern, which is located on a table where the nurse was. Weave through the doctors as best you can to grab it and bring it back to the doctor.

After getting your new head, your goal is to get to floor 4 while avoiding as many doctors and patients as possible. The hit boxes can be kind of weird, so be cautious when going through floor 2. I don't know if there is anything special if you can manage it with 0 casualties since I keep messing up the zig-zag at the end of floor 2. Once you reach floor 4 you will have a boss fight with your former body parts. You should be able to defeat it in two phase. Just circle around it until it runs out of ammo then chase it with the chainsaw when it goes to reload at the top ammo drops. Repeat the same dodging strategy but be aware it will now be spread shots instead of single. It will also be much faster when going for the top ammo but the health should be low enough to not matter. Defeat the monster to end the story.

A tip if you did fail and need to redo this, after getting the chainsaw you don't need to go back to the doctor before getting the other items. You can just head directly to the next item after losing the limb.

2 коментара
Boshea  [автор] 18 ноем. 2024 в 15:35 
Night 11. Put the body somewhere else before taking it to the morgue. Throw it in the toilet for example. 17 ноем. 2024 в 8:59 
Do you know how to get the shame on you achievement??