Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

49 arvostelua
Mauerbrunnen Invalidenpark BER (animated fountain)
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28.10.2024 klo 10.31
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Mauerbrunnen Invalidenpark BER (animated fountain)

Mauerbrunnen Invalidenpark BER (animated fountain) by SvenBerlin

This is the Mauerbrunnen located in Berlin in the Invalidenpark.

plot size 7x11

The so called "sunken wall", a fountain in the Invalidenpark in Berlin-Mitte. It is also called "Mauerbrunnen" ("wall fountain") or "Invalidenbrunnen" and was designed by Christoph Girot. It was built in 1997. ( wikipedia)

Thank you very much Yosh for these nice screenshots. Love them.

7 kommenttia
SvenBerlin  [tekijä] 29.10.2024 klo 13.46 
On top a graffiti welcomes you.😂
AmiPolizeiFunk 29.10.2024 klo 13.24 
BUT you can go up :)
SvenBerlin  [tekijä] 29.10.2024 klo 12.41 
Da hast du Recht. Leider wird es nicht gut gepflegt. Viel Unkraut usw.
Allyss 29.10.2024 klo 12.39 
Nicht gerade meine Lieblingsecke in Berlin, und doch inGame ein hinGucker...danke und ganz viel Liebe für dieses und alle anderen Assets von Dir!
AmiPolizeiFunk 29.10.2024 klo 12.01 
I effin LOVE this :chirp::hardhat::highlvl::steamthis::steamthumbsup::tga_trophy:
SvenBerlin  [tekijä] 29.10.2024 klo 5.54 
Yes he is. Always perfect!
TobbySkylines 29.10.2024 klo 5.45 
and Yosh always the master of the screenshots :steamthumbsup: