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Hunter's Guide to Tanglewood Drive
Автор: gc1ceo
An in-depth guide to 6 Tanglewood Drive, often the first map visited by players of Phasmophobia and once upon a time was the initial tutorial location and is sometimes still called "tutorial house". The guide includes location of Cursed Possessions, official hiding spots, unofficial hiding spots, and how to deal with different ghost types on this map.
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6 Tanglewood Drive is often players' first map and is officially classified as a Small map and unoffically as a Small House map. It has 11 rooms spread out between 2 floors, the First Floor and Basement.

While the map's small size often makes for quick games it can be deceptively simple as there's not much room for straight runs and incredibly easy to "back yourself into a corner" while hiding -- if the Ghost finds you in most hiding spots there isn't anywhere to run except straight through the Ghost.

  • The second smallest map (second only to Willow), and was originally the smallest map.
  • The entirety of the Basement floor is also the Basement room.
  • The Master Bedroom, Master Bathroom, and Master Closet comprise three physical spaces but are treated as one room.
  • The Foyer has two sections -- the back hallway and the front hallway leading into the living room -- with both sections being treated as one room.
  • There is only one exit door at Tanglewood, the Front Door.
  • The on-location CC camera is virtually useless since all it can see is the entrance to the location and not anything inside the location.
  • The Boys' Bedroom can be seen through a large window on the outside of the house allowing it be somewhat monitored from outside.
  • Crucifixes placed near the Garage door or Foyer may have an effect on the Ghost within their radius.
  • It's possible to monitor some of the Foyer by looking through the open front door such as watching for D.O.T.S.
Sound Sensor and Parabolic Microphone

The small size of Tanglewood has a direct effect on the Sound Sensor and Parabolic Microphone. The above screenshot shows Tier III Sound Sensors set to 5 meters which covers the size of most of the rooms, the vast majority of the Garage, and even a good portion of the Basement. If the Sound Sensor were to be set to 10 meters it would most of an entire floor or the entirety of the Basement and a Sound Sensor set to 15 meters would definitely cover the entire First Floor or Basement.

This generally means that Sound Sensors simply waste time with setup and don't usually provide any meaningful data -- unless the entire team is outside of the location and trying to actively monitor the investigation from the van. They can be useful to monitor an entire floor but since a radius can't be smaller than 5 meters its impossible to set a sensor to cover a single room.

The Tier I Parabolic Microphone works out to a range of 20 meters which would be the entirety of either the First Floor or the Basement. The range of the Tier II and III models goes out to 30 meters and the Tier III can detect sounds on other floors. The good news is that even a Tier I can cover an entire floor so you can pretty much just sit at the entrance and scan back and forth for paranormal noises. If you have a Tier III then you can scan the entirety of the location, both floors, at the same time. This is useful in trying to determine unique paranormal noises or completing the related optional objective but ghost room detection is usualy easier and faster by other means.
Cursed Possessions
There are seven different Cursed Possessions but, as of the current patch, they are in fixed locations which are unique for each Cursed Possession. The small size of Tanglewood means they are all pretty close to the only exit of the map so locating them is incredibly easy.

Haunted Mirror

The Haunted Mirror is located right outside the door to the Master Bedroom on the wall.

Monkey Paw

The Monkey Paw is located inside the hutch in the Dining Room, visible through the glass pane door.

Music Box

The Music Box is located on the wall shelf next in the Nursery visible on the left side as you enter the room.

Ouija Board

The Ouija Board is located on a small table in the Basement at the back of the room.

Summoning Circle

The Summoning Circle is located in the Basement in the vicnity of the rocking chair and freezer and should be readily visible.

Tarot Cards

The Tarot Cards are located on a small table at the back of the Living Room next to the window.

Voodoo Doll

The Voodoo Doll is located on top of a large garbage can next to the lockers in the Garage.

Official Hiding Spots
There are six official hiding spots on Tanglewood whose inclusion or removal is based on difficulty settings and number of players in team. These entirely line-of-sight between a player and the Ghost although the Ghost can still wander there randomly as it hunts down the team. They have no special immunity or protection simply the fact they were created as somewhat reliable hiding spots.


The first two are in the Foyer -- namely a closet on the back hallway and another closet between the Foyer and the Living Room. They benefit from blocking line-of-sight completely -- provided the doors are shut and the Ghost can periodically open the doors although this doesn't mean they immediately kill the players within the closet.

Boys Bedroom

There is also a closet in the Boy Bedroom which provides the same type of protection as the Foyer closets.


The Nursery provides a hiding spot against the far wall behind the Crib, supplemented by a couple of empty cardboard boxes to further block line-of-sight.


The Garage has a pair of lockers which function much like the closet however they have a "tigher fit" but otherwise completely block line-of-sight. They also have a unique opening/closing sound that sets them apart from the closets.


Lastly, the Basement has a hiding spot constructed from a number of upright plywood boards although if the Ghost comes around to the opening it may spot any hiding team members.

Unofficial Hiding Spots
There is an adage in Phasmophobia that "any spot is a hiding spot if it can block line-of-sight" and popular spots are often called unofficial hiding spots. They aren't affected by difficulty settings but may not offer the same level of protection as the official ones.

Boy Bedroom

Even if the closet is blocked you can still use the closet door to block line-of-sight except if the Ghost decides to "push past" the closet door. The far side of the desk in the bathroom can also provide some cover against line-of-sight if the Ghost doesn't go any further than the entrance to the room/

Main Bathroom

The Main Bathroom isn't usually a good place to hide but if you have no other choice there is enough room to fit behind the door when it is fully open -- however it will only be effective if the Ghost doesn't fully enter the room.


The changing station in the Nursery affords some level of protection, provided the Ghost doesn't go past the entrance to the room.


The counter island in the middle of the room has a number of uses and one of them is as an unofficial hiding spot. If the player is crouching it'll completely block line-of-sight from the Living Room, half of the Kitchen, and some of the DIning Room.

Dining Room

The dining room table and dresser both provide some protection and block line-of-sight to some extent although the room is far from ideal from being used as a hiding spot.


There is some protection behind some of the storage racks in the basement although if the Ghost wanders towards the back of the room then that limited protection is lost.


Lastly the Garage has a number of unofficial hiding spots starting with the minivan which fully blocks line-of-sight from the opposing side. There is a bit of space behind the lockers that can also block line-of-sight from a Ghost at the room entrance. Lastly there is some space behind the tool chest and gas canister which does the same.

Looping Locations
A common technique during a Hunt, especially against the Deogen and Hantu, is to loop the Ghost around an object where it can't reach the player and has to path around it. The player can take advantage of the Ghost's response times and the distance to loop it back and forth around the object until the Hunt ends or the player is in a better position to get away.

Dining Room

While not the most effective looping spot, the table in the Dining Room can be used for looping or as a secondary loop in concert with the counter island in the Kitchen.


The counter island is the primary looping spot at Tanglewood with its height allowing it to function as an unofficial hiding spot and its oblong shape allowing players to change speed and direction with greater ease while still maintaining complete visibility of the Ghost.


Lastly the minivan in the Garage can function as a great looping spot with its height sometimes being a help or hinderance to the player as neither Ghost nor player can have line-of-sight with the opposing side of the minivan.

Strategy and Tips
The small size of Tanglewood has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  • You don't have much room to maneuver in most rooms with exceptions for the Kitchen, Dining Room, and Garage since you can loop Ghosts around objects and escape. If the Ghost finds your hiding spot in the other rooms you are dead unless you can smudge and get away!
  • The Ghost has plenty of time to reach any room of the location during most Hunts -- an exception might be for normal hunts on Amateur or Intermediate. You simply can't be "too far" from the Ghost like on other maps.
  • The exit door slamming shut and locking can heard from any room -- there might be some trouble hearing it from the Garage while the car alarm is blaring or from the Basement -- but you generally have no excuse for not realizing a Hunt has started.
  • Incense has a range of 3, 5, or 6 meters depending on the tier so it's easy to smudge a Ghost from a relatively considerable distance. You can often smudge the Ghost without leaving the relative safety of your hiding spot and help other teammates get away!
Easter Eggs
Tanglewood has one unique easter egg which is a potato located in the kitchen counter island that makes noises when moves -- a shoutout from the developers to PsychoHyponotic, more recently just known as Psycho. He is one of the most popular and earliest streamers of Phasmophobia who has played extensively with the game developers.

Despite early reports and hearsay to the contrary the potato has no actual effect on the investigation.

6 Tanglewood Drive is the oldest Phasmophobia map, one of the most played, and often the first map that familiarizes players with Phasmophobia. While oft-regarded as the easiest map it has a number of deceptive disadvantages that give it its own unique challenge. I hope this guide helped you with improving your games on what was once affectionately known as "tutorial house".
“6 Tanglewood Drive.”,

“6 Tanglewood Drive.” Phasmophobia Wiki,

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MAGA 31 груд. 2024 о 9:37